英语人>词典>汉英 : 让利 的英文翻译,例句
让利 的英文翻译、例句


transfer of profits · interest concessions
更多网络例句与让利相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We sell all products in lowest price for thanks for the support of new and old customers and also for accelerate the capital turnover.


Second, dealers profit space is getting smaller and smaller, the form of concessionary let fewer and fewer, replaced by quality of service together on the high.


In the dining-room, a long and superb gallery which was situated on the ground-floor and opened on the gardens, M. Henri Puget had entertained in state, on July 29, 1714, My Lords Charles Brulart de Genlis, archbishop; Prince d'Embrun; Antoine de Mesgrigny, the capuchin, Bishop of Grasse; Philippe de Vendome, Grand Prior of France, Abbe of Saint Honore de Lerins; Francois de Berton de Crillon, bishop, Baron de Vence; Cesar de Sabran de Forcalquier, bishop, Seignor of Glandeve; and Jean Soanen, Priest of the Oratory, preacher in ordinary to the king, bishop, Seignor of Senez.


McDonald's,the largest fast food restaurant chain in the world,announced in Beijing that 40 percent of its products in China will be carried out a one-year long term cut-price sales promotion.


This article demonstratively analyzes the effects of main reforms of state-owned enterprises from market competition, granting autonomy- and sharing profits as well as establishment of modern enterprise system.


Although the above theories hold divarication in many aspects, they have come to a common understanding on the efficiency of private property right and state-run property right, namely the latter is less efficient than the former.


Policies intended to alleviate the problem of inadequate capacity in Inner Mongolia Power Grid, through to let electricity companies, and promote the stable development of the local economy.


Madame de Genlis was superstitious and a Latinist.


Madame de Genlis was superstitious a Latinist.


Firstly, the state-owned enterprises must go out the shadow of the planned economy, refigure the market environment and redefine the concept of the market.


更多网络解释与让利相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


急于让利文驶入星途快道的凯安排他参与本公司客户海岸(Coastal)公司收购经营天然气管道的美国自然资源公司(简称ANR公司)的计划. 在这起拟议收购案中,德莱克赛尔.伯恩汉姆.兰伯特公司担任海岸公司的代理,

decentralization principle:分散原则

decentralization of power and transfer of profits 放权让利 | decentralization principle 分散原则 | decentralize power on minor issues 小权分散

promotional allowance:促销让利

Product strategy: 产品战略 | Promotional allowance: 促销让利 | Quality control: 质量控制

make a concession to:对... 实行让利优惠

a fully refundable, flexible ticket 可任意退还的机票 | make a concession to... 对... 实行让利优惠 | a consolidation in the sector 业内联合兼并