英语人>词典>汉英 : 行政部门 的英文翻译,例句
行政部门 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
service  ·  services  ·  serviced  ·  executives

civil service · executive branch · administrative department
更多网络例句与行政部门相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 75 In the event that any public health authority fails to report the occupational diseases and occupational-disease-inductive accidents as regulated, the upper-level public health authority will order the liable public health authority for correction in addition to notice of criticism; the principals, executives and other personnel directly responsible for any inaccurate report or deliberate concealment of actual conditions are subject to such disciplinary actions as post-lowering, deposal or dismissal.


The higher-level hygiene administrative department reserves the right to rectify or cancel the approval of establishment that is executed by the subordinacy hygiene administrative department and considered to be incompliant to the Programming of Establishment of Medical Institution from the day of receiving record report within 30 days.


Besides, this announcement returns a regulation, program of Internet seeing and hearing serves the drama of movie and TV that the unit transmits, must accord with the concerned regulation of management of broadcast film TV, obtain service of broadcast movie and TV to issue lawfully " electric film is fair mirror licence "," teleplay issues license " or " TV cartoon issues license "; The academic literature movie and TV of transmission piece must obtain service of broadcast movie and TV to issue lawfully " academic literature movie and TV piece televise licence ".


We can mak use of the combination of two policy. Suggestions: In order to improve RUD in rural areas of China and RUD researches, the researcher suggested: 1.Pay more attention to the manager's impact on improving RUD and make use of its paradigm and leading impact. 2.Apply ten core interventions including STG and EDL. They are applying STG, applying EDL, developing a drug management department and perfecting its function, educating health workers, supervising and checking up the use of drugs, developing independent drug information system, carrying out public education, economic interventions, improving the work rate of drug use and health workers by ensuring sufficient budget. 3. Make use the pressure of applying the new-type CMS and apply many types of interventions to improve RUD in rural areas.

建议:为进一步促进农村地区合理用药,完善农村地区合理用药研究,建议: 1、重视乡镇卫生院院长在促进合理用药中的作用,充分发挥其示范、带动作用; 2、实施以临床诊疗规范、基本药物目录为主的十条核心干预措施,具体包括:实施临床诊疗规范、实施基本药物手册、建立医院药事管理机构,完善相关职能、开展医务人员培训、开展用药督导和审核、建立独立的药物信息提供体系、开展药物的公共教育、经济措施、保证政府投入以提高用药和医务人员的工作效率; 3、利用实施新型农村合作医疗制度的压力机制,综合使用多种措施协同促进合理用药; 4、多部门协作共同促进农村地区合理用药,由合作医疗和医疗救助等保障制度管理部门、财政部门、卫生行政部门、药品监管部门、工商行政部门、物价部门、媒体等共同参与,各司其责,共同促进农村地区合理用药; 5、在合理用药评价研究中应密切注意农村地区药品利用不足问题,建立正确的评价假设; 6、构建适合我国国情的完善的合理用药干预措施效果评价指标体系,加强标准值研究。

Vice-Chancellor responsible for the implementation of the ideological and moral education of vocational students leadership system.


Article 10 Where the analysis results of food safety risk monitoring show that there may be any hidden food safety risk, the health administrative department of the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall timely notify the people's governments at the districted city level and at the county level within its administrative region and the health administrative departments thereof about the relevant information.

第十条 食品安全风险监测分析结果表明可能存在食品安全隐患的,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门应当及时将相关信息通报本行政区域设区的市级和县级人民政府及其卫生行政部门

After the health administrative department of the State Council releases any food safety risk warning information or after receiving the food safety risk monitoring information in a notification made by the health administrative department of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government of the place where it is located in accordance with Article 10 of this Regulation, the people's government at the districted city or county shall promptly organize the health administrative department, agriculture administrative department, quality supervision department, industry and commerce administrative department and food and drug supervision and administration department at the same level to take pertinent measures to prevent the occurrences of food safety accidents.


Article 101 The employer that unjustifiably prevent labour administrative departments and other relevant departments as well as their workers from exercising supervision and inspection powers or retaliates informers shall be fined by labour administrative departments or other relevant departments.


Article 57 Where anyone, in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, issues false enrollment brochures and swindles money or property, the education administrative department or the labour administrative department shall


Article Fifty-fourth after the collective contract should be submitted to the labor administration department; Labor Department since the administration received the text of the collective contract within fifteen days from the date of no objection is raised, the collective contract shall enter into force.

x4O q3gnA0第五十四条集体合同订立后,应当报送劳动行政部门;劳动行政部门自收到集体合同文本之日起十五日内未提出异议的,集体合同即行生效。

更多网络解释与行政部门相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


委员会最后的结论,联邦政府的机构既有有规章制定(rulemaking)的权力,也有裁决(adjudicate)的权力. 为此,委员会建议在美国的行政部门内设立一种听证官员,也就是后来的行政法法官,这些听证官员由于在人事、工资、报酬方面的特殊安排,

administrative adjudication:行政裁判

研究美国法时,中国的法律专家希望了解美国的行政诉讼制度,但美国法院的各类"诉讼"分类中唯独缺少"行政诉讼"一类,因为以行政机关为被告的诉讼案件均以法定上诉、司法审查名义出现,而常用的"行政裁判"(administrative adjudication)却是行政部门自行对

administrative law:政法

基于国家权力应具有统一性之理由,德国本不可能接受美国三权分立之理念,而无国会的制定法(statutory law)与法院的判例法(case law)及行政部门的行政法(administrative law)三者之间何者效力为高的问题.

executive: The chief officer of a government, state, or political division:管理人员:政府、州或行政部门的主要官员

excursion: a short trip or outing that... | executive: The chief officer of a government, state, or political division.管理人员:政府、州或行政部门的主要官员 | expatriate: One who has renounced one's nat...




在国际法中,"联邦"(federation)属于单一主权国家. 在国内层面上,联邦政府和至少两个以上的联邦单位通过分权方式共享主权. 联邦政府和联邦单位分别拥有各自的国家机构,包括立法部门和行政部门. 联邦单位实体拥有相当大的权力和财政资源.



executive branch:行政部门

与美国联邦政府的结构相似. 包括一个行政部门(Executive Branch)就是总揽运行情况和开发、...

administrative department; executive branch:行政部门

行政不作为 administrative omission | 行政部门 administrative department; executive branch | 行政裁定 administrative ruling

Who is in charge of the executive branch:问: 行政部门由谁负责

A: separation of powers 答: 权力分立 | 15. Who is in charge of the executive branch? 问: 行政部门由谁负责? | A: The President 答: 总统