英语人>词典>汉英 : 褶皱 的英文翻译,例句
褶皱 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
drape  ·  drapes

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In addition to these two types of folds, however, we must mention another one, which is not easily classifiable as either anticline or syncline and is referred to as a monocline .


Is the fold structure can control large-scale the medium landform growth in the fold change aspect's significance; The fold structure often can control the minerals the formation and the tax saves the situation; The large-scale fold structure to studies the whole world diastrophism the way the direction and the nature significance significant and so on four aspects.


There are some small scale folds in the foliated rock. Their fold axial planes are parallel to the foliation and on the surface of folded foliation, the stretching lineation is parallel to the fold hinges.


Type IB: Isocline is convergent towards inner arc at a right angle to the fold.


A-type folds and sheath folds: a-type folds are those whose axis is parallel to the elongation lineation.


Based on our own simulation results and results of some numerical simulation of single Fold structure by other investigators in recent years, the factors that affect single fold shapes and the variation of maximum principal stress and horizontal strain during the deformation of single fold are discussed in this paper.


There are some small scale folds in the foliated rock. Their fold axial planes are parallel to the


According to the classification and stage principles of folds, we divided the folds into three stages. The first periodic folds: the prime folds of the Indosinian orogenic cycle; the second periodic folds: the intrafolial theomorphic folds of Post Indosinian; the third periodic folds: the superposed folds of Himalayan to Yanshanian.


This paper identified two generations of superimposed folds that widely develop in Indosinian to early Yanshanian tectonic layer (DJ12) in South China, and it is found that the earlier generation of folds is well zonated in WE and the later one is distributed in NNE.


The former fold is also called flow fold, consisting of a series parallel folds characterized by closed but well developed synclines with wide and gentle anticline in between. On thecontrary, the latter fold is characterized by completely developed anticlines with wide and gentle box shaped syncline in between.


更多网络解释与褶皱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chevron fold:尖棱褶皱

similar fold 相似褶皱 | chevron fold 尖棱褶皱 | accordion fold 棱角褶皱

chevron fold:尖顶形褶皱,人字形褶皱

人字形交错层理 chevron cross-bedding | 尖顶形褶皱,人字形褶皱 chevron fold | 尖顶形图形,锯齿形图形 chevron pattern

congruous fold:同斜褶皱,谐调褶皱

一致熔点 congruent melting point | 同斜褶皱,谐调褶皱 congruous fold | 锥线,锥形的 conic

converged fold:辐合褶皱,收敛褶皱

常规三轴测试 conventional triaxial test | 辐合褶皱,收敛褶皱 converged fold | 辐合阶地 converged terrace

diapir fold:冲顶褶皱,挤入褶皱,刺穿褶皱

冲顶构造穹丘 diapir dome | 冲顶褶皱,挤入褶皱,刺穿褶皱 diapir fold | 冲顶刺穿作用 diapir penetration


(新页面: 褶皱(fold)是指岩石的各种面状构造(如层面、叶理)受到力的作用而呈现弯曲形态的地质构造. 褶皱的形态千姿百态,褶皱的规模差别也极大. ...)褶皱(fold)是指岩石的各种面状构造(如层面、叶理)受到力的作用而呈现弯曲形态的地质构造.

kink fold:膝折褶皱

由一系列互相平行的膝折带组成的尖棱褶皱,称为膝折褶皱(kink fold). 膝折带的规模可大可小,大者可以形成中、小型褶皱,如尖棱褶皱、箱状褶皱;小者可到手标本的规模,相当褶劈理及其形成的小皱纹;显微尺度则如云母的晶内扭折.

overturned fold:倒转褶皱

倒转褶皱(overturned fold)、平卧褶皱(recumbend fold)和翻卷褶皱(facing down fold)(图12-13). 其中倒转褶皱是其一翼地层的层序已发生了倒转;...


褶皱;褶曲 fold | 褶皱;皱纹;细褶皱 plication | 褶皱带 zone of fold

recumbent overfold:倒转伏褶皱

recumbent isocline 伏卧等斜褶皱 | recumbent overfold 倒转伏褶皱 | recumbent overturned fold 几乎水平的倒转褶皱;伏卧褶皱