英语人>词典>汉英 : 规范变换 的英文翻译,例句
规范变换 的英文翻译、例句


gauge transformation
更多网络例句与规范变换相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By using the method of the gauge transformation,this paper obtains the gauge transformation of Eigenvalue problems of energy dependent potentials and the Backlund transformation.


By making use of standard transformation and selecting proper gauge transformation conditions, I try to solve the time dependent Schringer equation and derive the exact solution. Under the population representation.


We construct the generator of gauge transformation and the generator of BRST transformation, then we obtain gauge transformation and BRST transformation of component fields, we find certain relations between the BRST generator and the gauge generator.


In or-der to keep the form of the Lax operator for AKNS hierarchy,there are twochoices for each type of gauge transformations,which just results in two classesof functions used to trigger the gauge transformation.


Then the momentum P in the acquired motion equation is replaced by quantum operator, thus we obtain Schrodinger equation for charged particle moving in magnetic fields in Quantum Mechanics. Then we discuss the Gauge transformation and gauge invariance of Schrodinger equation, following which the Dirac phase is introduced.


Then we in-vest gate Seiberg-Witten map, which defines the equivalence relation of the gauge symmetries in different spaces. We also analyse the U gauge electromagnetic field in noncommutative space. Finally we discuss the ambiguities of Seiberg-Witten map, and find although that some part of the ambiguities can be absorbed by gauge transformation and hence negligible, the existence of the matter field makes some other parts difficult to be absorbed by gauge transformation or field redefinition.


During the transition from global gauge transformation to local gauge one,field interaction undergoes a 'nothing'-to-'something' change,thus affecting gauge invariance.


For the timelike surfaces with constant positive Gaussian curvature (K=1) in R〓, we construct the correspondence between R〓 and sl (2, R), and deduce the fundamental equations for a special choice of the velocity of motion of time-like surfaces in asymptotic coordinates under suitable conditions, meanwhile, we give the B〓cklund transformation and one soliton solution of the evolution equations, then in terms of a gauge transformation we obtain the explict expression of the motion of surfaces.


By using a gauge transformation between thetwo eigenvalue problems, we obtain a correspondence between the hie -rarchy of nonlinear evolution equations associated with the Kaup-Newelleigenvalue problem and the hie rarchy of nonlinear evolution equationsassociated with the AKNS eigenvalue problem.


We also introduced the guage transformation, by this transformation, obtain the Lax equation and commutative family on the reduction space.


更多网络解释与规范变换相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gauge surface:规范面

gauge group 规范群 | gauge surface 规范面 | gauge transformation 度规变换

gauge transformation:规范变换

标势 scalar potential | 规范变换 gauge transformation | 洛伦兹规范 Lorentz gauge

gauge transformation:度规变换

gauge surface 规范面 | gauge transformation 度规变换 | gaugeinvariance 度规不变性

gauge transformation:刻度变换

gauge invariance 规范不变性 | gauge transformation 刻度变换 | gauntlet glove 长手套

time-dependent gauge transformation:含时规范变换

电阻应变花测量:rosette gauge technique | 含时规范变换:time-dependent gauge transformation | 动态变规格:flying gauge change

gauge transformation of the second kind:第二类规范变换

gauge transformation of the first kind 第一类规范变换 | gauge transformation of the second kind 第二类规范变换 | gauss 高斯

gauge transformation of the first kind:第一类规范变换

gauge transformation 规范变换 | gauge transformation of the first kind 第一类规范变换 | gauge transformation of the second kind 第二类规范变换

gauge invariance:规范不变性

另一方面,按照变换群的[简介]规范不变性(gauge invariance) 在规范变换下保持不变的叫规范不变性. 规范变换是一种不同于坐标变换的另一种变换. 一般它表示为相位的变换. 规范变换可以分为整体的和局域的两类,前者和时空无关,后者则与时空有关.

normalization transformation:规范变换

normalization 标准化 | normalization transformation 规范变换 | normalized device coordinates 规格化设备坐标

canonical transition matrix:规范转移矩阵

canonical transformation 正则变换,标准变换,典范形式,典型变换 | canonical transition matrix 规范转移矩阵 | canonical trend variation 规范的趋势变化