英语人>词典>汉英 : 被唤起 的英文翻译,例句
被唤起 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
awake  ·  awakening  ·  awakes  ·  awaking

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The theory of Confucianism founded by Lu Gu and Jia Yi was originated from the theory of Xun Zi, However, not the same as the thougt of Lu Gu, in the theory of Jia Yi, which reflected the aristocracy-oriented feature of the upper class, the ideology of aristocratism was aroused. Han Ying initiated the self-awakening man's original mind or nature and reestablished the theory of born good. His theory was regarded as an anabranch of Confucianism in the early stage of Han Dynasty, and a reecho of historical movement of the aristocratic theory of Confucianism advocated by Confucius and Mencius. During the periods of Emperor. Jing of Han and Emperor Wu of Han, an aristocratic upper class had come into being. Therefore, in the face of the society that experienced populace-oriented baptism, Dong Zhong-shu kept down the aristocratic components existed in Jia Yi's theory, absorbed populace-oriented consciousness, which formed the foundation for theoretical system, and transferred instrument-centered Confucianism to the one with sanctification. Thus, Confucianism acquired its theoretical remolding and historical transforming.


The best of social and group constructiveness is an effort to allay the psychotic anxieties that lie at the base of every one of us, and which may be provoked under extreme enough conditions.


The Boxers were suppressed by foreign force, but in their wake came the first signs of a growing anti-Manchu Chinese nationalism, expressed in newspaper articles and pamphlets, in economic boycotts, and in a flurry of insurrectionary activity aimed at undercutting the power of the Qing state from within.


First, N400 potential is evoked in response to words that are semantically anomalous relative to a given context.

首先, N400 电位回应相对於给定的上下文是与语意有关异常的字被唤起

This hypothesis presupposes that the image was once call scious otherwise it could not have been "repressed."


By the 1970s, a new respect for the place of buildings within the existing townscape arose.


Cannibalized corpses can be raised as zombies (if they still possess some flesh) or skeletons.


An oeuvre that fictionalizes presumed strata of reality before transforming them into a new narrative, devoid of protagonists, sometimes even devoid of human characters.


Acquaintance. The strongest motives, the most furious passions,fear, hatred, and resentment, are scarce sufficient to balancethis natural disposition to respect them: and their conduct must,either justly or unjustly, have excited the highest degree of allthose passions, before the bulk of the people can be brought to


Lie at the base of every one of us, and which may be provoked under


更多网络解释与被唤起相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cod-liver oil:鳕鱼肝油

1917年医生们发现鳕鱼肝油(Cod Liver Oil)可避免因缺乏维他命D而引起的佝偻症. 1930年诺贝尔奖得主Dr. Albert SgertGyorgyi发现了维他命C与Bioflavonoids,他是第一位在医学界唤起大家对维他命重视的医师,当时他就臆测,将会有更多的维他命会被发现.

In the US,only native-born citizens are eligible to the office of president:在美国,只有在美国本 土出生的公民才有资格 当选总统

eligible a.有条件被选中的,有 恰当资格的;(尤指... | In the US,only native-born citizens are eligible to the office of president. ;在美国,只有在美国本 土出生的公民才有资格 当选总统. | evoke vt.唤起,引起,...

Velvet Revolver:丝绒左轮

已经说不清究竟是"丝绒左轮"(Velvet Revolver)还是罗克索尔?罗斯(Axl Rose)才是更正宗的"枪花"(Guns N'Roses),反正当史拉西(Slash)标志性的吉它Solo响起时,那些老"枪花"迷们曾经的激情肯定是会被重新唤起了.


Lee Ae-ran得到美国驻韩大使凯瑟琳-斯蒂芬斯(Stephens)的推荐,被确定为美国国务院每年向全世界10名优秀女性领导人授予的这一奖项的获奖者. 外交消息人士称:"奥巴马政府邀请脱北女性颁奖,还有唤起人们对北韩人权问题的关注的目的.


本集片名>(Sunday). 周日也是教徒做礼拜的日子,Lynette宗教信仰被唤起,决定与Bree一起去教堂,两人的友情也因此经受了小小考验. Gaby开始和Carlos符合,但之后Gaby知道Carlos会永久失明后,也开始非常气愤Carlos的不坦诚.


1963年>第二版前言中,从第一句话开始就再次唤起了这种关注--对戏剧场景(tableau)、对空间和分类、对方法论和形态学的关注. 如果没有等级化的分类,这么一种关注就无以维持. 这一被派定的任务,这一被命定的职责,

It's so thought provoking Emotion evoking:那些思绪又被唤起

I'm going through changes,I see you again 经过这些变故,我又见到了你 | It's so thought provoking Emotion evoking 那些思绪又被唤起. | I can't turn around,I don't want to pretend 我无法回头,我不能假装....


本集片名<<周日>>(Sunday). 周日也是教徒做礼拜的日子,Lynette宗教信仰被唤起,决定与Bree一起去教堂,两人的友情也因此经受了小小考验. Gaby开始和Carlos符合,但之后Gaby知道Carlos会永久失明后,也开始非常气愤Carlos的不坦诚.