英语人>词典>汉英 : 被议论的 的英文翻译,例句
被议论的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Yu Hua's Brothers is a work that was discussed quite a lot, and in this discussion there appeared the former "avant-gardism" Yu Hua who has become a "traditionalist" today, but he is so loyal and honest to the story that the reader cannot distinguish whether he is the Yu Hua of yesterday or today.


The network is brought into into addiction this message of mental category, caused extensive comment and attention instantly, netizen saliva is drawn to fly all over the sky on the net, the diagnostic level that the netizen becomes addiction to the network cannot understand, they state the network becomes addiction is a kind of morbid state admittedly, but by no means " mental disease ", however obstacle of a kind of spirit, with card games addiction, shopping addiction, do not need to be diagnosed clearly, although examine bring up the rear needs treatment, mental hat is too old still.


At this Nana got up and stood on one of the seats of her carriage so as to obtain a better view, and in so doing she trampled the bouquets of roses and myosotis underfoot.


When asked about thinking of American leader now most people say this lations is a personal thing But many other people regard this as......


If I can easily discuss the shortcomings and the sins of any; if I can speak in a casual way even of a child's misdoings, then I know nothing of Calvary love.


The silence of men in general is overtalked about and overcriticized.


The answer is: do monarch's just the congestion in the speech, rarely hear other people's arguments, they are easily moved by the sweet-sounding words that changed his mind.


However, the message about the music categorization is submerged fast because of another topic raised and attracted most media's attention: President Shiu-Bian Chen said he would pardon Ju-Men Yang on 6/19, three days after Sheng-Hsiang Lin's speech in the Golden Melody Award and donated part of the prize to Ju-Men Yang.


The news has recently been abuzz with several well-publicized incidents of theft of credit information from several processing agencies.


Gumtree 1.When asked about the ongoing uproar involving U.S. President Bill Clinton , most people say the affair involves a purely private matter .


更多网络解释与被议论的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

controversially:颇有争议地; 引起争议地 (副)

controversial 争论的, 被议论的, 论争的 (形) | controversially 颇有争议地; 引起争议地 (副) | controversy 论争; 论战; 辩论 (名)

mind reading:读心症

(20)内心被揭露感(experience of being revealed)又称被洞悉感,读心症(mind reading),是指患者坚信他所想的事已经被人知道,虽然说不清是怎样被人探知的,但确信已经世人皆知,甚至搞得满城风雨,所有人都在议论他.


在师长举行的记者招待会上,曾议论现在即将进行的作战应该叫做"后退"(retirement)还是"退却"(retreat). 白头发兰眼睛有学者风度的史密斯少将平静的说:"退却,是被敌人所迫,向友军保持的后方地域转移,但是,这次作战,后方也被敌人占领着.


在师长举行的记者招待会上,曾议论现在即将进行的作战应该叫做"后退"(retirement)还是"退却"(retreat). 白头发兰眼睛有学者风度的史密斯少将平静的说:"退却,是被敌人所迫,向友军保持的后方地域转移,但是,这次作战,后方也被敌人占领着.


直到新任统帅来到前线,下令撤退. 格兰特把农场换成了圣路易斯城里的一栋房子,和朱丽亚的一位表兄弟一起做房地产经济人,几个月后还是一事无成. 知道他们的人们开始议论,朱丽亚非人,尤里西斯(Ulysses) 应该被称为一无是处(Useless) .

wild animals:野兽

还有>(bad guy)或者>(The Coast Guard)、>(Wild Animals). . . 九部明显风格化的 电影终于让大众有所反应,骚动. 一个本来不声不响的韩国电影人被突然间关注、议论. 同时因为几乎一致的猎奇和误读这场 关注最终几乎等同于围观.

wild animals:野兽

还有<<坏人>>(bad guy)或者<<海岸线>>(The Coast Guard)、<<野兽>>(Wild Animals). . . 九部明显风格化的 电影终于让大众有所反应,骚动. 一个本来不声不响的韩国电影人被突然间关注、议论. 同时因为几乎一致的猎奇和误读这场 关注最终几乎等同于围观.


在其他地方,他表示了对言辞(诸恶中的最坏者)的厌恶(89d 2)--厌恶议论(misology)--同时也表明,语言的消失就是哲学本身的丧失(<<智者篇>>[Soph.] 260a 6-7),然而,在<<巴门尼德篇>>(Parmenides)中,理念却被定义为