英语人>词典>汉英 : 诊音 的英文翻译,例句
诊音 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rhonchus  ·  rhonchi

更多网络例句与诊音相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Auscultate breath sounds over intercostal spaces, moving stethoscope systematically from apex of lung down to lower lobes.


C. Chest. Auscultation of the lungs for wheezes and crackles may indicate asthma or heart failure.

C。 胸部。肺部听诊有哮鸣音和湿罗音提示哮喘或心衰。

I was afraid to go to the hospital will be cross-infection, so he bought a stethoscope, and then for one taught me to distinguish Doctor acquaintances, auscultation, so now, baby If I cough, so long as I have heard no rale, I will not take him to the hospital.


Examine system: T37 ℃, P76 second / cent, Bp115/75mmHg, painful countenance, dehisce breathes, lip small dark purple, bosom is full, left breath is moved degree reach left lung breathing sound is abate, percussion is left next lung show bosomy sound, left thorax can be heard reach bowel to cry sound, abdomen is even, did not see gastric bowel exterior, left go up abdominal muscle is close, tenderness, without bounce painful, bowel cries phonic hyperfunction.


Right now the nurse answers with gentle language, patient manner sucks phlegmy necessity and importance to patient and family member specification, and the serious consequence that rejects to suck phlegmy likelihood to bring about, and signal patient and gentleness of movement of family member operation, at the same time directive and sober patient cooperates to may decrease those who suck phlegmy place to bring is unwell, cooperate in order to obtain what the patient reachs a household. Whether do the 5 distances that check tracheal spile to be apart from fore-tooth have fluctuant reach auscultation sound of double lung breath is symmetrical. Sound of breath of 6 auscultation double lung, in order to judge the place of phlegmy fluid. The 7 patients as a result of tracheal spile, what aeriform exchange does not pass nose pharynx ministry is wet change, make inside tracheal spile drier, reason should time do pulverization inspiratory 2 / D~4 second / D, arrive in order to rise the wet path that spend energy of life, avoid the end with phlegmy scabby fluid.


Lung auscultation may detect rales, rhonchi or wheezes; valuable clues to such illnesses as pneumonia, asthma or congestive heart failure.


Lung auscultation may detect rales, rhonchi or wheeze valuable clues to such illne es as eumonia, asthma or congestive heart failure.


The right lower posterior chest showed dullness on percussion with moist rales at the end of inspiration on auscultation.


The right lower posterior chest showed dullness on percussion with moist rales at the end of inspiration on auscultation.


On examination, coarse crepitations may be areas of consolidation with dullness to percussion, increased vocal resonance and bronchial breathing.


更多网络解释与诊音相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


4.浊音(dullness) 是一种音调较高、音响较弱、振动持续时间较短的非乐性叩诊音. 当叩击被少量含气组织覆盖的实质脏器时产生. 除音响外,板指所感到的振动亦弱. 如叩击心或肝被肺的边缘所覆盖的部分,或在病理状态下如肺炎(肺组织含气量减少)所表现的叩诊音.


位产生的反响.清音(resonance) 正常肺部的叩诊音 振动持续时间较长 非乐音浊音(dullness) 音调较高 音响较弱 振动持续时间较短 非乐音鼓音(tympany) 似击鼓声 乐音和谐 音响比清音更强实音(flatness) 音调较浊音高 音响更弱 非乐音过清音(hyperresonance) 介于鼓音与清音之间 音调较清 音低 音响较清音高 一种类乐性音 见于


若空洞巨大,位置表 浅且腔壁光滑或张力性气胸的患者,叩诊时局部虽呈鼓音,但因具有金属性回响,故又称 为空瓮音(amphorophony). 当肺泡壁松弛,肺泡含气量减少的情况下,如肺不张,肺炎充血期或消散期和肺水肿 等,

hyperresonant note:强反响性音

hyperquantivalent idea 超价观念 | hyperresonant note 强反响性音 | hyperresonant percussion note 强反响性叩音,过强反响性叩诊音

hyperresonant percussion note:强反响性叩音,过强反响性叩诊音

hyperresonant note 强反响性音 | hyperresonant percussion note 强反响性叩音,过强反响性叩诊音 | hypersaline fluid 超盐度流体


laryngophone 喉头送话器 | laryngophony 喉听诊音 | laryngoplegia 喉麻痹


lithomyl 膀胱碎石器 | lithophone 听石探杆,诊石听音器 | lithoplaxy 碎石术


\\"叩诊音\\",\\"sound,percussion\\" | \\"重覆音\\",\\"sound,reduplicated\\" | \\"击水音,拍水音\\",\\"sound,splashing\\"


颈静脉塌陷胸部:胸廓无明显畸形,扣诊与触诊检查皆无异常发现,听诊时发现两侧胸部下肺叶有明显的粗糙罗音(coarse crackles)与鼾音(rhonchi),心脏听诊无异常发现四肢:无杵状指(clubbing fingers)或发绀(cyanosis)现象,


rhombus 菱形 | rhonchi 诊音 | rhonchus 鼻音