英语人>词典>汉英 : 订定 的英文翻译,例句
订定 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
target  ·  targeted  ·  targets

更多网络例句与订定相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When setting out terms on its one-for-two share issue last week, Imperial set the cut-off date for participation in the past.


The adoption of the "National Oceans Policy Guidelines" on 13 October 2004 and the formulation of the "Program for the Development Planning of Marine Affairs" accordingly by this Council have set a new demarche to march towards an Ocean Nation for the country.


The purpose of this paper is to calculate the weight of performance measures for evaluating sponsored research of Department of Healthy, Executive Yuan.


The purpose of this study is to design a salary system and to evaluate related working performance. Fifty-two ranks of official positions, and a Liker's like performance evaluation scale were used.


Do you agree with the residual acrylamide limits in cosmetics set by Cosmetic Ingredient Review in the US that are 10 times that of China and the EU?


British troops were sent to Boston in 1768 to help officials enforce the Townshend Acts, a series of laws passed by the British Parliament. The purpose of the Townshend program was to make colonial governors and judges independent of colonial control, to create a more effective means of enforcing compliance with trade regulations, and to establish the controversial precedent that Parliament had the right to tax the colonies.


Although China as early as the 1950s in relation to the formulation of China color chromategraphy and 56 enterprises over 4000 species of inductiveness are uhcp P, t, z-a, w, and so on five major types of 86 business card printing inks, and have developed a proprietor.


Through our questionnaire, many people think it is required to have oral health workers to assist the affairs of dental clinic or dental departments in the hospital, and it is necessary to set up related departments to provide training. There will decrease of 8.35% and 9.9% in the government official and dentist who wish to take cruses in the relate department of the oral health, if the government doesn't set law to protect their right.


Once you realize that you've lost the feel of the weight against the bottom, and your depth hasn't changed significantly, you have to put two and two together and get ready to set the hook.


Once you realize that you've lost the feel of the weight against the bottom, and your depth hasn't changed significantly, you have to put two and two together and get ready to set the hook.


更多网络解释与订定相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

academic year:学年度

(由1994年第93号第5条修订)"财政年度"(financial year) 指大学根据第25(3)条订定的一段期间; (由1994年第93号第5条修订)"教务议会"(Senate) 指根据第23条设立的大学教务议会; (由1994年第93号第5条增补)"教学年度"(academic year) 指由校董会决定的教学年度;

market access:市場

GATS并未要求每个会员国承诺对服务业做出相同程度的市场开放,但要求会具承诺自由化时间表,并以之为定期检讨各会员国服务业之开放程度之依据,以确保金融业能朝向自由化的目标发展,WTO要求各会员国依各国情况订定开放国内市场(market access)之承诺时间表.

Ding Ding:丁叮盯钉顶鼎订定锭

DIE die 爹跌谍喋牒碟蝶叠 | DING ding 丁叮盯钉顶鼎订定锭 | DIU diu 丢

part number:料号

将由HUB代印代贴,每张价格将视情况订定并收费.有贴但不合规格之货品,将由HUB代印重贴,每张价格将视情况订定并收费.6.5 不同事业体(BU),不同PO/Build Plan Number,不同料号(Part Number)或交货地点为不同库别者请分开交货,

Romulus Augustulus:罗慕路斯

476 罗马最后一个皇帝罗慕路斯(Romulus Augustulus)遭废黜,西罗马帝国遂亡,从此西欧进入封建社会. 491 亚美尼亚教会退出东(Byzantium)、西方(Rome)教会. 525 狄奥尼修斯(Dionysius Exiguus)订定基督教日历,并定耶稣的诞生日是公元一年十二月廿三日.


intangible asset 无形资产 | stipulate 规定,订定 | transportation 交通运输

to the extent of:在......的限度之内

在......所订定的范围内并以......所订定的方式-----to the extent and in the manner provided | 在......的限度之内-----to the extent of . . . | 在......的范围内-----to the extent of

<willmigerl>to the extent of:在......的限度之内

在......所订定的范围内并以......所订定的方式to the extent and in the manner provided | 在......的限度之内to the extent of . . . | 在......的范围内to the extent of

Effecting an insurance:订定保险契约

1022 Effecting a policy签发保险单 | 1023 Effecting an insurance订定保险契约 | 1024 Effective Date保险单生效日


.第一届外汇交易专业能力测验合格标准订定说明,本项测验通过标准采用测验等化(equating)方法,客观比较各期难易度调整订定之. 惟第一届测验合格标准将由本院委请公正专家组成委员会,依据测验内容、难易度及工作所需专业水准订定. ,