英语人>词典>汉英 : 裂殖子胚 的英文翻译,例句
裂殖子胚 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chondriomere  ·  cytomere  ·  plastomere

更多网络例句与裂殖子胚相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The author first reported the social phenomenon and synchronizing development incryptosporidia,the dynamic process of the sporozoites or merozoites aparted from theirparent substances and developed into trophozoites,the culture of C.baileyi in chickenembryo,and the excysting process without both the trypsin and the sodium taurocholatein 37℃ water.The high levels of excystation(60%)oceured at 37℃ water showedthat temprature was very important in cryptosporidia excysting process.


The life-cycle of C.baileyi in Beijing duck and in the CAM of chicken embryowas studied with both the light-microscope and the Nomarski interference-contrastmicroscopy.The results indicated that the life-cycle within duck was simillar tothat of CAM.It included excystation, merogony,gamogonyand sporogony.The thin-walled oocyst was first observed and described in China.


更多网络解释与裂殖子胚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


chondriome | 线粒体系 | chondriomere | 裂殖子胚 | chondriomite | 链状线粒体, 丝状线粒体

cytomere:精子胞浆部 精子胞浆部 裂殖子胚

cytomere精子胞浆部 精子胞浆部 裂殖子胚 | cytometaplasia细胞变异 | cytometer细胞计

cytomere, merocyst:裂殖子胚

06.0279 慢殖子 bradyzoite | 06.0280 裂殖子胚 cytomere, merocyst | 06.0281 分裂体 segmenta, meront