英语人>词典>汉英 : 觉悟 的英文翻译,例句
觉悟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
awaked  ·  consciousness  ·  preparedness

更多网络例句与觉悟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is an admonition: Whosoever will, let him take a Path to his Lord.


If we tried to go on the offensive when the masses are not yet awakened, that would be adventurism.


I wonder because it is part of your tradition to accept time as a means of enlightenment.


They observed the passable legs of the French women, the generally unattractive legs of the British and American, the fat legs of the German and Scandinavian, the atrociously ugly legs of the Japanese, and came to a sudden though centuries belated realisation of the fact that here was an asset which had been overlooked.


However, when we ask the question,"To what do we awaken?"


I need you to speed up her sexual awakening.


The name Buddhism comes from the word"buddhi" which means "to wake up" and thus Bud-dhism is the philosophy of awakening.


Love is a kind of consciousness, and you do a good job in the consciousness of love?


If, great king, one speaking rightly could say of anyone,'He has awakened to the unexcelled right self-awakening,' one could rightly say that of me.


In the idea of Dharmakaya, we have seen how Mahayana Buddhism understands Enlightenment as the essence of both the human mind and the entire universe; in the idea od Sambhogakaya, Compassion is added to Enlightenment on the cosmic and meta-cosmic level - or, to put it in another but equivalent way, in the subtlest, innermost levels of the mind.


更多网络解释与觉悟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

e alive:活跃起来;觉悟起来

***e after 跟在...后面;跟踪 | ***e alive 活跃起来;觉悟起来 | ***e at 袭击;达到;得到

come alive:活跃起来;觉悟起来

come after 跟在...后面;跟踪 | come alive 活跃起来;觉悟起来 | come between 在...中间;离间


;_觉醒(awaken)有从睡得寤、由迷转觉的含意. 通常觉醒是指从所见闻的事物而悟得形相以外的境界或法理. 例如,见花开花落而觉悟无常之理;牛顿为苹果击中而觉悟到万有引力之法则. =g;L如是简单的要求,乍看实在是容易,实则在现实生活中,


"菩萨"是梵语"菩提萨埵"(Bodhisattva)的简称. "菩提"是觉悟的意思;"萨埵"是有情之意,"有情"简单地说既是众生;"菩提萨埵"就是觉悟的众生. 觉悟的众生有三种:一者、罗汉--自己觉悟;二者、菩萨--除了自己能觉悟之外,还可引导别人觉悟;


a nineteenth-century novel 一本十九世纪的小说 | class-conscious 有阶级觉悟的 | tax-free 免税的

open one's eyes to:使人觉悟,使人对(某事)有所了解

move on继续前进,向前走 | open one's eyes to使人觉悟,使人对(某事)有所了解 | operate on对......起作用,对......产生影响,对......动手术


realignment 重新排列 | realise 觉悟 | realism 现实主义

I realise:我觉悟了

Cant even cry from the pain, cant shed a tear now ----甚至无法为烦恼痛苦,无法流出一滴泪 | I realise ---我觉悟了 | Were not the same ---不是一样的


Self-control 自制 | Self-realization 自觉/自我觉悟 | Self-realized soul 自觉的灵魂

Lover her dog:你要有被她忽略的觉悟

她喜欢养狗, Love her | 你要有被她忽略的觉悟; Lover her dog | 她很怕做选择; She fears to make decisions