英语人>词典>汉英 : 证实...的可靠性 的英文翻译,例句
证实...的可靠性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与证实...的可靠性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results of simulation under different current, arc length and capacity of airstream show that the trends of change are in good agreement with arc theory. This can be considered a proof of exactness in the simulation.

对改 变电流、弧长和气流量对电弧各物理特性影响的模拟结果表明,其变化趋势与电弧理论基本吻合,同时也证实了该模拟的可靠性。

The results of comparison of analogue model measurements and numerical calculations indicate very good agreement, arid confirm the validity of the analogue method for studying complex two-and three-dimensional induction problems.


This article researched on the reliability of high power LED from the view point of chroma.


The calculated results coincide well with the model experiment, which assure the exaction of FEA model.


Various electric machine models are meshed successfully to demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of the methods.

这 2种网格生成方法已成功地用于多种电机模型的网格划分,证实了该方法的可靠性与有效性

The proposed model is proved to be reliable and the NOx emission in HTAC can be lower.


Furthermore, a strategy of precise orbit determination for lunar satellites is presented, which combines analytical and numerical methods. It is assessed to be reliable and practical.


Objective To confirm the reliability and feasi bility of measuring anterior tilt angle of the acetabular cup from plain anteroposterior radiograph s.

目的 证实Riten Pradhan提出的髋臼杯前倾角测量方法的可靠性和可行性。

The further calculations of ionic molecular dimmers such as 〓,〓,〓 and 〓 show the reliability of the direct additive approach.


Gene annotation shows that several auxin-signaling components, transporters and stress-related genes are significantly overrepresented in the rice stigma gene set.


更多网络解释与证实...的可靠性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1908年,J.B.佩兰(Perrin)和他的合作者通过用显微镜观察藤黄树脂微粒的布朗运动,证实了分子的实在性. 庞加莱面对这一事实,坦率地承认:"长期存在的原子假设已具有充分的可靠性","化学家的原子现在已经是一种实在了". 早在1900年之前,