英语人>词典>汉英 : 被逮捕的 的英文翻译,例句
被逮捕的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
popped  ·  busted

更多网络例句与被逮捕的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

SHANGHAI — Fresh ethnic violence has erupted in a Tibetan region of southwestern China, with disputed reports of eight people shot dead by the police, and the Chinese government on Friday vowed swift and severe punishment of Tibetans accused of rioting and taking part in last month's antigovernment protests.


In July 1998, the small diamond cutting community of Antwerp was strongly shaken by a series of arrests of Lubavitchers. It had been discovered that the diamond business in the Flemish city was a cover for the international heroin traffic. Fifteen kilos had been seized. An Orthodox Jew, Dror Hazenfratz, was the head of the network. Born in Hafa, Hazenfratz had an Israeli passport as well as a Belgian identity card. Before the court, he appeared in traditional black garb—caftan, cap, and curls—which did not prevent him from being condemned to eleven years in prison. There are many other examples.

1998年7月,安特卫普那个小小的切钻石社区因Lubavitchers被逮捕的消息彻底震撼了,这个弗拉芒城市被发现了它的钻石生意原来是用来掩护国际海洛因运输的, 15公斤的海洛因被检获,一个东正教犹太人一个东正教犹太人,Dror Hazenfratz,是网络的首脑,生于以色列海发市, Dror Hazenfratz 持有以色列护照和比利时身份证,在法院上,他穿传统的黑色装扮:卡夫坦,帽子,卷发,但是那并没有阻止了他被判入狱11年,还有许多别的例子

Anyone who is arrested shall be informed, at the time of arrest, of the reasons of his/her arrest and shall be promptly informed of any charges put forward against him/her.


TEARY EYED \ 流泪不止 A man affected by tear gas wiped his eyes after police used the gas, pepper spray and water cannons to disperse hundreds of people protesting the International Monetary Fund and World Bank meeting in Istanbul Tuesday.


The five were arrested on Friday following a predawn raid on their company's office in the Green Zone.


The most recent arrest was last night when Darryl Moeller was caught at his home.


Rear handcuffing is normally reserved for violent offenders, or is sometimes used where police have no knowledge of the person arrested and cannot guarantee their safety.


In the last 2 years, only 6 people were found guilty of poaching charges out of 41 arrested.

在过去两年里,被逮捕的 41 人中只有 6 人被指控偷猎而判有罪。

He also says all demonstrators arrested in recent days will be freed.


In the case where a member of the House of Representatives or a senator has been arrested in flagrante delicto, it shall be forthwith reported to the President of the House of which he is a member and such President may order the release of the person so arrested.


更多网络解释与被逮捕的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

under arrest:被捕,被逮捕

the when and where of his arrest : 他被捕的时间和地点 | under arrest : 被捕,被逮捕 | 5. noun 制动器,制动装置

Arrestable Offence:可被拘捕的罪行

arrest procedure 逮捕程序 | arrestable offence 可被拘捕的罪行 | articles of association 公司章程;章程细则

Younger the arrestee, the greater likelihool of subsequent arrests:被逮捕者年龄越小,再次犯罪的可能性越大

Other studies, including those from foreign ... | These repeat offenders are arrested between ... | Younger the arrestee, the greater likelihool of subsequent arrests 被逮捕者年龄越小,再次犯罪的可能性越大


unappeasable 不能满足的 | unappreciated 未被欣赏的 | unapprehended 未被逮捕的


unassured 不确定的 | unattached 未被逮捕的 | unattainable 难到达的


unappreciated 未被欣赏的 | unapprehended 未被逮捕的 | unapprehensive 不怀疑的


unapprehended /未被理解的/未被逮捕的/逍遥法外的/ | unapprehensive /理解力差的/不怀疑的/ | unapproachable /不易接近的/不可亲的/无与伦比的/

Like special operations personnel that might be captured and interrogated:比方从事特殊工作的人员 被逮捕必须接受审讯时

I teach techniques enabling anyone t... | Like special operations personnel that might be captured and interrogated.|比方从事特殊工作的人员 被逮捕必须接受审讯时 | Basically, I teach people to create a ...

The masked vigilante Rorschach was apprehended:蒙面孤胆英雄罗夏已被逮捕

My face! Give me back my face!|我的面具,... | The masked vigilante Rorschach was apprehended...|蒙面孤胆英雄罗夏已被逮捕 | ...and identified as Walter Kovacs, a 35-year-old white male|证实他是一位35岁的...

Where would the master-at-arms take someone under arrest:被逮捕的人会被带到哪

Thank God.|谢天谢地 | Where would the master-at-arms take someone under arrest?|被逮捕的人会被带到哪? | -You have to get to a boat right away. -No!|你必须快点坐上救生艇