英语人>词典>汉英 : 警察权 的英文翻译,例句
警察权 的英文翻译、例句


police authority
更多网络例句与警察权相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The disassimilation authority jumped out the system terms of original authority, which will represent the lose effectiveness for the police power.


The construction of police power is the foreland in the democratic government system, and the core of building democracy and harmonious society as well.


When the state acts within the legitimate sphere of the police power, the infringement on private property interests is damnum absque injuria -damage without legal redress.


From the causes of the assaulting incidents and the exploration of the legal principle, the thesis points out that the main reasons of the frequent occurrence of assaulting in our country. 1. The civil rights and the privacy rights are in conflict, so people will vent their dissatisfaction and indignation to police who are on behalf of the state power. 2. The police troop own exist multitudinous insufficience. 3. The social education is insufficient and the partial populace understanding appears the deviation.


The police power is in inverse proportion to the civil rights on a certain condition.


It is a "rapier" so that it should exist beyond a limitation.


Police power is legal,compellent, universal,which involved many fields,and if which lose restriction and criterion, human rights can be infracted easily.


The police organization and police officer have the discretion to deal with some situation in their enforcement.


If the policeman doesn't correctly use his power such as extorting a confession by torture, detaining with extended limit, abusing mandatory measures, etc, then the people's human right will be aggressed upon in certain extent.


If police officers use excessive force in the course of an arrest, arrestees are entitled to use self-defense to protect themselves.


更多网络解释与警察权相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

under arrest:逮捕

我们在电影里可以经常看到香港或者西方警察说"你已经给逮捕,你有权保持沉默.....",在西方的普通法里,逮捕(under arrest)是警察在限制你自由那一刻开始的.


他们老用"镇压"(crackdown)对我们说事,平息喇嘛闹事、拉萨打砸抢烧、群体事件都是"镇压". 其实他们自己最懂镇压是怎么回事,美国的警察都是带枪的,还不止一把,长枪短枪挂好几个,我叫你站着不要动,你就别动,你乱动我就有权开枪,

The good dictionary is an authority on the meaning of words:一本好的字典是词义方面的权威

The police have the authority to arrest lawbreakers. ;警察有权逮捕犯法的人. | The good dictionary is an authority on the meaning of words. ;一本好的字典是词义方面的权威. | avoid vt.避免,预防,避开

police state:警察国家; 极权国家

police officer 警官; 警员 | police state 警察国家; 极权国家 | police station 派出所; 警察局

political asylum:政治避难(权)

shoddy workmanship劣质工艺 | political asylum政治避难(权) | Riot police防暴警察

public security police:公安民警

武警部队:armed police force | 公安民警:public security police | 警察权:right of police

The new laws empower the police to stop anybody in the street:新法令授予警察可以在街上截停任何人的权 利

5040. He is out of employme... | 5041. The new laws empower the police to stop anybody in the street. 新法令授予警察可以在街上截停任何人的权 利. | 5042. The lawyer was empowered to pay all her bills. ...


这种体制着重中央集权,能使境内人民保持一种集体性 格,称之为"极权主义"(totalitarianism)并不为过. 秦国的集权体制 秦国是一个以警察权为主的国家. 它与现代集权国家的重要区别是后者将一个 业已多元化的社会扭转回去以遂行其狭义之目的.

The police have the authority to arrest lawbreakers:警察有权逮捕犯法的人

authority n.权力,管辖权; [p官方,当局; 权威,专家;当权... | The police have the authority to arrest lawbreakers. ;警察有权逮捕犯法的人. | The good dictionary is an authority on the meaning of words. ;一本...

Prosecutorial discretion:公诉裁量权

检察监督:Prosecutorial Supervision | 公诉裁量权:Prosecutorial discretion | 警察:police