英语人>词典>汉英 : 行医 的英文翻译,例句
行医 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
doctor  ·  doctored  ·  doctors

practise medicine
更多网络例句与行医相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hua Tuo is in folk all one's life practise medicine, diagnosing, remedial respect has an a feather in one's cap.


After the publication of Falling Leaves, which sold over one million copies world-wide, Adeline gave up medicine to write full-time.


He was the usual cut and dry apothecary , of no particular age and color


He says medical licensing boards "must make it clear…that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension."


He says medical licensing boards "must make it clear...that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension."


Bill Article 27, paragraph 2, states:"Licensing and meet with other statutory conditions of Chinese medical practitioners to practise in the individual business or retail enterprises Zuotang to practise medicine in accordance with the law in practice activities."


He says medical licensing boards "must make it clear…that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension."


He says medical licensing boards "must make it clear...that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension."


In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction.


The Transitional Council will: Set registration/entry to practice requirements to ensure that only qualified and competent individuals are registered as members; Maintain a public register of members to provide information about practitioners who are qualified to practice in Ontario (including confirmation of membership, practice address, terms, limits and conditions placed on members' certificates of registration, previous suspensions and revocations) to enable the public to make an informed choice in health care providers; Establish a quality assurance program to ensure that registered members are keeping up-to-date and continuing to improve their competence.


更多网络解释与行医相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sit such a beautiful day, we thought we'd do all our doctoring outside:天气多好啊 我们今天在户外行医

Make a fist.|握拳 | 'Sit such a beautiful day, we thought we'd do all our doctoring outside.|天气多好啊 我们今天在户外行医 | People stare at me any time I'm out with my family.|每次我和家人出门 人们都...


查理日后行医的正式头衔是"卫生官",而不是"医生" ;他只能在小镇上行医,处理简单的医疗情况,经常开的处方是:镇定剂、催吐剂、洗脚(footbath)、放血. 凭他的能力本来是不可能有工作的. 查理毕业后,他的父母在道特镇 (Tostes)给他买下一间诊所,


在医学中,盖伦(Galen)这样的艺术家,通常根据得自科学的规则行医,因而与江湖医生区别开来. 艺术家和江湖医生相对,前者即借助经过检验的规则行医,后者借助试错法行医,这种对比类似于科学家和普通民众的对比. 对于这个问题,

You'll work in parallel with House. It'll be your practice:你跟House平级 你单独行医

Chase and Cameron wouldn't be heading up their own diagnostic gr... | You'll work in parallel with House. It'll be your practice.|你跟House平级 你单独行医 | Separate staff,separate cases. Complete auto...

malpractice insurance:医疗事故保险

及家庭医生等等)的平均收入很少超过$15,000. 专科医生则视其行医风险及训练时间而定,$20,000-50,000不等. 高收入的专科一般都涉及手术及操作,但因其面临的行医风险,所需购买的医疗事故保险(malpractice insurance)也要比普通医生要高几倍(见下节).

practise medicine:行医

10、教师资格证书:a teacher's qualification certificate | 11、 行医:practise medicine | 12、对...表示感激:be grateful to sb. for doing sth.

practised medicine:行医

打坐、冥想 practise meditation | 行医 practised medicine | 和伴侣进行安全性行为 practised safe sex with

settle into one's medical practice:开业行医

1. 开业行医 settle into one's medical practice | 2. 把他当成了自己人 accept him as one of their own | 3. 消息传播得很快 word passes quickly ...

read one's plate:[美俚]做饭前祷告; 埋头不吭声地吃饭

put up one's plate (在...)挂牌行医 | put up one's plate in... (在...)挂牌行医 | read one's plate [美俚]做饭前祷告; 埋头不吭声地吃饭

Civilized Practice and Civilized Hospitalizing:文明行医 文明就医

微笑送温馨 同登万里程 Smiling Can Give the World More Love | 文明行医 文明就医Civilized Practice and Civilized Hospitalizing | 文明之窗 顾客至上Service Civilized, Clients First