英语人>词典>汉英 : 规则化 的英文翻译,例句
规则化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与规则化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But,it is still a problem to find the two parameters of the Beta function for an input image to be adaptively enhanced.


In view of crosswell and 3D VSP layout, we use high resolution Radon transform based on Cauchy distribution to perform Radon transform for hole data. In this process, we study discrete dip overlay operator, improve damping factor that affects Radon energy convergence in order to let Radon energy converge, 6 resolve leggy in Radon data, and decouple smoothing effect among each energy group, we use Cauchy distribution to regularize data, let energy focus on one point, and improve Radon resolution. All these work well in wavefield separation. Finally, by inversion results and model trial, we verify the feasibility and stability of this method.


In view of crosswell and 3D VSP layout, we use high resolution Radon transform based on Cauchy distribution to perform Radon transform for hole data. In this process, we study discrete dip overlay operator, improve damping factor that affects Radon energy convergence in order to let Radon energy converge, 6 resolve leggy in Radon data, and decouple smoothing effect among each energy group, we use Cauchy distribution to regularize data, let energy focus on one point, and improve Radon resolution. All these work well in wavefield separation.


Results indicated that the variation was significant from treatment to treatment. S-deficiency caused bulging chloroplasts, loosening and dishevelled grana lamella, reducing organelle, and damaged chondriosome in mesophyll cells of the leaves, and empty cells of the roots, while S-excess, however, led to densification, condensation and randomization of grana lamella of the chloroplasts of the leaves, and separation of cytoplasms from walls of the cells of the roots.


For Granovetter, network forms often represent proto-institutions, in the sense that many will subsequently "congeal" into a more stabilized and regularized configurations with the passage of time.


If the Landweber method and pre-iteration method were convergent, the residue sequence would be monotone decreasing. By analyzing the convergence, the fact is demonstrated that for the severe ill-conditioned matrix of sensitivity coefficient, because of the limitation of the precision of the computer, the residue sequence is not monotone decreasing; thereby the reconstruction images diverge from the true distribution of the conductivity. So the generalized inverse method with threshold is established and the selection way of the regularization parameter is presented, by which the better images are reconstructed.


The dual problem was solved by using the kernel trick .


Lastly, it discussed the possibility of formalization of the relation between the rhythmic units and the grammar structures.


In order to adapt imperative lives, children usually overbear their emotional impulse, interests and wishes.


The present paper attempts to examine the above "selective regular amplification" phenomenon in terms of numerical simulations based on the phase-field model.


更多网络解释与规则化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

algorithmic:算法的, 规则系统的

algorithmic translation | 算法翻译, 算法解释 | algorithmic | 算法的, 规则系统的 | algorithmization | 算法化

randomized block design:随机化区组设计

| 只看该作者...随机化区组设计(randomized block design) 先按一定规则将试验单元划分为若干同质组,称为"区组(Block)". 再将各种处理随机地指派给各个区组设计就是随机化区组设计.

diagonal sum rule:对角求和规则

diagonal sum 矩阵的迹 | diagonal sum rule 对角求和规则 | diagonalizable matrix 可对角化矩阵

diagonalizable matrix:可对角化矩阵

diagonal sum rule 对角求和规则 | diagonalizable matrix 可对角化矩阵 | diagonalization 对角线化

regularity condition:规则条件

regularity 规则性 | regularity condition 规则条件 | regularization 规则化


缩写为MAP)估计方法根据经验数据获得对难以观察的量的点估计. 它与最大似然估计中的 Fisher 方法有密切关系,但是它使用了一个增大的优化目标,这种方法将被估计量的先验分布融合到其中. 所以最大后验估计可以看作是规则化(regularization)的最大似然估计.

regularization method:正则化方法

regularity 规律性;一致性 | regularization method 正则化方法 | regularization 规则化

regularized covariance:正则化协方差

regularization 规则化 | regularized covariance 正则化协方差 | regularized semivariogram 正则化半方差图

rule simplifying:规则化简

傅立叶变换:simplifying equation | 规则化简:rule simplifying | 同构网格:isomorphic meshes


我们所做的种种努力,都可以看作是"内化"(Internalise)英语语体系过程中的必要步骤. 所谓内化,从字面上讲,是把外来的东西转化内在的东西;就语而言,我想其结果应该足达到可以驾驭英语语体系的程度. 像其他语言一样,英语中的语规则走有限的,