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诏书 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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After the "Sep.18",in order to strengthen its colonial rule in the northeast of China,besides the ways of Fascism rule,economic rein ,military suppression,the Japanese Military took the policy of deceiving the state,"the unity of Japan and Manchuria",and "PuYi's Imperial Edict"to benumb the mind of northeast people,and made the conscience of the nation vanished.


This bull stated that there was to be no difference between the spiritual rewards of the different crusaders.


Edict of 33 centimeters wide, the longest of 500 cm, the shortest about 300 cm.


Approving of the Saxons' plan, Eugenius issued a papal bull known as the Divina dispensatione on 13 April.


By Patritius the Deacon the Deacon.To Neo, Bishop of Ravenna.To Rusticus, Bishop of Gallia Narbonensis, with the replies to his Questions on various points.


The emperor issued in edict in 565 making the "incorruptibility" an obligatory doctrine, in spite of the fact that Julian had been anathematized by a council of Constantinople in 536, at which date he had probably been dead for some years.


Zhao Shu request is not only the father of alcohol Prince Regent Wang Feng are accompanied by Puyi participate in this long, horrible, no 3-year-old child is difficult to understand the etiquette.


The end of World War II, the Japanese emperor in "the end of the war rescript" Japan also known as "Divine", but Japan and China is obviously the two.


Rescript read "is located in the four sub-Chuan Yin Zhen."


Pope Innocent XI testified his displeasure by the Rescript of 11 April, 1682, in which he voided and annulled all that the assembly had done in regard to the regale, as well as all the consequences of that action; he also refused Bulls to all members of the assembly who were proposed for vacant bishoprics.


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Boniface VIII:波尼法爵八世

最右端的大门就是在圣年才开启的圣门,上方左侧的铭文记录了波尼法爵八世(Boniface VIII)于1300年宣布首次圣年的诏书. 在大殿中门内顶方可看到著名的"伯多禄小船"(Navicella),这幅镶嵌画原是乔托所作,曾安置在旧大殿的四边形柱廊庭院(quadriportico)中,

dictionary dictum:格言

diction 用字遣词,词藻,语法 | dictionary dictum 格言 | edict 诏书,敕令


dictum 格言 | edict 诏书,敕令 | indicate 显示

Perpetual Edict:永久的诏书

perestroika 新思维 | Perpetual Edict 永久的诏书 | Perry, Matthew, Commodore 培理






praetor 执政官 | praetorian 执政官 | pragmatic sanction 国事诏书

pragmatic sanction:国事诏书

practical statesmanship 经世致用 | Pragmatic Sanction 国事诏书 | pragmatism 实用主义 / 务实主义

Edicts of Milan:米兰诏书

米欧维安桥 Milvian Bridge | 米兰诏书 Edicts of Milan | 老詹姆士 Henry James

issue proclamations:(这里指)颁发诏书

conduct one's business 处理政务 | issue proclamations ( 这里指 ) 颁发诏书 | behead 斩首