英语人>词典>汉英 : 补偿法 的英文翻译,例句
补偿法 的英文翻译、例句


compensating method · penalty method · compensation method
更多网络例句与补偿法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main methods for measurement of the resistance leakage currents of metal oxide arrester were introduced in this paper.


Taking the administrative villages as units, a comprehensive and detailed survey was made to attain the rich and reliable data, including the information about the status of the land use, the relationship of the land supply and demand, the living standards of farmers and the minimum of urban resident living guarantee and so on. Then the estimating system was established. Afterwards, basing the survey and the system, the character of each unit was transfer into data. And, utilizing the frequency law, the whole county was divided into four expropriation land blocks. The area was measured and the map, showing the differences between blocks, of the Arable Land Blocks for expropriation of Siyang was protracted by the method of GIS. Finally, the land expropriation price is calculated by agricultural land economical function compensate method and urban construction land criterion price avulse method, then the price was tested by expropriation case comparison method. It is beneficial not only for protecting farmers rights and interests, but also for link up with the current land compensate standard, so this way to calculate the land expropriate price is more reasonably.


For two kinds of servo systems that the output can be directly measured or not directly measured, the direct compensation method and the BP neural network compensation method for backlash nonlinearity were presented. Simulation results for a tank barbette tracking system show that these two kinds of compensation methods can successfully eliminate the influences produced by backlash nonlinearity, and improve the system accuracy.


A new algorithm of utter compensation, which is called " weighting method of compensation " for curve of the second order, has been developed.


With the amplitude and phase compensation method,the compensation function is developed by the stroboscope analysis of import signal and frequency characteristic identification of production system.


The Workmen's Compensation Acts and our Employees' Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282) were designed to remedy malpractices of unscrupulous employers and to provide injured employees and their families with compensation.


Organization: Manufacturing Engineering Institute, Chongqing UniversityAbstract: Based on the influences of opposite clearance on computer numerical control machining, the CNC code precompensation method of the CNC machining opposite clearance is introduced, and the precompensation process of opposite clearance is also introduced. The vector operation rules are used to research the algorithm of precompensation, and the proposed algorithm has been applied in a special numerical control equipment.

摘 要:在分析反向间隙对计算机数控(computer numerical control,CNC)加工影响的基础上,提出一种数控加工反向间隙的数控代码预补偿法,给出了反向间隙预补偿流程,并采用向量运算规则进行了预补偿实现算法研究,所提算法已在某专用数控设备上得到应用。

Different kind space cameras use different image motion compensation methods and Drift Angle controls respectively.Applications of Drift Angle control in mechanical image motion compensation and electronic image motion compensation are introduced and analyzed in this paper.


In this thesis, some key techniques of compensation method for testing aspheric surface are studied.

补偿法检测非球面的核心部件是高精度的补偿器,而为得到高精度的补偿器,必需解决如下几个关键技术: 1。

Compensation null test is a very important method in testing aspheric surface with high accuracy.


更多网络解释与补偿法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

compensating method:补偿法

compensating magnet 自差校正磁铁 | compensating method 补偿法 | compensating moment 补偿力矩

locus compensating method:轨迹补偿法

软件误差补偿:Software Error Compensating | 轨迹补偿法:locus compensating method | 润滑添加剂:self-compensating repairing effects

temperature compensating method of reference junction:参比端温度补偿法

temperature,温度 | temperature compensating method of reference junction,参比端温度补偿法 | temperature compensation,温度补偿

compensating keying method:填补按键法

补偿电流 compensating current | 填补按键法 compensating keying method | 补偿电阻 compensating resistance

compensating keying method:填波发报法

补偿电感 compensating inductance | 填波发报法 compensating keying method | 补偿磁极 compensating pole

nt compensational method:电流补偿法

www.mapeng.net 马棚网 | nt compensational method | 电流补偿法 | current component | 电流分量,电流组件



penalty method:补偿法

空间的近似是透过拟谱法,边界条件的则是以补偿法 (penalty method) 配置到格式中. 计算方法的稳用金属有机化学沉积法(MOCVD)形成层状的发光二极体结构:先是在基板上沉积30nm厚的氮化镓成核


"三上","专业选修","行政法专题研究","SEMINAR ON ADMINISTRATIVE LAW",2,2 | "三上","专业选修","国家补偿法","NATIONAL COMPENSATION ACT",2,2 | "三上"

sound pressure compensation method:声压补偿法

sound pressure calibration ==> 声压校准 | sound pressure compensation method ==> 声压补偿法 | sound pressure correction ==> 声压校正