英语人>词典>汉英 : 计算机辅助学习 的英文翻译,例句
计算机辅助学习 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

computer-assisted learing · computer assisted learning
更多网络例句与计算机辅助学习相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tins article will tell us the functions of CAI in English classroom teaching:1. the functions in English classroom teaching1. 1 enrich the teaching contents and change the monotonous design of traditional teaching1. 2 arouse the students interest and stimulate the studyintention1.3 make initiative study change into passive study1.4 lighten the students schoolwork2. the functions in modern education2. 1 remedy the differences between different schoolsand areas 2. 2 improve the process of teaching management2.3 enrich the reading matter of the outside class2.4 develop the long-distance education by using the multimedia and internet technologyBecause there are so many advantages about multimedia. many schools construct campus net and multimedia classrooms. Then designing and making CAI software became an important problem for these schools, so these article can tell us how to design and make it. In order to make CAI software better, the articled also tell you how to pay attention to something .That is the content of my article , I hope I ran consult it with you .Thank you.

充分运用现代教学技术武装我们的教学,对原有的教学生产方式来一场革命,这是教育实践的呼唤,也是时代的呼唤,本论文从多媒体在英语课堂教学中的作用出发,来说明运用多媒体进行计算机辅助教学的作用: 1 在英语课堂教学中的作用 1.1 丰富教学内容改变传统教学的单调模式 1.2 激发学习兴趣促进学习动机 1.3 变被动学习为主动学习有效体现教学的个体化和因材施教 1.4 为教师提供形象的表达工具有效地减轻学生的课业负担 2 现代教育中的作用 2.1 弥补不同学校、地区之问教学质量的差异 2.2 改善教学管理过程改进教学效果 2.3 丰富的课外读物 2.4 多媒体技术与网络技术的结合可有效地开展远距离教育正因为多媒体具有这么多的优点,所以许多学校多投资兴建了校园网和多媒体教室,如何设计和制作高质量的多媒体课件是许多学校迫切需要解决的问题,所以本文接下来谈论的是如何设计和制作多媒体课件以及在设计和制作过程中如何应用心理学上的注意规律等,仅供各位同行参考。

In recent years, computer assisted language learning has emerged as a new research field in second language acquisition.


This paper presents an Internet-based English learning environment on the basis of the study on computer-assisted language learning.


This paper proposed the Analytic Hierarchy Process to analyze the factors which affect computer-assisted English teaching and learning.


Computer-assisted learning might help, or using recorded books instead of printed ones.


Compared with traditional protraction, the teachingmode of the plane composition by CAI can focus the emphases on the training of thinking and sculpture, which is the tenet of this course.


Computer assisted learning may help or useing recorde books instead of prented ones.


The theoretical basis for this study is related SLA theories.


Ground on the actual conditions of CAI, CSE and physical experiment teaching in our country, a new-style simulant physical experiment-teaching mode that based on independent instruments and components is offered in this paper. This mode is devised according to the essential CAI educational theory-the Constructivism also. The most distinct advantage of this mode is, with enough simulant instruments and components, students can not only implement experiments according to the textbooks, but also design and carry out new experiments by themselves. Students experiment interest can be activized and their creative thinking and competence can be improved.


In computerizes under the education big environment, the computer becomes the assistance study the main tool.


更多网络解释与计算机辅助学习相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cad system:计算机辅助设计系统iVJ中国学习动力网

cad 计算机辅助设计iVJ中国学习动力网 | cad system 计算机辅助设计系统iVJ中国学习动力网 | cad technique 计算机辅助设计技术iVJ中国学习动力网

caged valve:上面的汽阀

cage wheel 笼式附加车轮 | caged valve 上面的汽阀 | cai 计算机辅助学习

caged valve:上面的汽阀, 顶上阀, 顶活门

cage wheel 笼式附加车轮 | caged valve 上面的汽阀, 顶上阀, 顶活门 | cai 计算机辅助学习


网络化课程和 "计算机辅助教学"(CAI)有着不同的服务对象. CAI可以说是教师实施传统教学的一种先进手段,服务对象重点是教师;网络化课程体现着建构主义思想,注重的是学习环境要素的提供,服务对象重点是学生. 学习者将处于某种情境,




其它主要学术兼职见下表:全球华人计算机教育应用学会(GCICE)第一副主席国际计算机教育应用学会(ICCE)执行委员国际计算机教育促进会(AACE)亚太分会执行委员香港电脑教育学会( ACEHK )名誉会长全球华人计算机教育应用学会( GCSCE )执行委员会副主席基于网络的协商学习(CBCL)环境与学习模式,>,1997

Cal:abbr. computer-assisted learning; 计算机辅助学习

computing machine:计算机iVJ中国学习动力网

computerized design technique 计算机辅助设计技术iVJ中国学习动力网 | computing machine 计算机iVJ中国学习动力网 | computing technique 计算技术iVJ中国学习动力网

cad workstation:计算机辅助设计工拙iVJ中国学习动力网

cad tools 计算机辅助设计工具iVJ中国学习动力网 | cad workstation 计算机辅助设计工拙iVJ中国学习动力网 | cadmium 镉iVJ中国学习动力网

CALMS ComputerAutomaticLineMonitoringSystem:计算机自动线路监视系统

CALM ComputerAssistedLibraryMechanization 计算机辅助图书馆机械化 | CALMS ComputerAutomaticLineMonitoringSystem 计算机自动线路监视系统 | CALN ComputerAssistedLearningNetwork 计算机辅助学习网络