英语人>词典>汉英 : 认知 的英文翻译,例句
认知 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
perceive  ·  perceiving  ·  cognize  ·  perceived  ·  cognized  ·  cognizing  ·  perceives  ·  cognizes  ·  jnana

更多网络例句与认知相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results from confirmatory factor analysis indicated:(1) The structural model of children's early mathematical ability was reasonable and it had good structural validity. In detail, children's early mathematical ability was explained by number, arithmetic, measurement, space/geometry and pattern;(2) The structure of children b early mathematical ability was stable across different ages but the structural model was not consistent completely;(3) Boys' structural model was identical with that of girls'.


In recent years the research of cognitive style is to analyze and study as a whole. As far as the different cognitive style theories are concerned, its immanent configurational characteristics have been analyzed and investigated : 1. Grigorenko andSternberg(1995) categorized the cognitive styles from three aspects--cognition, personality, activity.


A series of studies suggested that metacognition plays a important role in concept formation, deductive reasoning and resolving insight problem, and a series of contradistinctive experiments about training of strategies and metacognition in process of learning, confirmed the feasibility and essentiality of training of metacognition.


Positive self conscious emotion cognition develops fast from grade 2 to grade 4. Passive self conscious emotion cognition develops slower than the positive one.5 Primary school children"s knowledge about the reason of emotion and knowledge about behaviors of emotion develop fast with the age increased at primary school period.6 Pupils" emotion cognition to the emotion expresser is better than that to the emotion recipient apparently.

积极自我意识情绪认知在2~4年级间有明显发展,发生了"能与不能"质的转变;消极自我意识情绪的认知发展慢于积极自我意识情绪的认知。5 对情绪原因和情绪行为的认知在年级间差异显著,说明其在小学阶段有明显发展。6 对情绪表现者的情绪认知明显好于对情绪接受者的情绪认知

With the proceeding of modern cognitive psychology and implicit memory, there"s a intergradation between social psychology and cognitive psychology, a new subject named implicit social cognition is then set up. It emphasizes the process of social cognition and mental processing in social context. As the importance of attitude in social cognition, the study of implicit attitude is currently the necessary issue to be resolved.There"re two sections in this dissertation.


Here are three core contents of such framework:(1) cognitive process is reflected by the temporal, frequency, and spatial evolutions of EEG signals;(2) cognitive process is reflected by different nonlinear oscillations and transients of EEG signals;(3) cognitive process is reflected by the linear/nonlinear coupling and synchronization of EEG signals at different brain regions.


Hence, based on cognitive load theory, cognitive theory of multimedia learning, and existing research results, this dissertation investigated the instruction design for managing extraneous, intrinsic and germane cognitive load, as well as the moderate influences of material character and learners\' individual differences. According to existing and current research results, the author integrated the forementioned two theories and advanced an engender and outcome model of cognitive load in multimedia learning.


The Joint Laboratories for Language and Cognitive Neuroscience is primarily dedicated to education and research in language and cognitive neuroscience including cognitive and brain processing of the Chinese language, brain science and cognitive development, cognitive processes and neuroanatomical mechanisms, brain mechanisms for language cognition and language learning.


People accumulate the disciplinarian knowledge and use them to social practice. The process of application will make social economic movement deviate from the original track, which will force people to study to form new cognition. The new cognition will be used to people's practice again, which will make social economic movement deviate from the new formed track again…The process of forming new cognition and then disavowing it only accounts for one thing that people's cognition is time and space restricted, onesided and uncompleted.


In entire process of learning of cognitive strategy, the student has been through the self-examination, the strategy trial, the migration and a series of consolidations of cognitive strategy to mast the cognitive strategy.


更多网络解释与认知相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cognitive anxiety:认知性焦虑

cognitive ability 认知能力 | cognitive anxiety 认知性焦虑 | cognitive appraisal 认知评价

cognitive behavior therapy:认知行为治疗法

cognitive behavior modification 认知行为改变术 | cognitive behavior therapy 认知行为治疗法 | cognitive capability 认知潜能

cognitive map:认知图

并且成功地在其间行进.环境认知主要是指环境之心理表徵的形成(认知绘图能力)和在其间找路(探路).大部份的研究者认为我们是利用视觉记忆编码来完成这些工作.一般而言,我们对环境越熟悉,认知图(cognitive map)就越详尽.多数认知图是关於城市的认知.过去的研究已经肯定Kevin Lynch (1960)提出来的五种向度,

cognitively:认知地, 领悟地 (副)

cognitive dissonance 认知失调, 认知不一致; 内心冲突 | cognitively 认知地, 领悟地 (副) | cognizable 可认知的; 审判权限内的 (形)

cognitively reflective:认知反省的

Cognitive Vocational Maturity Test 认知职业成熟度测验 | cognitively impulsive 认知冲动的 | cognitively reflective 认知反省的

cognitive consonance:认知协调 认知协调

cognitive consistency theory 认知一致论 | cognitive consonance认知协调 认知协调 | cognitive contiquity 认知接近

cognitive dissonance:认知失调

心理学家费斯汀格(Leon Festinger)称之为"认知失调"(cognitive dissonance). "认知失调"理论认为,当个体知觉有两个认知彼此不能调和一致时,往往倾向于改变认知之一,迁就另一认知. 最可能被改变的是缺乏吸引力的那个认知.

Gestalt Psychology Today:所谓"格式塔"认知模式,这一认知理论在当代认知科学兴起后重新受到重视

22 The mathematical Meaning of Meaning 从认知科... | 23 Gestalt Psychology Today 所谓"格式塔"认知模式,这一认知理论在当代认知科学兴起后重新受到重视. | 24 The classical Conception of Rationality 报告重点...

cognitive pragmatics:认知语用学

认知语用学(cognitive pragmatics)这一术语正式出现于二十世纪80年代中后期. 语言学家、哲学家、心理学家等越来越关注语言使用中的认知问题,其中很多学者所从事的研究属于认知语用学(Kasher 1988:xiii),其实认知语用研究早在70年代中期就开始了.

perceived value:认知价值

此处的认知报酬与净认知报酬等同于Zeithaml(1988)定义的认知利益(Perceived Benefit)与认知价值(Perceived Value). 关于"风险"这个词的来源,有好几种不同的说法. 吉登斯(Anthony Giddens)对此曾经做过解释[1]:风险概念"看来最初是在两个背景下出现的:它起源于探险家们前往前所未知的地区的时候,