英语人>词典>汉英 : 表达清晰的 的英文翻译,例句
表达清晰的 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与表达清晰的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yes, you may use them to express and articulate your views and perspectives.


Learn how to write clearly and concisely.


We hope EVERY and EACH Mopper explicitly will express our determined reply: WE WILL NEVER ACCEPT IT!


Be clear 要清晰 Sometimes it is difficult to say what is on one's mind .


Due military activity, do not cross the final course to the north area when establish the localizer.


Results We obtained a lysogenic bacteriophage MZTP01with clear plaque and 1 mm diameter. Fragment D with 2362bp (Genebank No. AY639599) was obtained after the phage DNA hydrolyzed by HindⅢ/EcoRⅠ. Among fragment D, the pep gene with molecular weight of 47 kDa and length of 1101bp was cloned and expressed. Recombinant M15 (pQE30pep) was built and overexpressed in Escherichia coli with a 47kDa clear band. At the same place a clear band was observed by Western blot. Judging from the time course expression, we could conclude that PEP protein produced at 1 hour after induction and then increased gradually. PEP protein was mainly in the form of inclusion body in the recombinant and slowed the growth speed of host. Homologous comparison of PEP protein from phage MZTP01 with other PEPs from BLAST were that phage MZTP01 PEP protein had 100% homologe with that of Escherichia coli K12, and most of others took the similarity in the range between 37%~84%.

诱导获得的溶原性噬菌体MZTP01斑点清晰,直径约1mm,成斑时间12h;从噬菌体基因组DNA双酶切(HindⅢ/EcoRⅠ)片段中回收长度为2362bp的D片段(Genbank登录号: AY639599),又从D片段中克隆了长度为1101bp、编码367aa、分子量为47kDa的pep基因,表达载体M15(pQE30pep)在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli, E.coli)中表达获得了47kDa的清晰表达带,在1h 时开始产生蛋白并有逐步上升的趋势; Western blot 也在47kDa处得到一条清晰的条带;可溶性分析表明PEP蛋白在重组菌株中是以不可溶的包含体形式存在的,该蛋白的产生明显地抑制了宿主的生长速度;噬菌体PEP氨基酸序列之间的同源性比较表明,噬菌体MZTP01 PEP蛋白与来自E.coli K12噬菌体的PEP蛋白的同源性程度最大。

A 4 paper was an organized, powerful, and well-delivered paper with little or no mistakes.


Bias, two random teachers score the prompts. It's on a scale of 1 to 4. Ifyou got a 1 you were completely off topic and made no sense. A 2 wassomeone who was sort of headed the right way, but did something that hurtthe entire paper. A 3 meant you were on topic, but there were someinconsistencies that kept it from being perfect. A 4 paper was anorganized, powerful, and well-delivered paper with little or no mistakes.


It seemed that I would write something that was so beautiful that it couldn't possibly get anything but the best grade, but I always end up with mediocre grades. For the sake of avoiding bias, two random teachers score the prompts. It's on a scale of 1 to 4. If you got a 1 you were completely off topic and made no sense. A 2 was someone who was sort of headed the right way, but did something that hurt the entire paper. A 3 meant you were on topic, but there were some inconsistencies that kept it from being perfect. A 4 paper was an organized, powerful, and well-delivered paper with little or no mistakes.


SDS-PAGE results indicated that there was a clear target band in Muts and Mut+ recombinant culture supernatant after 48 hours culture respectively .


更多网络解释与表达清晰的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thetroops were formed in battle array:排列,队形

arouse 使......奋发 A man like Tom will be aroused. Don't... | array 排列,队形 Thetroops were formed in battle array. | articulate 发音清晰的,善于表达的 He is articulate abouteverything in the field of...


英文信函中讲究五C原则,也就是要求做到正确(Correctness)、清晰(Clearness)、简明(Conciseness)、完整(Completeness)和礼貌(Courtesy). 信函的语调也是同样重要的,它表达了你对收信人的态度,适当的语调将会给双方创造良好的沟通气氛.


此书的作者,用通俗易懂的英文,循序渐进的方式将JavaScript DOM编程最清晰的表达给了读者,而最让我激动的是,他将如何使行为层与表现层、内容层实现完全分离的方式展现给了我们,而且还重点加强了Javascript降级(degrade)思想,Javascript应该是对文本内容的一个补充,


言语和语言治疗是对各种言语、语言障碍的评价、治疗和研究[2],其中言语、语言又各有含义. 言语(speech)为口语交流的机械部分,为使口语发音表达清晰,需要相应的神经肌肉活动. 言语障碍可由咽下困难(Dysphagia)、构音障碍(D..


一个人的沟通能力不在于说话多少,而在于思路是否清晰、有逻辑性,能否善于表达(Expressivity)、有亲和力. 希望员工光明正大的(Sporting)、实事求是的(Realistic)接人待物,而懒惰散漫、形象邋遢、言行粗鲁、举止不雅等等,是不能被接受的.

fuzzy set:模糊集

为了与模糊集(fuzzy set)和粗糙集(rough set)相区别,经典集合(classicalset)也称为普通集合(common set)或清晰集合(crisp set),它可以表达清晰的概念,例如奇(iN)数、三角形、抛物线等,再比如在知识表达系统中,




5) 浏览(navigate)目录(即通过书目信息的逻辑排列或清晰的浏览途径的展示,包括作品、内容表达、载体表现和单件之间关系的展示). 国际编目原则强调的目录功能包括发现(find)、识别(identify)、选择(select)、获取(acquire,

Pallas Athena:爱与美、创意的表达

Orion and Angelica - 新鲜的开始、终结以及历程 | Pallas Athena - 爱与美、创意的表达 | Lady Portia - 不批判、包含我们自己、清晰的瞥见带来正确的行动

the gift of tongues:语言能力

英文面试的第一目的是让主管(director)了解你,甚至对你感兴趣,因此最重要的是展示你的综合素质(comprehensiveabilities),而绝非单单的语言能力(the gift of tongues),所以应该首先力求表达清晰.