英语人>词典>汉英 : 规定 的英文翻译,例句
规定 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
define  ·  defined  ·  defines  ·  definitions  ·  ordain  ·  prescribe  ·  prescribed  ·  prescript  ·  prescription  ·  provide  ·  provision  ·  rule  ·  state  ·  stipulate  ·  ordained  ·  ordaining  ·  ordains  ·  prescribes  ·  prescribing  ·  provides  ·  provisioned  ·  ruled  ·  states  ·  stating  ·  stipulated  ·  stipulates  ·  stipulating  ·  enactments  ·  rulings

be defined as · draw the line at · provide for · get-set
更多网络例句与规定相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although the law and rule of bill in our country has concrete stipulation on endorsement,but it has not stipulate general endorsement and endorsement ensuring and destroying,the meaning of stipulation is not clear about subsequent endorser is responsible for the truthfuless of direct prior endorser,the stipulation contradict oneself on the validity of after effluxion of time,and the limit is not very clear to re—endorse of endorsee of trust drawing money endorsement and hypothecated endorsement,because they damage and hinder the circulation of bill,so advice Bill Law amending to it.


In implementation of NHI, the Bureau of NHI as the role of insurer, there are few restrictions on prestation of insurance.


He put forwards that the article 4 of crime of L/C fraud in Chinese Criminal Law isn"t in compliance with the principle of penalty according to criminal law, and it will destroy L/C system. The principles of fairness, honest and credibility and prohibition of civil right abuse in General Rules of Civil Law have the feature of indetermination. The litigation of civil right attached to criminal procedure and litigation property save in the Code of Criminal Procedure, in view of their imperfection, cause the repeating capital frozen by police bureau, procuratorate and court. In view of low requirement of civil litigation capital save in Civil Procedure law, the frequent capital frozen happens all the time. Summary of Panel Discussion Concerning Chinese Coastal Area"s Economic and Judicial Work, owing to its low status and evidence"s inexplicitness of issuing ban, results in judger"s unrestrained jurisdiction power. Therefore, this author concludes that the characteristics of fragmentsand imperfection of Chinese L/C laws are disadvantageous to the perfection of the L/C legislation system ,and can not instruct judges to try the cases of L/C fraud effectively.


Although the law and rule of bill in our country has concrete stipulation on endorsement,but it has not stipulate general endorsement and endorsement ensuring and destroying,the meaning of stipulation is not clear about subsequent endorser is responsible for the truthfuless of direct prior endorser,the stipulation contradict oneself on the validity of after effluxion of time,and the limit is not very clear to re—endorse of endorsee of trust drawing money endorsement and hypothecated endorsement,because they damage and hinder the circulation of bill,so advice Bill Law amending to it.


Article 38 Where an employer rescinds a labor contract in accordance with Article 29, Article 31 or Article 32 of the present Provisions, it shall pay economic compensations to the worker in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state or this Municipality, while if it rescinds the labor contract in accordance with Item (1) of Article 31 of the present Provisions, it shall pay medical subsidies in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state or this Municipality, in addition.


Any letters beyond these requirements are to be excluded, so if the decree specifies k comparisons then the new alphabet will contain the first k+1 lowercase letters of the current alphabet. Create a class Alphabet that contains the method choices that takes the decree as input and returns the number of possible new alphabets that conform to the decree. If more than 1,000,000,000 are possible, return -1. Definition Class: Alphabet Method: choices Parameters: string Returns: int Method signature: int choices Constraints decree contains between 1 and 25 characters inclusive.

我注:如上面的BAA有3个字符,那么新表就有4个,也就是'd'后面的全被忽略创建一个名为Alphabet的类,此类含有一个名为choices方法,choices方法以&规定&作为参数输入,然后返回所有符合这个规定的新字母表的可能数,如果大于1,000,000,000可能,就返回-1 定义:类名:Alphabet 方法:choices 参数类型:string 返回值类型:int 方法签名:int choices (确保choices为公有方法)参数条件:规定中的'B'和'A'总和必须大于等于1,小于等于25 举个例输入:&BAA&返回:3 解释:因为根据规定'a'在'b'的前面,'b'在'c'的后面,'c'在'd'的后面,所有符合这个规定的新字母表有3个:adcb、dacb和

With jurisprudential analyses, the author examinates the above issues one by one to determine how to achieve the best results in practice, and then brings out the suggestions: 1provisions should be added on supplementary compensative liability of faulty party in defective shares assignment; 2company law should in particular provide for conditions of partial assignment of powers Vested in Shares 3company law should detail on the price and process of shares assignment so as to protect other shareholders purchase privilege; 4relevant registration should be improved; 5in consideration of the overabsolute provision of new Company Law for company articles of association, exceptions should bemade to association articles restricting shares assignment; 6assignment withoutconsent should be included by company law as a separate provision of CompanyLaw.


