英语人>词典>汉英 : 规范群 的英文翻译,例句
规范群 的英文翻译、例句


gauge group
更多网络例句与规范群相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We prove that on the localgauge group C∞(M a compact manifold,G a matrix Lie group)there does not exist afinite translationally invariant Borel measure.


Here the key assumption is the existence of a translationallyinvariant measure on the local gauge group.


The Standard Model of elementary particles is a theory based on the gauge group of SU(3)_C ?

标准模型是建立在规范群SU(3)_C ?

The local gauge group is infinite dimensional and not lo-cally compact,hence the existence of an invariant measure deserves careful study.


Besides the above main work of this thesis,we also do some other work related to the electroweak chiral Lagrangian,for instance we calculate the contributions to the oblique correction parameters S,T and U from heavy fermions and scalars in some generic representations of the electroweak gauge group.


In noncommutative scalar field theories, the appearing of nonplanar diagrams is related to permutation symmetry of field functions in the interaction Lagrangian, while in NCQED we can not arbitrarily change the positions of field functions in the interaction Lagrangian because different positions of the field functions correspond to different representations of the gauge group.


After descibing the concepts, definitionsand operation approaches of quantum group and SLq(2) Lie algebra, the physicalmeaning of quantum group particles is explained in the present thesis. The gaugeinvariance in SLq(2) gauge field and its thermodynamics model is considered basedon the idea of q-deformation. The zero energy gap equation and q-deformed energygap equation are derived under the assumption of q-quantization and semi-classical q-quantization, then the zero-temperature energy gap A(0,q) and crititical temperature〓 can be calculated from the q-energy gap equation.


In this paper we will mainly study the gauge fixing Yang-Mills heat flow of a principal bundle For a principle bundle with a compact seme-simple Lie group as its structure group over a compact Riemannian manifold without boundary, the evolutions of the curvature and its higher derivatives under the flow above will be derived, and the energy inequality and the Bochner type estimates will be obtained.


In this paper we will mainly study the gauge fixing Yang-Mills heat flow of a principal bundleFor a principle bundle with a compact seme-simple Lie group as its structure group over a compact Riemannian manifold without boundary, the evolutions of the curvature and its higher derivatives under the flow above will be derived, and the energy inequality and the Bochner type estimates will be obtained. Then, the monotonicity formula and the small action regularity theorem can be proved. We will give the locally uniform estimates for the higher derivatives of the curvature.


The second part deals with renormalization group equations in general gauge field theories. In this part, the complete set of two-loop renormalization group equations in general gauge field theories is presented.


更多网络解释与规范群相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

non abelian group:非阿贝尔群

non abelian gauge theory 非阿贝尔规范理论 | non abelian group 非阿贝尔群 | non adiabatic change 非绝热变化

non abelian group:非阿贝尔群无忧雅思网

non abelian gauge theory 非阿贝尔规范理论无忧雅思网vH ]6\\([kQ G4fV1{@ | non abelian group 非阿贝尔群无忧雅思网4r;UP)w"To'D | non adiabatic change 非绝热变化无忧雅思网+ae,T7v3[8U+o'v-{X



gateaux differential:加特微分

gap theorem 间隙定理 | gateaux differential 加特微分 | gauge group 规范群

gauge group:规范群

在八十年代中期,发现了当选取适当的规范群 (gauge group) 时与弦的种类时,这些异常会消失,这样一来,弦论便能够自我完备 (self-consistent). 这是超弦理论的第一次革命. 但是这样自我完备的理论,共有五种不同的超弦理论,

gauge surface:规范面

gauge group 规范群 | gauge surface 规范面 | gauge transformation 度规变换

gauge invariance:规范不变性

另一方面,按照变换群的[简介]规范不变性(gauge invariance) 在规范变换下保持不变的叫规范不变性. 规范变换是一种不同于坐标变换的另一种变换. 一般它表示为相位的变换. 规范变换可以分为整体的和局域的两类,前者和时空无关,后者则与时空有关.


在每组标签内可以包含资料或其它是空(empty)标签,只有起始的标签而没有结束的标签,所以称为(datatype),群组(group)与实体(Entity),在XML规范中对於这些物件的命名有在XML 1.0规范中规定文字(Letter)除了包含英文字母外,

lorentz group:劳仑兹群

劳仑兹规范 Lorentz gauge | 劳仑兹群 Lorentz group | 劳仑兹成像 Lorentz imaging


即它上面的点有一个可交换群的in two variables) 情形下得到物理意义明确的规范 场,即同位旋 (isospin) 规范 场,这种将数学现象给以物理的解 释, 是件了不起的工 作, 因为以往的 Maxwell 场 论是一个可交换的 群.