英语人>词典>汉英 : 行军床 的英文翻译,例句
行军床 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

camp bed · field bed
更多网络例句与行军床相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When he had been laid on his camp bedstead, he lay a long while with closed eyes without moving.


Use the camp bed whilst you sort yourself out.


My brother was to sleep in the bedroom with my parents and my two sisters and I had the other bedroom, as there were only two beds in the room, I was to sleep on a camp bed between the two.


He was lying on something that felt like a camp bed , except that it was higher off the ground and that he was fixed down in some way so that he could not move.


Godliman had brought a small camp bed from his home. He lay on it in his office, dressed in trousers and shirt, trying without success to sleep.


The quicker , shallow breaths of Jo sprawled comfortably across a camp bed beside the far wall.


Fishing tools, camp bed , beach umbrella bumbersoll, tent, sleeping bag


Two street lanterns broken in succession, that ditty sung at the top of the lungs.


He recalled his former companions: how wretched they were; they rose at dawn, and toiled until night; hardly were they permitted to sleep; they lay on camp beds, where nothing was tolerated but mattresses two inches thick, in rooms which were heated only in the very harshest months of the year; they were clothed in frightful red blouses; they were allowed, as a great favor, linen trousers in the hottest weather, and a woollen carter's blouse on their backs when it was very cold; they drank no wine, and ate no meat, except when they went on "fatigue duty."


Our sleeping bag take up less room than the bulkier sleeping bag, so you don't have to sacrifice any of you stuff.


更多网络解释与行军床相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

call box telephone booth:公用电话亭

45 出租车停车处 cab rank taxi stand | 47 公用电话亭 call box telephone booth | 48 行军床 camp bed cot

camp bed:行军床

小孩床cot | 行军床camp bed | 折叠床folding bed

camp bed:野营床;行军床

vacuum cleaner 吸尘器 | camp bed 野营床;行军床 | communal area 公共地方

camp bed cot:行军床

47 公用电话亭 call box telephone booth | 48 行军床 camp bed cot | 49 候选人资格 candidature candidacy

camp bed,camp cot:行军床具

新式家具 modem furniture | 行军床具 camp bed,camp cot | 休闲家具 occasional furniture

Use the camp bed whilst you sort yourself out:随便你使用行军床什么的

I'm not a queer if that's what you think. I just meant you could stay here.|我不是同性恋,如果你那么想的... | Use the camp bed whilst you sort yourself out.|随便你使用行军床什么的 | It's up to you.|全取...


charon /神话的一个神名/渡船的船夫/ | charpoy /行军床/军便床/ | charqui /晒干的牛肉/

charpoy:印度轻便床, 行军床

charnockite | 紫苏花岗岩 | charpoy | 印度轻便床, 行军床 | Charpy bay | 却贝试样


这支由菲律宾游击队员和10个日本军人组成的徒步旅行队到达了图帕斯. 受了摔伤或被灼伤的战俘在那里接受了治疗. 当神志不清的日本人躺在行军床(cot)上时,吉姆.库欣和他的几个游击队员在他们当中来回走动,把香烟给那些想抽烟的人.

tent bed:行军床

tensor 张肌 | tent bed 行军床 | tent fly 门帘