- 基本解释 (translations)
act · acting · action · behavior · behaviour · conduct · dealing · deed · demeanor · demeanour · deportment · doing · doings · gestion · going · ongoing · portance · turn · work · abearance · acted · acts · conducted · conducts · deeded · deeding · deeds · behaviors · behaviours · goings · tenue
- 词组短语
- goings on
- 更多网络例句与行为相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
It must suffice to mention "Acts of St. Mark", of Alexandrian origin, and written in the fourth or fifth century;"Acts of St. Luke", Coptic, not earlier than end of fourth;"Acts of St. Timothy", composed by an Ephesian after 425;"Acts of St. Titus", of Cretan origin, between 400-700;"Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena", connected with the legends about St. Paul and St. Andrew.
它必须足够提及行为"圣马克",原产地的亚历山大,并写在第四或第五世纪;"行为的圣卢克",科普特人,不早於4月底,"使徒圣提摩太"组成,后由以弗所425 ;行为"圣提图斯",原产地的克里特岛人之间, 400-700 ;行为" Xanthippe和Polyxena ",与传说圣保罗和圣安德鲁。
A desperate criminal, act, robbery
The journal publishes results of original research on the several specialties of entomology, including bionomics, systematics, morphology, physiology, behavior, ecology, biological control, crop protection and on acarology.
Christ Jesus for good works, and has afore prepared the good works in which we
Slow-moving, air-breathing fishes that surface every 10–20 minutes.
行为 呼吸空气缓慢移动,鱼类的表面,每 10–20 分钟一班。
In chapters 35, 38, and 48 of Justin's Apologia , that Father appeals confidently as a proof of the miracles and Passion of Jesus to "Acts" or records of Pontius Pilate existing in the imperial archives.
章35 , 38 ,和48贾斯汀的辩解,神父呼吁满怀信心作为证据的奇迹和耶稣受难的"行为"或记录,在本丢彼拉多现有帝国档案。
Reaches sexual maturity at two years of age.
行为 达到性成熟两岁的年龄。
Act donkey act dutch act get into the act=get in on the act; get in on sb's act go into one's act have act or part in in the act keep an act plead the baby act put on act read the Riot Act act against act as act for act like a charm act of grace act of settlement act on act one's age act out act up act up to act action activity words actions action
act perform do behave act 作不及物动词时意思是"做,表现,行动,行事",多用于带有副词、副词短语、形容词补语的陈述句中,或用于表示专门行为的疑问句中,表示动作的状态。 behave 是不及物动词,意思是"行为、表现、举止",主要用于人和以道德标准衡量的人的行为,有时和反身代词连用表示"规规矩矩"。
According to Dr List:"The swarm manages to block and prevent the kind of groupthink that can bedevil good decision making."
Behave vi.to act,conduct oneself in the way mentioned
- 更多网络解释与行为相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
03.0468 引离[天敌]行为 distraction display | 03.0469 对抗[行为] agonistic | 03.0470 缓冲对抗[行为] agonistic buffering
组织公民行为特别是员工退出(Exit)行为、呼吁(Voice)行为、忠诚(Loyalty)行为、忽略(Neglect)行为(以下简称EVLN行为)是所有企业都不可回避的问题. 企业员工EVLN行为的选择最直接的关系着企业日常的生产经营,甚至企......
agonistic buffering:缓冲对抗[行为]
03.0469 对抗[行为] agonistic | 03.0470 缓冲对抗[行为] agonistic buffering | 03.0471 游荡者 floater
MBCA第14章规定的司法解散可以分为三种,由检察官(attorney)提起、由股东提起以及由债权人提起. 其中,第14.30(2)条规定了股东提起司法解散的具体内容,包括:股东僵局和董事僵局,董事或控制人的非法(illegal)行为、压榨(oppressive)行为、欺诈(fraudulent)行为,
behavioral isolation:行为
behavior 行为;性质,性能 | behavioral control 行为控制 | behavioral isolation 行为
doing /行为/活动/ | doings /行为/行动/举动/所做之事/ | doister /多伊斯特风/
-an 属于...的;人 | -ance,ence 表状态,行为,性质 | -ancy,ency 表状态,行为,性质
-ance,ence 表状态,行为,性质 | -ancy,ency 表状态,行为,性质 | -aneity 性质等,表抽象
quixotically /吉诃德式地/ | quixotism /吉诃德式性格[行为]/ | quixotry /吉诃德式性格[行为]/