英语人>词典>汉英 : 讣闻 的英文翻译,例句
讣闻 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
necrology  ·  necrologies

announcement of a death
更多网络例句与讣闻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For those who have not seen Jerald's obituary it can be found online at: In Memoriam: Jerald Tanner.


Life, as every biography and obit I have ever read confirms, is what happens when you are making other plans.


I mean, that would make an amazing obituary photo.


"One thing I wanted to tell you, princess," said Rostov,"that is, that if Prince Andrey Nikolaevitch were not living, since he is a colonel, it would be announced immediately in the gazettes."


Alice: People's obituaries are written while they're still alive?


Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to reading the obituaries.


Well, if someone important died, we go to the "deep freeze" which is a computer file with all the obituaries, and we find the dead person's life.


With all the obituaries, and we find the dead person's life.


Helen: Don't knock the obits -- the nicest part of the paper.


更多网络解释与讣闻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

public notice:公告

obituary notice 讣闻 | public notice 公告 | advertisement 广告

public notice:公告zvr中国学习动力网

obituary notice 讣闻zvr中国学习动力网 | public notice 公告zvr中国学习动力网 | advertisement 广告zvr中国学习动力网

public notice:公告 Fsy中国英语学习网

obituary notice 讣闻 Fsy中国英语学习网 | public notice 公告 Fsy中国英语学习网 | advertisement 广告 Fsy中国英语学习网

obituary notice:讣闻

serial story 新闻小说 | obituary notice 讣闻 | public notice 公告

obituary notice:讣闻zvr中国学习动力网

serial story 新闻小说zvr中国学习动力网 | obituary notice 讣闻zvr中国学习动力网 | public notice 公告zvr中国学习动力网

obituary notice:讣闻 Fsy中国英语学习网

serial story 新闻小说 Fsy中国英语学习网 | obituary notice 讣闻 Fsy中国英语学习网 | public notice 公告 Fsy中国英语学习网


obi /宽腰带/ | obiit /卒/逝世/ | obituarese /讣闻的语调/象哀悼文章般的颂扬/


obituarese 讣闻的语调 | obituarist 写死亡新闻或略传的记者 | obituary 死亡报导



obituary column:报上的讣闻栏

decaf 低咖啡因的咖啡 | obituary column 报上的讣闻栏 | uptight 心情焦躁不安的