英语人>词典>汉英 : 记数学 的英文翻译,例句
记数学 的英文翻译、例句


numeration system
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Departing from basic concepts of cardinal numbers and their numbering orders, the paper differentiated and analyzed some concepts easy to be confused related to binary system, pointing out that the introduced concepts of ordinals played an important role in the development of modern mathematics.


Departing from basic concepts of cardinal numbers and their numbering orders, the paper differentiated and analyzed some concepts easy to be confused related to binary system, pointing out that the introduced concepts of ordinals played an important role in the development of modern mathematics. As the foundation of SHAO Yong's mathematics, the primordial Yi , in the history of mathematics, exhibits the first specially defined ordinal system, in which the binary numbering method was used at the first time.


Departing from basic concepts of cardinal numbers and their numbering orders, the paper differentiated and analyzed some concepts easy to be confused related to binary system, pointing out that the introduced concepts of ordinals played an important role in the development of modern mathematics. As the foundation of SHAO Yongs mathematics, the primordial Yi, in the history of mathematics, exhibits the first specially defined ordinal system, in which the binary numbering method was used at the first time.


O9Z6J?Kd Abstract: Departing from basic concepts of cardinal numbers and their numbering orders, the paper differentiated and analyzed some concepts easy to be confused related to binary system, pointing out that the introduced concepts of ordinals played an important role in the development of modern mathematics.


Results and conclusion: the mathematics mechanism theory of Nervous system about their basic data and interconnection may be expressed by the neural information encoding formulation: x1=m1a/b and y1=n1c/d、x2=m2b/a and y2=n2d/c The neural information encoding formulation have novenary and undecimal and many other scales. All Periphery Nervous- Cerebral Cortex- Sympathetic Nervous have obvious and invisible encoding data in 2 kinds: yin and yang ,2kinds:ambulatory and static state, 3 grades: Max Med and Min. they all exist in obvious or invisible type. Just like a cogwheel system and there is a inter-meory function among the data.

结果与结论:神经系统基本数据及其相互关系的数学机制可用神经信息编码计算公式:x1=m1a/b与y1=n1c/d、x2= m2b/a与y2=n2d/c表达;神经信息编码计算有9与11等多种进位制;周围神经-大脑皮质-交感神经皆以隐性或显性型式存在阴阳两种静动两类大中小三级编组数据,犹如齿轮系统,数据之间起着互记功能;45对周围神经-54对大脑皮质分区-15对交感神经、脊神经前根与后根神经小束数之比3/5等神经系统基本数据皆是由数学计算机制决定形成。

All textbooks are non-fiction such as history, geography, mathematics and science.


Still, I remember glimpsing patterns in mathematics that seemed as bold and beautiful as a skyful of stars.


Like so many others in my cohort, I internalized its view that if I couldn't formulate a problem in economic theory mathematically, I didn't know what I was doing.


All the discoverers of Mersenne primes have their names permanently etched in 'stone', and although no one will remember most of their names from memory, they will still be there in the list, flagstones on the never ending path of mathematical discovery.


Children with dyscalculia may not remember the correct order of operations to follow in solving math problems.


更多网络解释与记数学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cosine formula:余弦公式

而考生较常记错的公式是希罗公式(Heron's Formula)及余弦公式(Cosine Formula). 数学公式繁多,又有很多相类的地方,考生很易混淆,朱镜江建议考生平日多做数学练习,将公式内化,便可自然地应用,「像踩单车一样,只要多练习,便懂得踩」.

decimal system:十进位制

中国是世界最早采用十进位制(decimal system)的国家,在世界数学史上具有极其重要的地位. 出土的殷商甲骨文中已经有一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十和百、千、万等字的合文来记数,最大的记数有二万多,记录了战争中歼敌、俘虏人数,以及牛羊头数.

ordered pair:有序数对

有了规定的顺序之后,一组数对就能定位置了,这就是我们这节课要研究的--有序数对 师:板书课题:6.1.1有序数对 师:数学当中把这种有顺序的两个数a与b组成的数对,叫做有序数对(ordered pair)记作(a,b).

t distribution:分布

称为非参数推断(Non-parameter deduce)对样本加工,主要就是构造统计量. 用数学的语言说,所谓统计量(Statistic)是一个不含未知参数的样本的已知函数. 设样本为,则统计量通常记为服从自由度为n的t分布(t distribution),又称学生氏(Student)分布,记成.

You're welcome:不客气

儿子,你急死妈妈了,明天就要考英语了,可你课本上的单词与口语都记不下噢,一句"不客气"(YOU'RE WELCOME)妈妈给你教了一周,你还是记不住,妈妈好着急噢. 你数学与语文学得那么棒,为什么英语学起来如此吃力呢?是不是男孩子学语言类比较弱一点?