英语人>词典>汉英 : 设计标准手册 的英文翻译,例句
设计标准手册 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

design standards manual
更多网络例句与设计标准手册相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Other suggestions were made as followed:(1) Resource teachers should provide assessment service to regular students, and help handling students without the certificate of disability, but needed special attention;(2) Resource teachers should provide exceptional students more classes and coordinate with regular teachers in arranging class schedule;(3) When designing curriculum, resource teachers should consider students' abilities and the continuity of the curriculum;(4) Resource teachers should provide standard of scoring and students' scores to regular teachers, and also provide exceptional students supportive services during the exam;(5) Resource teachers should provide mainstreaming guideline for regular teachers and students, and also post-mainstreaming services as well;(6) Resource teachers should connect with regular teachers more often and actively to discuss the situation of the students, also provide assistance and counseling strategies to regular teachers when needed, in order to solve the problem of students with disabilities in regular classes;(7) Regular teachers felt positive regarding the services provided by resource teachers.

四、 开放性意见归纳如下:希望资源班教师为普通班学生进行鉴定服务,并服务未持有身心障碍手册的学生;能提供学生较多授课时数,排课时与导师或科任教师协调;依照学生能力设计课程,注意课程衔接问题;提供评分标准、学生成绩及考场支持服务;提供回归标准及回归学生的后续支持服务;主动与导师沟通,讨论学生状况,并能提供普通班教师适时协助及辅导策略,解决身心障碍学生在普通班的问题;普通班教师肯定资源班教师提供的支持服务。研究者根据研究结果提出建议,作为资源班教师、普通班教师、行政单位及未来研究之参考。

The lamps of Poul Henningsen, the 'Fun DM' collection by Verner Panton and the 'Folie' light from Ingo Maurer were touchstones for the design in question.

汉宁森设计的P H 松果灯; Verner Panton收集的有趣设计手册和 Ingo Maurer的Folie灯,这些都是在设计考量中的参考标准。

Besides, we are going to search and collect the programs and libraries that can provide the modular arithmetic functions. We expect, in the next two years, to achieve our goal of completing the standards' software and issuing a referential handbook of design specifications.


更多网络解释与设计标准手册相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


至于,台北市捷运系统(TRTS)之防水标准,依其土木工程设计手册(CEDM, Rev.9)之规定,区分为A、B及C三个等级,如表二所示;另依其标准规范(S.T.S/S.S)以及地下结构防水章节等之规定,对各结构单元之防水标准、添加剂(Admixture)之使用亦均有详尽的说明[7,

Bubble bath:<美>泡沫浴,泡沫剂

DSM Design Standards Manual 设计标准手册 | bubble bath 泡沫浴,泡沫剂 | bobtailed aircraft 无尾翼航空器 无尾飞机

Dsl Diesel:柴油车

Dsl Diesel 柴油 | Dsl Diesel 柴油车 | DSM Design Standards Manual 设计标准手册

Dsl Diesel:柴油, 柴油车

DSCC Digital Spark Control Computer 数字式点火控制计算机 | Dsl Diesel 柴油, 柴油车 | DSM Design Standards Manual 设计标准手册

Quality manual:质量手册

2、质量控制措施 公司制定>(Quality Manual)并对研发、生产各过程进行严格 的规定和控制. 研发中心经理需在产品开发设计前进行相关的开发评估及介绍, 以使研发人员清楚所开发产品的目标、标准及相关注意事项.

Define and Write SOPs:定义和标准操作手册的编写

安全系统设计和创建 Security Design and Setup | 定义和标准操作手册的编写 Define and Write SOPs | Datastream成功实施的保证