英语人>词典>汉英 : 解说员 的英文翻译,例句
解说员 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
announcers  ·  narrators

更多网络例句与解说员相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I watched it on Sky and they kept saying that Liverpool bossed the first-half and were the better team.


Z:In the next part there are a lot of commentate. If you can not follow it,don't worry.We will explain to you later.

C:下面是London Rangers队和Glasgow队的一场比赛,解说员正在做现场直播,他的话有些不太好懂,不过没关系,我们先来看一看。

Our commentators don't seem very good at conveying what is going on.


Martin Tyler's crescendo like commentary "It's Adams ... WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT!"


The essayist, then, is in his particular fashion an interpreter of life, a critic of life.


I felt like a cultural ambassador and explainer, which was a total role reversal -- this is exactly what Woodie, our band's de facto interpreter, often does for me.

置身棒球场,我觉得自己像一名文化大使和解说员,这真是角色大颠倒,以前恰恰是Woodie Wu经常在我面前扮演这一角色,他是我们乐队事实上的翻译。

Like Tainan Enterprise Culture And Arts Foundation executive officer: Uncle Yeh, Tainan Enterprise Culture And Arts Foundation chairman: Uncle Wu, Tainan Enterprise Culture And Arts Foundation explainer: Aunt Lin-Chen, Tainan Breeze Plaza『Meridar Bicycle』chairman: Uncle Dai, Tainan Wild Bird Preserve Group: 2 explainers, and Mangrove Protect Group: explainer Sister Shen, and executive officer: Officer Huang.


His biggest coup was George Kell, who had made the Hall of Fame playing baseball for the Detroit Tigers and was still the radio announcer for the Tiger games.


Because of this explanation member should groom related the course, above all explanation member familiar to company product, next the expressive capacity that they should have height, humour of language color press close to is additionally natural, interact easily with the audience inside short time communicate, apprehension of final comb-out tourist, attract tourists to buy a product.


IPA (importance-performance analysis) helps to estimate docents" interpretive service in China National Silk Museum. The result shows that visitors take much seriously on the docents" service attitude, and docents should be more patient while interpreting, know how to deal with different situations, pay more attention to the study effect of visitors,so that to increase visitors satisfaction and improve the quality of museum tourism.


更多网络解释与解说员相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


commentator 注释者,解说员,新闻广播员 | annotator 注解者,注释者 | compotator 会饮者,酒友


(除了那个让人肃然起敬的职业(butcher)之外,克里夫还当过一名高中体育老师. 现年74岁的他目前的主要工作是与格里夫斯(Jimmy Greaves)共同主持一个电台餐后讨论节目,此外他还经常作为白鹿巷球场荣誉室的解说员出现在游客面前.

Cecil Foster:小说家,散文家,社会学家

George N.Farr-IBM软件实验室的主要电脑科学家,程序写作员和解说员 | Cecil Foster-小说家,散文家,社会学家 | Edward Greenspan-有名气的加拿大刑事辩护律师(委托人包括Conrad Black在内)



comic stereotype:可笑/滑稽的模式

3. faction 派别 | 4. comic stereotype 可笑/滑稽的模式 | 5. commentator (集注)作者,评论员,解说员


color timer 配光员 | commentator 解说员 | composer 作曲者


102. comedienne: 说笑话,演滑稽剧等的女演员. | 103. concubine: 小妾. | 104. commentator: 解说员,评论员,集注的作者.


上个星期天和同学们一起去了阳光动物园,看见一些濒临灭绝的(endangered)动物. 解说员(guide)给你们讲了一些动物面临的危险和原因. 这次经历影响了你很多. 你决定写一封信给报社,呼吁人们保护动物.


exposition 展出 | expositor 解说员;评注者 | exposure control 曝光控制

The Boxing Announcers Script:拳击解说员的广播稿

49.Jack-of-all-trades,Master of None万能博士--门门皆通,样样稀松 | 50.The Boxing Announcers Script拳击解说员的广播稿 | 51.At the Convention在会上