It is profound to students and managers in ordinary colleges and universities.This article aims at revealing the necessity and meaning of this regulation,analyzing its characters,generalising its primary spirit,putting forward implementary methods.


On the basis of comparing the relative provisions of CMC and CIL, according to the basic theories of contract law, insurance law and marine insurance law, by reference to the Marine Insurance Act, 1906, laws in some other countries and clauses of marine insurance contract, the author analyzes in this paper the provisions of definition of marine insurance contract, disclosure, warranty, principle of indemnity, double insurance, subrogation, and modification, transfer and cancellation of marine insurance contract as well as rights and duties of the insurer and the insured. The author points out those provisions which are either duplicate, imperfect or reasonable in CMC and CIL, draws the conclusion which provisions shall be deleted, which provisions shall be modified and, if so, how they shall be modified.


A few rules, which are hidebound simple unclear and easy to misunderstand, are made for securing of property before litigation. In the years that the is carried out, the civil entanglement increases day by day, the relation of laws is more and more complicated, which are followed with the establishment of laws and judicature explanation, however, some rules can not keep steps with current situation, which can block the work of securing of property before litigation, since it is not convenient for application of party and bring certain restriction for cognizance.


更多网络解释与规定相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

entrenched provisions:固定的条款[指不得克减]; 特别维护规定; 须经特别程序才能修改的规定

entrants;加入者;; | entrenched provisions;固定的条款[指不得克减]; 特别维护规定; 须经特别程序才能修改的规定;; | entrepot;仓库;货物集散地;中转;;

except otherwise herein provided:除另有规定外

except as otherwise noted 除非另有说明 | except otherwise herein provided 除另有规定外 | except otherwise herein provided 除另有规定外另有相反的规定除外

except otherwise herein provided:除另有规定外另有相反的规定除外

except otherwise herein provided 除另有规定外 | except otherwise herein provided 除另有规定外另有相反的规定除外 | except 不包括

live-in requirement:必须入住规定;必须在有关物业居住的规定

live load 活荷载;活载重 | live-in requirement 必须入住规定;必须在有关物业居住的规定 | livestock structure 饲养禽畜搭建物

live-in requirement:必须入住规定;必须在有关物业居住的规定pcN中国学习动力网

live load 活荷载;活载重pcN中国学习动力网 | live-in requirement 必须入住规定;必须在有关物业居住的规定pcN中国学习动力网 | livestock structure 饲养禽畜搭建物pcN中国学习动力网

Side triceps:侧展肱三头肌(男子规定动作之六,女子规定动作之四)

side chest 侧展胸大肌(男子规定动作之三,女子规定动作之二) | side triceps 侧展肱三头肌(男子规定动作之六,女子规定动作之四) | pose with legs正展腹肌和大腿(男子规定动作之七,女子规定动作之五)

Have you ever found a work policy or rule to be distasteful?How did you handle it:如果你发现工作守则或规定是不符合你的规定和想法的,你会怎么做

34 你偷过东西吗?... | 35 如果你发现工作守则或规定是不符合你的规定和想法的,你会怎么做?Have you ever found a work policy or rule to be distasteful?How did you handle it? | 36 你有没有想过违反规定?Have yo...

stipulated round:规定一轮

规定一轮(Stipulated Round) "规定一轮"是指除委员会另外认可时外,按正确的顺序打完球场上的各洞. 委员会认可可以少于18洞的场合除外,规定一轮的洞数应为18洞. 比洞赛中规定一轮的延长见规则2-3. 击球(Stroke) "击球"是指意在打球并使其移动而使球杆向前的运动,

Reflexions bestimmung:反思规定(反映规定, 反省规定)

Reflexion-in-sich 自身反思 (反思自身) | Reflexions bestimmung 反思规定(反映规定, 反省规定) | Reflexions schluss 反思的推论


RunbackSpecs 规定回流规定参数 | Efficiencies 规定级或组分效率 | DesignSpecs 规定设计规定操作变量和浏览结果