英语人>词典>汉英 : 被限制在...上 的英文翻译,例句
被限制在...上 的英文翻译、例句


be limited to
更多网络例句与被限制在...上相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was confined to bed for a week with his cold.


She was as cheerful as anyone confined to a hospital bed could be.


Due to the absorption of ozonosphere existing in near-ground atmosphere, the transmission distance is limited in a shorter range, therefore a shortlegged, cryptical, safe and antijamming communication system is constructed, and the conventional antenna is not needed.


In this thesis, we consider the 2D Poisson equation subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions on an irregular domain. The region of interest is embedded in a rectangular domain.

在这篇论文中,我们考虑在不规则区域上有著Dirichlet边界条件的二维Poisson 方程,而此不规则区域将被限制在一个矩形区域中来做计算。

The large man was always home precisely at ten o'clock at night, at which hour he regularly condensed himself into the limits of a dwarfish French bedstead in the back parlor; and the infantine sports and gymnastic exercises of Master Bar dell were exclusively confined to the neighboring pavements and gutters.


Based on the model of DLA, this paper simulates the process of aggregation's growth for random walk particles from local area on two-dimension Euclidean plane. The aggregation is confined to Euclidean circular plane for large enough particle walking area and far enough partial source distance. The centre of the Euclidean circular plane is on the line between the particle source's symmetric centre and the seed particle, and is more closer to the particle source than the seed particle. Though the rate of aggregation growth is different in different directions, the whole aggregation shows fractal structure.


This article that on the base of reviewing the developing process of the limited government theory,has studied the limited government's connotation that including:The government function scope is limited in the public domain;The government action practices the transparent administration;The power and responsibility relates has the automatic rhythmicity;The authority receives the restriction of the citizens rights,it's the law government with the authority receiving the restriction.


The trompe l oeil is no longer confined to painting.


Conventional saving theory shows that deposit cannot convert to unfaltering invest because of the absence of protection. As a result, the economy growth is limited to a low level.


Limits of liability of carrier in the carriage of goods by road limits of ... cleared of snow.


更多网络解释与被限制在...上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sensory deprivation:感觉剥夺

加拿大麦吉尔大学的心理学家于1954年做了"感觉剥夺"(sensory deprivation)的实验. 他们让被试每天24小时躺在一张舒适的床上,蒙上眼罩,戴上手套,头枕在泡沫橡胶的枕头上,用空调机发出的单调嗡嗡声来限制听觉. 因此,被试的感觉基本上被剥夺了.


在以后50年的生涯中,他被限制在轮床(gurney)上. 这是一种不同于轮椅(wheelchair)的装置,它可以调整高低和体位,但不能移动. 如果需要移动,必须靠他人帮助将其架到人力的或电动的轮椅上,再推动或开动轮椅. 在住院期间,


心理学家格思里(Guthrie)说,科学的事实并非外界客观的事物,而是经文字记下来的描述. 科学可被理解为语言的活动,把现实的世界和符号的世界扣上关系. 那麼,语文及其使用的限制就成了科学在描述及表达的限制. 当新的词彚出现后,


58在这里,密尔的观点提出了一个比较关键的问题:什么是"危害"(harm)他人或社会?不过,我们也要看到,如果有合法的、正当的理由,在某些情形下,有些权利是可以被限制、剥夺或压倒的. 应该对这类权利作出类型上的划分.

magnetic hysteresis:磁滞现象

而磁铁磁滞现象(Magnetic Hysteresis)所造成的不良影响,早在多年前就已被人们熟知,只是由于时空与制作材料上的限制,迟迟未能有所突破. 可喜的是,长久以来限制喇叭工程完美性的盲点,在ATC超线性磁铁技术(Super Linear Magnet Technology)成功发展出来后,


"(178页)它和劳动资料不同的是:"它们在所参加的每一个劳动过程中被全部消费掉". (178页)但是,由于这种生产资料在物质上是牢牢地被限制在生产领域之内,并不进入流通,因而被拉姆赛(Ramsay)这样的经济学家错认作固定资本的范畴.


Microsoft 已经做过许多次了:有一个版本的 Windows 被设计来将在您的硬碟上的所有软件回报给 Microsoft ;一个最近在 Windows Media Player 上的"安全" 升级要求使用者同意新的限制(restrictions).

Stare Decisis:遵从先例

其次,先例可以按照"遵从先例"(stare decisis)的原则被推翻. 而且,先例中的判决理由(ratio decidendi)并不被限制于任何特定的词语之内,这也就赋予它制定法所没有的一定的灵活性. 17世纪的德国虽然在政治体制上仍然是专制统治,


若您只是被"限制工作"(restriction)而非"禁止工作"(prohibition):◆"在学期间"(term time)指的是什么?◆"假期"(vacation)指的的是什么?>的相关内容可以在英国政府教育技能部(DFES)的网页上或者分发给雇主的传单上可以查到.


飞机能被从一条铺设或半铺设跑道发射,或使用一套火箭辅助起飞(RATO)系统,从一个零长度发射装置使用火箭助推器发射. RATO发射用在小艇甲板和在空间被限制的区域中. 飞机能在一条常规跑道上降落,绿化带或公路使用拦阻索降落.