英语人>词典>汉英 : 被处理 的英文翻译,例句
被处理 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
make  ·  makes

更多网络例句与被处理相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The insolubility of PHB in chloroform which pretreated at over 120℃ and its mechanism were studied for the first time.


The keyboard or mouse message is not fully processed until the menu command message is processed.


In order to solve the problem of potassium iodide Ioss in microelements premixed material and find out the optimal coating method,residual rates of potassium iodide of pretreated feeds using different kinds of coating s in different treating times were determined in the paper.


Research in Hawaii has show that dose s of 1,000 Gy or more may be required to prevent hatch of irradiated eggs, molting of treated larvae to the next instar or pupation of treated mature larvae.


Research in Hawaii has show that doses of 1,000 Gy or more may be required to prevent hatch of irradiated eggs, molting of treated larvae to the next instar or pupation of treated mature larvae.


Research in Hawaii has show that doses of 1,000 Gy or more may be required to prevent hatch of irradiated eggs, molting of treated larva e to the next instar or pupation of treated mature larva e.


This invention is to provide a telephone exchange capable of operating any one of the juxtaposed and registered extension radiotelephones and wire telephones by only specifying one extension dial number. For this purpose, a wire port physical number is registered in association with a radio port physical number so that two normally separate extension wire telephone (006a, 006b, etc.) and radiotelephone (008a, 008b, etc.) can be handled as if they were a single-channel extension phone with a branch switch.

本发明是为了提供这样一种电话交换机:只需指定一个分机拨号号码,便可使用并置的和被注册的分机无线电话和分机有线电话中的任何一个,因此,有线端口的物理号码和无线端口的物理号码被联合注册,这样,两个在常规上是分离的分机有线电话(006a,006b……)和分机无线电话(008a,008b……)可以象具有一个分支切换a branch switch)的单通道分机电话一样来被处理

The rotisserie as claimed in claim 1, wherein said housing comprises a first rack disposed at a first side thereof and a second rack disposed at a second side thereof opposite to said first rack and adapted to support with said first rack said rod member; said coupling means couples said motor case to the second rack of said housing.

如要求 1 所要求的烤肉馆,在何处说住屋包含一个第一个架关于在第一边处理了和关于相反说第一个架而且适应了的在第二个边被处理的一个第二个架以被说的第一个架说竿成员支援;联结说意谓夫妇对说的住屋的第二个架说马达的情形。

Precocene could induce macropter, the more macropterous adult were found the higher titer of preconece was applied to the larvae, and the macropter inducement was more effective at the 3rd instar than at the 4th instar, the macropterous adults rates were 100% or 86.67% respectively when S. furcifera were treated by 10μg/μl or 100ng/μl preconece at the 3rd instar.


Waste-water facilities there must pasteurise food scraps before they are processed, according to Michael Chesshire, the head of technology at BiogenGreenfinch, a company that modifies sewage digesters to use food scraps.


更多网络解释与被处理相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not Acceptable:服务器生成的响应无法被客户端所接受

405 Method Not Allowed 请求中指定的方法不被允许. | 406 Not Acceptable 服务器生成的响应无法被客户端所接受. | 407 Proxy Authentication Required 用户必须首先使用代理服务器进行验证,这样请求才会被处理....


服务代理的一个最有用的功能就是"激活"(activation)了. 激活可以在收到消息的时候自动启动消息处理程序. 如果消息来的速度大于处理的速度,那么多个消息处理程序就会被启动,直到达到了配置允许的最大值. 如果消息来的速度减慢或是已经没有消息等待被处理了,

come before:位于...之前; 被交付处理[审判]; 被提出

come back回来; 忆起, 恢复原有地位[健康]; (风尚)又流行起来; [美俚]还嘴 | come before 位于...之前; 被交付处理[审判]; 被提出 | come between 在...中间; 离间; 使分开; 妨碍某人做某事



Handled call:被处理过的呼叫

Geographically-variable operating costs - 地域差异性运营成本 | Handled call - 被处理过的呼叫 | Handling time -(呼叫)处理时长

Be processed:被加工成

Be moulded as 被塑造成为 | Be processed 被加工成 | Be disposed of 被处理

Be promoted:被提升为

Be disposed of 被处理 | Be promoted 被提升为 | Be manufactured 被制作/制造

be tackled as:作为....被处理

on the basis of 以...为基础 | be tackled as 作为....被处理 | reach limits 到达极限

backlog is dispatched:未交付订单被处理

backlog calculation 未交订货-计算 | backlog is dispatched 未交付订单被处理 | backlon 储备(积累)

managed object:被管对象

所有被管理的网络设备,包括用户站点和网络互连设备等,统称为被管对象(Managed Object). 驻留在这些被管对象上配合网络管理的处理实体称为被管代理,而驻留在管理工作站上实施管理的处理褓称为管理器. 管理器和被管代理通过交换管理进行工作,