- 更多网络例句与设立者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
As i said the club is new and it will be establish in 3 nations (South Africa,Nigeria and Russia),and the headquarter of the club will be located in Russia....and already i have just appointed a New Zealand Coach to head the softball section of the club center in Russia....i have a house in Moscow,Russia that is why i am keeping the headquarter there.the name of the club is ''Beckley sport club'' including football and softball and we just purchase a mini-stadium that has all the football and softball equipment and also a very good big boarding house to keep the players,also players can get their house outside if they wish.
There is an establishing shot to set up relationship of actors followed by mix of one and two shots to retain audience interest and emphasize the dialogure.
有一个建立杆设立者之间的关系之后,混合1和两杆,以留住观众的兴趣,并强调dialogure 。
If you have a small business with employees, are set up as an S-corp, or have a spouse who works in the business with you, you should set up an HRA.
The second includes part of the first and their scission is thereafter marked by the break between signifier and signified.
President Abraham Lincoln's an honoree, too, and not for his legendary woodchopping( woodchopper的变形:劈柴者,伐木者,砍柴人,樵夫) skills.
By reading every bit of information you can find on the funder, you will see recurring topics and themes.
As we have explained in detail in our other books, you must meet the funder's agenda to receive an award.
Methods Two towns with more DALs were selected as pilot areas to set up a station for CBR in township hospital respectively. Under the leadership of governments on local county and township levels and using the health resources of township hospital recovery service was offered freely to DALs periodically. Certainly, the DALs were willing to participate the program, the township hospital and doctors offered service should be paid by local county health bureau.
The Watchers were created specifically and exclusively to be Illidan's jailors, but as further threats came up, Tyrande broadened the Watchers' role to include guarding other prisoners.
Firstly,a reform should start from the updating of ideas.New ideas such as " respection of self-decision of the disabled","maintaining a normal life of the disabled",and "the adult guardianship systems must concetrate on the human rights of disbled" should be established.The system should pay attention to the existing source of ability of the disabled,and there should be flexible regulations concerning the particular needs of the disabled.Secondly,on the procedures of legislation, the adult guardianship systems should be added in the "Family"part of sub-regulations.Thirdly,the content of adult guardianship should include :(1)The broadening of its application ,(2)The establishment of voluntary guardianship and the improvement in nominating a guardian.(3)Different levels of guardians should be nominated in accordance with the capacity of the subjects,(4)Supervision system over the guardians should be established for restriction.(5)There should be concrete regulations on the content of a guardianship to stipulate the rights and obligations of a guardian.
- 更多网络解释与设立者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
我们有望通过两种一般类型的强制(constraint)来减弱专断性,也就是用来强迫像国家这样一个有权有势的行动者遵循直接相关的利益和思想观念. 第一种是强制设立行动的前提条件,以使基于局部利益的干涉变得极为困难. 比如说,
erective:直立的; 竖起的; 易直立的
erection 竖立,建立 | erective 直立的; 竖起的; 易直立的 | erector 建立者,设立者; 安装工,装配工;
erectly /直立地/笔直地/ | erectness /直立/ | erector /建设者/设立者/勃起者/
substitutor 替手,替身 | institutor设立者,制定者 | survivor幸存者,逃生者
institutor:设立者; 创立者; 制定者 (名)
institutional 制度的, 学会的, 公共团体的 (形) | institutor 设立者; 创立者; 制定者 (名) | instruct 教; 命令; 教导 (动)
RCM考级所设级别从入门级(Introductory)开始,继而一至十(Grade1-Grade 10)级,直到表演证书、教师证书. 当你通过教师级别证书考试的时候,意味着你可以从事相应科目的教学,所以,它不是专为业余学琴者而设立的考试,而是一个音乐考试体系.
"营办者"(operator) 指其业务的全部或部分包括营办任何进修计划或进修计划的任何"覆检委员会"(review committee) 指评审当局或资历名册当局根据第10(1) 条设立的委(6) 就本条而言,"发表"(publish) 包括广播或以其他
defender closes in:防守关门
因为防守方没有练习这些因应技巧,例如交换防守(switching)或者由前硬挤跨过防守(over the top)、由设立掩护者中间穿出防守(slide through)、防守关门(defender closes in)、甚至做障碍缓冲(show or hedge)固守禁区之障碍还原(show and recover)等技巧,
[36] "传福音者的工作,"优西比乌(Eusebius)说道,"乃是这样:他们在那些野蛮民族中建立信仰的根基;为他们设立牧师;并致力于使他们学会种植新作物;随后,他们便来到其他国家或民族中".