英语人>词典>汉英 : 行政当局 的英文翻译,例句
行政当局 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与行政当局相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chief among them is arguably the administration's position on antidumping policy toward China.


The administration will reach its goal to disburse 70% of the Recovery Act funds, or $551 billion, by Sept. 30, senior administration officials said.


In order to reduce the workloads, judges usually warn the pending and up-coming cases through the extreme lenient or severe rulings. In order to gain the appointment of the administration for the post in the upper courts, the judges in the lower courts rule disproportionally in favor of the administrative execution agencies.


The government has downgraded the commission as just a legacy of what they call left-leaning administrations for the past 10 years.


Etta is Mattie's childhood friend, and she is, in almost every regard, Mattie's exact opposite.


Or you want to mesmerize the administrative authorities, to kneel on their knees and participate in your forgiveness congregations.


The poisonous atmosphere of city government, the crooked secrets of state administration, the confusion, sinecurism, and corruption ever and again discovered in the bureaux at Washington forbid us to believe that any clear conceptions of what constitutes good administration are as yet very widely current in the United States.


When the Department of Interior begins rolling back protections put into place by former presidents Reagan, Bush, and Clinton, it becomes readily apparent that this administration is putting big oil companies first and the interests of all Americans last, added Sheard.

里根, 老布什,克林顿三任总统行政期间,内务部门已经开始把在保护上的投入压低标准,行政当局首先考虑大石油公司的利益,再考虑所有美国人的利益,这已经是很明显的事了。Sheard 补充到。

In a written statement, Kennedy says President Bush wants Congress to pretend that his administration did not conduct what the Senator calls a "massive, illegal warrantless surveillance program that was one of the most outrageous abuses of executive power in American history."


The prevailing values of "education" in the whole society makes the government, including both the executive and legislature sections, overemphasizing the educational input and consequently neglect data collection on educational outcomes and process.


更多网络解释与行政当局相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace:希腊促进国际缓和与和平委员会

Greece;希腊;; | Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace;希腊促进国际缓和与和平委员会;; | Greek Cypriot Administration;希族塞人行政当局;;



Expert Group on Exhumation and Missing Persons:挖掘遗骸和失踪人员专家组

European Union Administration of Mostar;欧洲联盟莫斯塔尔行政当局(欧莫行政当局... | Expert Group on Exhumation and Missing Persons;挖掘遗骸和失踪人员专家组; ; | Geneva Agreed Basic Principles;日内瓦议定的...

Interim Agreement:临时协定(协议),,协议

interim administration,临时行政当局,, | interim agreement,临时协定(协议),,协议 | Inter-Republican Council for Security,共和国间安全委员会,MSB,




涉及特别救济较典型的令状有:调卷令(certioriari)、禁令(prohibition)和强制令(mandamus). 只要个人受某个行政当局或某个行政裁判所的某项决定的不利影响,就可以请求高等法院调卷. 如请求获同意且高等法院经审查认定该决定有错误,



The Cabinet:(内阁)

政府责任署(GAO),国会预算局(CBO),等.行政当局以美国总统(U.S.President)为首,也以总统为名,比如现在就是布什政府(Bush Administration).行政当局有两名选举官员,总统和副总统,美国的内阁(The Cabinet)由行政部长及总统指定官员组成,

administerial:行政上的, 管理上的

administered price | 管理价格, 操纵价格 限价 | administerial | 行政上的, 管理上的 | administering authority | 管理当局

administering authority:管理当局

administerial || 行政上的, 管理上的 | administering authority || 管理当局 | administering power || 管理国