英语人>词典>汉英 : 行善的 的英文翻译,例句
行善的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
welldoing  ·  benefic

更多网络例句与行善的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was void of any of these feelings which actuate men to do good.


My dear prince, you are our benefactor.


But what is that blockhead of a benevolent gentleman doing?


Therefore it it lawful to do a good deed on the sabbath days.


Jesus Christ himself was a do-gooder from the beginning of his public ministry to the end of it.


He will be honoured and exalted, but this is not the motivation for doing so.


Third, Messrs Brin and Page appear to be trying to do good.


Yet have no abstract nor friarly contement of them, but distinguish, as Cicero saith well of Rabirius Posthumus; in seeking to increase his fortune it was apparent that he sought not the gratification of avarice, but the means of doing good.


Yet have no abstract nor friarly contement of them, but distinguish, as Cicero saith well of Rabirius Posthumus; in seeking to increase his fortune it was apparent that he sought not the gratification of avarice, but the means of doing good.


I discover gradually, the opportunity of the do good works on the network is actually a lot of realer, do not be afraid that you do not have be apt to feasible, be afraid that your do good works is not over.


更多网络解释与行善的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

恩人,行善的人,捐助人 (女性,benefactress):benefactor n

belligerent adj. 好战的,交战的 | benefactor n. 恩人,行善的人,捐助人 (女性,benefactress) | beneficial adj. 有益的


17) beneficial 有益的 | beneficent 多多行善的 | 18) official 官方的


benefaction 恩惠,善行 | beneficent 行善的 | bicycle 自行車

beneficent: a.1:行善的,慈善的 2.效果好的,有益的

unfettered: a.1.未上脚镣(枷锁)的 2.效果好的,有益的 | beneficent: a.1.行善的,慈善的 2.效果好的,有益的 | malevolent: a.含有恶意的,恶毒的,有害的

a beneficent act:慈善的行为

beneficent performing acts of kindness or charity 多多行善的 | a beneficent act 慈善的行为 | benevolent: intending or showing kindness 仁慈的,乐善好施的

Good Samaritan:行善的人

父亲最喜欢的>故事之一是"行善的人"(Good Samaritan)的寓言. 大多数人都熟悉这个故事:一个人在偏僻的路上遭到袭击,被殴打、洗劫,奄奄一息. 其他路人都视而不见,直到一个行善的人―他所属的一帮人在圣经时期被认为是不可信的危险之徒―停下脚步施以援手,


penitent /忏悔的/悔悟的/改过行善的人/忏悔的人/悔罪者/ | penitential /后悔的/忏悔的/赎罪的/悔罪规则书/ | penitentially /悔悟/苦行/

unfettered: a.1:未上脚镣(枷锁)的 2.效果好的,有益的

parallel: n.1.平行线(或面) 2.可相比拟的事物,相似处 | unfettered: a.1.未上脚镣(枷锁)的 2.效果好的,有益的 | beneficent: a.1.行善的,慈善的 2.效果好的,有益的


benefactress | 女施主, 女恩人 | benefic | 有益的,行善的 | benefice | 僧侣所领之禄, 圣俸, 有俸圣职

Good Samaritan:行善的人

父亲最喜欢的<<新约>>故事之一是"行善的人"(Good Samaritan)的寓言. 大多数人都熟悉这个故事:一个人在偏僻的路上遭到袭击,被殴打、洗劫,奄奄一息. 其他路人都视而不见,直到一个行善的人―他所属的一帮人在圣经时期被认为是不可信的危险之徒―停下脚步施以援手,