英语人>词典>汉英 : 角向运动 的英文翻译,例句
角向运动 的英文翻译、例句


angular motion
更多网络例句与角向运动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results: When the slide segment was retained 1 mm width,the fifth cheek tooth and anterior edge midpoint of condyle process anterior slope and coracoid process showed negative displacement and the angle of mandible and the posterior edge midpoint of condyle process posterior slope showed positive displacement on x axes.


Crown gear coupling can compensate the radial and axial displacement and angular displacement between axes.


Crown gear coupling can compensate the radial and axial displacement and angular displacement between axes. Its structure is compact. It can transmit motion reliably and accurately and avoid the stress concentration in sharp corner of teeth. So this coupling's carrying power is large.


Meditations of evolution increasingly vaster: of the moon invisible in incipient lunation, approaching perigee: of the infinite lattiginous scintillating uncondensed milky way, discernible by daylight by an observer placed at the lower end of a cylindrical vertical shaft 5000 ft deep sunk from the surface towards the centre of the earth: of Sirius 10 lightyears (57,000,000,000,000 miles) distant and in volume 900 times the dimension of our planet: of Arcturus: of the precession of equinoxes: of Orion with belt and sextuple sun theta and nebula in which 100 of our solar systems could be contained: of moribund and of nascent new stars such as Nova in 1901: of our system plunging towards the constellation of Hercules: of the parallax or parallactic drift of socalled fixed stars, in reality evermoving wanderers from immeasurably remote eons to infinitely remote futures in comparison with which the years, threescore and ten, of allotted human life formed a parenthesis of infinitesimal brevity.

347关于宇宙日益扩大进化的冥想:新月期的月亮,即使在近地点也看不见。从地表向地轴挖掘纵深五千英尺的圆筒状垂直轴,一个观察者呆在轴底儿上,就连白昼也辨认得出那漫无止境、网络状、亮光闪闪、非凝结性的银河。天狼距地球十光年(五七、000、000、000、000英里);体积大于地球九百倍;大角;岁差运动;有着"猎户"腰带、六倍于太阳的"伐二"以及星云的猎户座,星云中能容纳我们的一百个太阳系;死去的和新生的星宿,例如一九0 一年的那颗"新星"我们的太阳系正朝着武仙座冲去;所谓恒星的视差或视差移动,也就是说,实际上恒星是在不断地从无限遥远的太古朝无限遥远的未来移动着。相形之下,人的寿命充其量才七十年,不过是无限短暂的一段插曲而已。

The least load current to realizemagnetic insulation in MILO is obtained from the relation between current and azimuthmagnetic field and the relation between magnetic field and electron movement track.


The pathways that regulate tone are similar to those that regulate voluntary and involuntary motor movements and, as a final common pathway, involve the spinal reflex arc.


From 136 to 138, the expres- sion retrieved ventrally and expressed at the ventral half of the central tube (137) and the ventral horn especially in motor neurons (E7 and E8). Thus, the dorsal terminating axons relating to nociception and thermore?

到民至 Es麻Sema 3A的mRN的表达向腹侧撤退,主要在脊髓中央管周围的腹侧和前角运动神经元,这样使背侧投射性的痛温觉神经元轴突仅进入脊髓后角第 I、11层而不进一步向腹侧投射。

The influences of the structural and movement parameters of the arc-track-type flexible holding and conveying mechanism and the sugarcane stalks geometric parameters on the conditions of sugarcane stalks outward windrowing, windrowing angle and distance were analyzed.


Firstly several vehicle dynamics models and tire models are analysed. Combining with the present condition and studying require, 3 dynamic differential functions about bodyworks velocity, roll and vertical displacement are gained. Furthermore based on the following rear wheel rev function and front-and-rear wheels vertical moving function, a 6-DOF, two wheels, lognitudinal dynamics model of the bus is set up.


The results show that the temperature of the alloy gradually decreases from the casting mouth to the exit in the roll-shoe gap, and the isothermal line deviates from the shoe side to the roll side.

结果表明:辊靴型腔内合金的温度从入口至出口逐渐降低,合金等温线向工作辊偏移;随着浇注温度的降低,辊靴型腔内半固态区间逐渐增大;为了获得优良的半固态金属浆料,确定浇注温度为710~770 ℃;合金在辊靴型腔内层流运动时,越靠近工作辊内表面,合金的运动速度越快;随着挤压模具扩展角的增大,挤压模具出口型材宽度上中心与两侧边部合金的温度差减小;半固态合金进入模具后呈辐射状逐层向前推进填充模具扩展腔,最后再逐渐向模具出口合拢;为了改善模腔内金属流动速度的不均匀性,扩展角以45为宜。

更多网络解释与角向运动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

angular motion:角[向]运动

infinitesimal rotation 无限小转动 | angular motion 角[向]运动 | pitch 俯仰

optical angular motion sensor:光学角运动传感器

optical angle gauge 光学测角仪 | optical angular motion sensor 光学角运动传感器 | optical anisotropy 光学的各向异性; 光学各向同性; 光学异向性

angular seed:角速

117 angular motion 角向运动,角运动 | 118 angular seed 角速 | 119 angular velocity 角速

optical anisotropy:光学的各向异性; 光学各向同性; 光学异向性

optical angular motion sensor 光学角运动传感器 | optical anisotropy 光学的各向异性; 光学各向同性; 光学异向性 | optical anomaly 光反常; 光性异常; 光学反常; 光学性反常

apex angle:顶角,位置角

"顶点","apex" | "顶角,位置角","apex angle" | "地球(运动)向点","apex of earth motion"

concomitant strabismus:共同性斜视

共同性斜视(concomitant strabismus)是指眼外肌和所支配神经均无器质性病变,向各注视方向注视时斜视角度相同的一种眼位偏斜. 主要特征是无明显临床症状,眼球运动正常,向各方位注视时斜视角度不变,左右眼分别注视斜视角相差不超过5度(8.5△),

masticatory muscles:咀嚼肌

2、咀嚼肌(masticatory muscles) 是运动颞下颌关节的肌,主要有颞肌和咬肌. 颞肌呈扇形,起自颞窝,向下会聚于下颌骨的冠突. 咬肌呈长方形,起自颧弓,止于下颌角外面. 二肌收缩均可上提下颌骨,使牙咬合.


滑块通过两侧的链条-齿轮传动系统来驱动,转动绞盘(windlass)带动五角型的齿轮转动,齿轮上的链条带动滑块向后运动,弓弦锁在滑块上. 滑块向后达到某个位置时,弓弦解锁,箭矢发射. 这时再反方向转动绞盘,滑块向前复位,锁定弓弦.