英语人>词典>汉英 : 观光事业 的英文翻译,例句
观光事业 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Indeed, as postulated by Amoah and Baum (1997) there is a two-way relationship between tourism and hospitality, in one hand, and human resource development and management in the other.

的确,如 Amoah 和那里的 Baum(1997)所要求是双行道的观光事业和款待之间的关系,在一只手、和人力资源发展和管理方面在另一个中。

This is one way in which policy can be linked with practice in tourism education and human resources development.


However, survival came at a steep price with the debilitation of my family's financial foundation with medical expenses.


Disappointing explanations were given to interrogators by Taiwanese officials stated that budgetaryrestrictions or invisible importance were often the excuses.Every January, Madrid hosts an international tourism exhibition, the "FERIA INTERNATIONAL DE TURISMO", which is a major event of the European travel industry. The Madrid World Trade Center houses ten large-scale exhibition halls for this weeklong event that is attended from five continentsand 170 countries compose total of 100,000 participants. An event that play a decisive role in tourism, Taiwan's exhibition booth had failed to display the ambitions of promoting Taiwan and hospitality in comparison with other Asia countries, such as China, Thailand, and Macao. Apparently, we showed ourlack of preparation and desire to publicize Taiwan's tourism. The booth only provided a few explanatory flyers and pamphlets; most of them are in English only. The Information Division of Taiwan's representative office in Madrid (the "Oficina Económica y Cultural de Taipei") also gave away some souvenirs.Unfortunately, none of Taiwanese tourist professionals participated in the FITUR. A local ticket sales agent of China Airlines in Madrid was the only representative among other major airlines from Taiwan.


Not surprisingly tourism and gambling are at the core of Monaco's economy.


On Developing Tourism Tourism,a smokeless industry,is developing rapidly in China.


Second, it seeks to re-emphasise the versatility of systems approach, in conceptualisation and application of appropriate tourism education and training strategies, particularly at regional and national level.


Further there was an attempt to "Westernise" to meet perceived Western ideas of tourism infrastructure which exuberated the situate and has made many Chinese tourism destinations very similar to western ones hence defeating the purpose of presenting China as a unique place to visit.


He also said that a policy was approved to permit real estate development associated with tourism, principally golf courses, marinas and other complementary tourist investments.


And in Mozambique, TechnoServe is helping develop the travel and tourism industry.


更多网络解释与观光事业相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


当时,这些人都不是游客(tourist),是旅客(traveler). 观光 事业(tourism)并不像今天那么发达的时候,"行万里路"真是为了收 "读万卷书"之效. 本杰明能够在旅途上走出心路,道理在此. 劳伦斯(D.H.Lawrence)的>(Twilightin ltaly)书名寓 意深远,

Wineglass Bay:酒杯灣

沿著东海岸线直行,中间会经过几个随捕鲸事业兴起及落没的城镇,鲸鱼对塔斯马尼亚曾经有著重要的经济贡献,禁捕之后,湛蓝的海洋以及蓝得清澈澄明的天空吸引了观光人潮,为捕鲸小镇带来新的发展,以往再多的杀戮都已成过去,云淡风清了,但酒杯湾(Wineglass Bay)的由来,不管听几次,