英语人>词典>汉英 : 袋熊 的英文翻译,例句
袋熊 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
wombat  ·  wombats

更多网络例句与袋熊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of several stocky, burrowing, Australian marsupials of the family Vombatidae, somewhat resembling a small bear and feeding mainly on grass, leaves, and roots.


They headed towards the waterhole with Wombat holding onto Mother Kangaroo's tail and grumbling all the way.


Wombats look cute when they are young, like the wombat in this picture, but when they get big, they can weigh up to 35kg.


In fact, koalas' scientific name means "ash-colored pouch bear."


Work as a doctor and care for 6 fun loving animals including koala bears, wombats, dingos and kangaroos!


Work as a doctor and care for 6 fun loving animals including koala bears, wombats, dingos and kangaroos!


He said his department would consider legalizing the consumption of meat from the Ostrich-like emu bird, but he assured reporters that koala bears and wombats would never become legal menu entrees


Sometimes animals try to follow wombats into their tunnels to attack them, but a wombat's backside is very hard, so biting it from behind usually doesn't work.


Kangaroos, koalas and wombats are marsupials.


This is a collection of six short stories, each featuring a different Australian animal, Harry the Hairy Nosed Wombat, Rufus the Red Kangaroo, Bobuck the Mountain Possum, Kolo the Bush Koala, Percy the Peaceful Platypus and Rusty the Nimble Numbat.

这是一本收集6篇短篇故事的小说,每一个以一种不同的澳洲动物为特色,有毛的袋熊Harry,红大袋鼠Rufus,山负鼠 Bobuck,灌木无尾熊 Kolo,和平鸭嘴兽Percy和敏捷的袋食蚁兽Rusty。

更多网络解释与袋熊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a. Wombat and echidna:(袋熊和针鼹鼠)

7. Which animals are on the Australian Coat of Arms?哪两个动物出现在澳洲国徽里 | a. Wombat and echidna (袋熊和针鼹鼠) | b. Kangaroo and emu (袋鼠和鸸鹋)

Ratel and wombat-like:像Ratel的和像袋熊的

Cat-like and rat-like, 像猫的和像老鼠的 | Ratel and wombat-like像Ratel的和像袋熊的, | Snail-paced in a hurry,蜗牛步匆忙地爬着

像Ratel的和像袋熊的:Ratel and wombat-like

Cat-like and rat-like, 像猫的和像老鼠的 | Ratel and wombat-like像Ratel的和像袋熊的, | Snail-paced in a hurry,蜗牛步匆忙地爬着

and the Aussie will run like a scared wombat if things turn rough:如果事情变糟了 那个澳洲人就会像只惊吓的袋熊一样乱跑

So what's your plan? You take the big dark one, I've got the ... | and the Aussie will run like a scared wombat if things turn rough.|如果事情变糟了 那个澳洲人就会像只惊吓的袋熊一样乱跑 | I can't do it...

Well-hung Wombat:大屌的毛鼻袋熊

Voluptuous Viper色情的蝰蛇 | Well-hung Wombat大屌的毛鼻袋熊 | Xenophobic Xantus仇外的黑额红嘴蜂鸟/克桑圖什鸟/白腹斑海雀?


■ 邦努诺野生动物园坐落在市区以北25公里处,是荷伯特市区附近最大的澳洲野生动物园,园内除了饲养了袋鼠(Kangaroo)、树熊(Koala)、袋熊(Wombat)和澳洲野狗(Dingo)外,还有当地知名的野生动物-袋獾,俗称「塔斯马尼亚恶魔」(Tasmanian Devil).


袋熊(Koala)和毛鼻袋熊(Wombat)的袋不是像袋鼠一样,袋鼠的袋是往上开的,Wombat和Koala,marsupialmole(有袋鼹鼠),它们的袋口是开向尾巴的方向. 如果你设计的话,你一定会想到,要是鼹鼠(mole)的口袋像袋鼠的话,那怎可以呢?


阿比西尼亚猫 Abyssinian | 毛鼻袋熊;袋熊 wombat | 古巴鼩;大獭鼩 solenodon

Des Wombat:(死亡袋熊)

Snipe Hunter(潜行阻击手) | Des Wombat(死亡袋熊) x 3 | D.D. Crow(异次元乌鸦) x 2

hairy nosed wombat:毛鼻袋熊

hairy indigo 毛槐蓝 | hairy nosed wombat 毛鼻袋熊 | hairy sheath 毛鞘