英语人>词典>汉英 : 补充者 的英文翻译,例句
补充者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I think that if I were allowed to add one small beatitude as a footnote to the other it might be: Blessed are the courteous.


Will there be more ways to give energy to a caster? www.starcraft2.hu


Will there be more ways to give energy to a caster? http://www.starcraft2.hu


But it is quite conceivable that the dying prelate was mindful of the opportunity to complete his first act by dictating to his chaplain and confirming with his seal this codicil which, according to the testamentary executors, was written only half an hour before his death.


But when one of them said,"A rower does not row for pay, just as a mower does not mow for hay," another of them said,"Right, and a doter does not become a doter because he has a daughter, just as a daw does not become a daw because he has a little dough," and a third of them added, Right.


In some cancers, the last treater may be the surgeon or the radiation oncologist, but in most cases where there is treatment with a curative intent, the last treater is the medical oncologist, and usually this is the physician who should take on the responsibility."However, this is a problem, as many oncologists tell us that they do not have the time to take on this additional task," Dr. Ganz commented,"but we need to educate them, and to use a carrot — maybe offer a new payment for this task." This may be possible, she added, as healthcare plans are realizing the benefit of having such summary plans."I have been billing in my practice for years for this — this is not insurance fraud, this is cognitive delivery rather than doing procedure," she added.


This insidious mechanism, which does not deter the herbivore from feeding but impairs its recruitment, will restrain the cohort size of the next generation of early-rising overwinterers. Such a transgenerational plant–herbivore interaction could explain the recurringly inefficient use of a predictable, potentially valuable food resource—the spring diatom bloom—by marine zooplankton.

但是现在,用桡脚类动物Calanus helgolandicus所做的饲养实验表明,在硅藻与其捕食者之间在进行一场化学战:当被咬碎时,一些早期繁茂的硅藻会释放毒素,杀死以硅藻为食的桡脚类的后代;这样虽然不能阻止桡脚类继续吃硅藻,但却能影响其&兵员补充&,限制来年较早复苏的过冬者的数量。

We postulated that decreased levels of dopamine receptors predisposed subjects to search for reinforcers; for example, drug-addicted subjects seek the drug whereas obese subjects seek food to temporarily compensate for a decreased sensitivity of dopamine regulated reward circuits.


And a daily vitamin D supplement is a good idea for vegans and meat-eaters alike.


I had several games where I was just flying around looking for weak targets and dodging stalkers while adding more and more mutalisks until I could 1 shot cannons and obelisks. It is incredibly frustrating as Protoss to have this doom cloud scourging your base and you can't really do anything but chase them around with stalkers. It is very hard to place a good storm on mutalisks mid-flight and the Pheonix is just laughable air to air.


更多网络解释与补充者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


" 吕荣璋补充道:"在欧洲胜利的鼓舞下,亚洲的货主基于共同的利益将联合起来要求那些立法者废除具有垄断性质的企业联合(cartel)并禁止他们所有违背公平的做法.


compensational /赔偿/报酬的/ | compensative /赔偿的/补充的/ | compensator /赔偿者/补整器/补偿器/


这是因为,世界文化市场所能接受的是对它来说既是"异"的具有他者性(otherness) 的东西,又是"同"的具有适应性(conformability) 的东西. 多元文化杂交的前提正在于有多种文化"元",多种文化种子,可以互相补充,互相"嫁接",

CWT CollaborativeWorkSupportSystem:合作项目的支持系统

CRS CollaborativeReplenishmentServices 协作补充服务 | CWT CollaborativeWorkSupportSystem 合作项目的支持系统 | CC CollectCall 被呼者付费电话,对方付费电话


subsidiary 辅助的,补充的 | dissidence 意见不同,不同意,异议 | dissident 唱反调者

Durham University:达勒姆大学

[明报专讯]英国 达勒姆大学(Durham University)研究报告指,日饮超过7杯即冲咖啡的人士,比每日只饮1杯者有高3倍机会产生幻觉. 茶、朱古力、补充体力饮料等含咖啡因的饮食或药物亦有这种影响. 研究人员指,人体摄取愈多的咖啡因,

egg albumin:蛋白

净蛋白质利用(NPU,net protein Utilization),饲料采食量及增重以白蛋白(egg albumin)为最佳,其次为经加热处理之大豆粕,馀者依序为生大豆补充物、生大豆;无蛋白质日粮组最差,於10日试验期间虽有采食(191克),但已无净蛋白利用,


skirmisher 散兵 | planisher 打平者 | replenisher 补充者,装满者

supplement n.1:增补(物),补充(物) 2.增刊,副刊

suppliern.供应者, 补充者, 厂商, 供给者 | supplement n.1.增补(物),补充(物)2.增刊,副刊 | vt.增补,补充

supplement n.1:补充(物) 2.增刊,副刊,附录

supplier n.供应者, 补充者, 厂商, 供给者 | supplement n.1.补充(物) 2.增刊,副刊,附录 | vt.增补,补充