英语人>词典>汉英 : 行为学的 的英文翻译,例句
行为学的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与行为学的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The research of marketing saling has a close relationship with advertizing study and consumer behaviors.


Rat in Group B was set an air bladder which was empty and not perfused water. Water of 0.6 ml, 0.8 ml, 1.0 ml, 1.2 ml, 1.4 ml and 1.5 ml was perfused respectively into the air bladders which were set in the colon of rats in group C, D, E, F, G and H. Then the changes of ethology of the rats were recorded in interval of an hour.

应用疼痛行为学的观察方法,观察1h各组动物的行为学改变,并采用免疫荧光化学的方法,观察大鼠DCN中神经元被激活的标志c-fos及胶质细胞的胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(glial fibrillary acidic protein, GFAP)和小胶质细胞特异性补体OX42的表达情况,空白对照组是在疼痛高峰点(1.2 ml)处死取材。

He is often regarded as one of the founders of modern ethology, developing an approach that began with an earlier generation, including his teacher Oskar Heinroth.


At Agile 2006, she examined the cooperative behavior of Bonobo apes from an ethological perspective and spoke about how "natural" the cooperative aspects of Agile are.


It welcomes contributions that consider animal behaviour, from behavioural analytic, cognitive, ethological, ecological, evolutionary, neurological and physiological, points of view.


The aim is to use rat model of formalin result to pain to observe rat praxiology responses after giving ASA , The results found that: The rats showed spontaneous pain-related responses after formalin test. After being injected formalin into one hindpaw, the rats of F group immediately showed intense pain-related response: flinching / shaking and licking / biting injected paws.


According to the recent report "Britain in 2010" by Richard Scase, professor of organizational behavior at the University of Kent, single-person households will outnumber families and couples within a decade.


PubMed abstract: Hemizygous cryptic deletions of the q11 band of human chromosome 22 have been associated with a number of psychiatric and behavioural phenotypes, including schizophrenia.


A scientist who studies ethology, or animal behavior, might ask how prehistoric shepherds first coaxed such useful behavior from their domesticated wolves, the ancestors of today's sheepdogs.


When cartoonists, engineers, and computer scientists later delved into the literature of ethology, they found, much to their surprise, a remarkable behavioral framework already worked out by the three ethologists, ready to be ported over to computers.


更多网络解释与行为学的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

behavioral science:行为学

从得奖那天开始,行为学(Behavioral science)正式走入大众视野里. 多年来被经济学家们讽刺挖苦嘲笑的行为学及相关的心理学研究也结合经济学的内容,摇身一变成为行为经济学,并逐渐在世界上最好的经济系(比如哈佛的经济系)成为博士项目的基础课程之一(以前就是宏微观经济学加计量经济学).


雷德利大可在我的>一书后面加上"婴儿的动物行为学"(ethology)一节来简要总结这些著作. 他对这整个领域的奇怪忽视只能说明他害怕发现他可能发现的东西:即后天学习在美德起源中所起的关键作用.

Insect ethology:昆虫行为学

研究昆虫行为的科学称昆虫行为学(insect ethology). 该方向的研究自1973年Frisch,Lorenz和Tinbergen以其出色的行为学研究获得诺贝尔奖后进展非常迅速,出现了大量的论著. 昆虫的活动在长期的进化过程中形成了与自然中昼夜变化规律相吻合的节律,

Behavioural Market segmentation:市场的行为学细分

Behavioral methodology 行为方法论 | Behavioural Market segmentation 市场的行为学细分 | Benefit 利益,收益


力求避免应用带有心灵色彩的术语. 他认为"心理学 "(Psychology)一词源自古希腊的"灵魂"(Psyche)一词,也就是所谓的"心灵"(Soul). 所以他杜撰"人类行为学 "(Anthroponomy)一词来取代心理学,其中"Anthropo"是指人,"Nomy"是指控制人的行为之法则.

criminalistic:刑事专家的; 刑事学的 (形)

criminalist 刑事专家; 犯罪学者 (名) | criminalistic 刑事专家的; 刑事学的 (形) | criminality 犯罪, 犯罪行为, 有罪 (名)


ethogram 行为一览表 | ethological 行为学的 | ethology 行为学


ethnics人种学 | ethological行为性的 | ethology行为学


哲学伦理学(或道德哲学)与人类行为学(Praxiology)也属于技术,是哲学性的技术. 为什么这么说?技术是要设计和规划一些事物,其目的是完成一些事或避免一些事. 道德哲学与人类行为学也是为了避免一些事或完成一些事. 二者的功能是一样的.

Organizational Behavioral Science:组织行为学

从组织行为学(organizational behavioral science) 的思想出发,组织的管理行为和业务行为,都需要建立一定的秩序和规律,以便于管理和业务的有序推进. 秩序和规律的建立,主要依赖于管理制度建立、企业文化建设,以及制度和文化体系的执行,而这个执行的主体就是"人".