英语人>词典>汉英 : 血稀释 的英文翻译,例句
血稀释 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The Chinese herbal medicine is sweeping the whole world at present. But people are worry about the interaction of herb and the prescription of doctor. The medical personnel should be serious for facing this topic. The warfarin is an oral anti-coagulant. It is often used prescribed by doctor when the abnormal blood coagulation is occurred in the cardiovascular system. So, it is called as the blood thinner. Unfortunately, the warfarin often interacts with many medicines even foods, so its drug effect is often influenced.

目前中草药正风靡全球,然而其与医师处方用药并用后所产生的交互作用却令人担忧,这个议题对身为医疗人员而言应当严肃且认真来面对。warfarin是一种口服抗凝血剂,经常在心血管系统发生异常凝血时被医师处方使用,因此被誉为血液稀释剂"blood thinners",不幸地是warfarin会与许多药物、甚至食物发生交互作用而影响其药效。

The NH technique inoles phlebotomy of 1 to 2 U of blood at the onset of surgery with olume replacement of 2 to 4 mL isotonic crystalloid for each milliliter of blood remoed.


Methods Twenty patients with SAP underwent HVHF for 72 hours. The ultrafiltrate rate was set at 3000~4000ml/ h and blood flow at 250~300ml/min. The substitute fluid was infused before dilution. Hemofilter was changed every 24 hours.

20例重症急性胰腺炎患者行连续性静脉-静脉HVHF,置换量3000~4000ml/h,均以前稀释方式输入,血流量250~300 ml/min,连续进行72 h以上,每24小时更换一次滤器及血路。

The result showed that the HA titer of virus in allantoic fluid reached its maximum 1:256~1:512 in the condition that the 9-day chick embryo received 50 times dilution of 1:64 GPMV and cultured for 48~72 h in 37℃.

结果表明将血凝价为1:64的鹅副粘病毒稀释50倍后,接种9日龄鸡胚,37℃培养48~72 h获得的尿囊液血凝价可达1:256~1:512,平均尿囊液量可达9.4 mL/胚。

Control plasma (+/-celite activation) and antithrombin-deficient (0% activity) plasma were diluted 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% with saline.


To select five blood samples for cross match with mixed field agglutination in order to screen the best disposal methods by CaCl2 centrifugalization method and EDTA-Na2 method which were designed by ourselves, To select another cryoprecipitate which were diluted 1: 10 and 1: 15 after mimesis do cross match and antibody screening with CaCl2 centrifugalization method and EDTA-Na2 method.


Objective To compare the antibiotic susceptibility of Hemophilus influenza by ATB Hemophilus influenza susceptibility test and broth dilution method.

目的 比较ATB嗜血杆菌药敏试验和肉汤稀释法检测流感嗜血杆菌药物敏感性的性能。

Whole blood samples drawn from 8 volunteers were diluted from 20% to 80% of the sample volume with both diluents separately.


Methods 22 patients undergoing elective surgery were divided into two groups randomly:group HVH and group IVH.After induction of anesthesia, blood was withdrawn via radialis artery while Ringer's lactate solution with threefold the volume of blood withdrawnor Dextran 40 with the same volume as blood withdrawnwas infused in big peripheral vena with identical speed.


Objective To compare the different effects between acute moderate hypervolemic hemodilution using Ringer's lactate solution and acute moderate isovolemic hemodilution using dextran 40 on coagulation mechanism,and to provide clinical basis for selecting optimal dilution.


更多网络解释与血稀释相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(2)动脉类型压力曲线:包括主动脉(Aorta)、外周动脉(peripheral artery)和肺动脉(PA). 心输出量(CO)表示心脏每分钟可排出多少升的血液,CO可以根据氧消耗量和混合静脉血的氧含量,用Fick氏法计算,也可以用染料稀释法测量,


基因型的鉴定(determination) 有助於医师研判(determine,decide)用药的理想剂量(optimal dose). 例如,医师会以抗凝血药或血液稀释剂(blood thinner)华法林(warfarin)协助病患稀释血液与减少血栓,但使用华法林过量(overdose),


血液稀释法(hemodilution):血容比(hematocrit) 降低正常值的15%以上可减少血液粘稠度、并略为增加脑血流,但是过去数个大型的等容积性血液稀释疗法之临床试验并未肯定其治疗效果[19].


SAH后脑血管痉挛(CVS)的三大措施:3H疗法、钙拮抗剂、血管内治疗( hypertension) 和血液稀释( hemodilution),已被广泛用于预防和治疗SAH后的CVS. 在严格监测中心静脉压的前提下,通过输入胶体液或晶体液使患者达到一个正常或略偏高的血容量状态,

hemodilution:血稀释 血液稀释

hemodichorialplacenta 血双绒膜胎盘 | hemodilution 血稀释 血液稀释 | hemodromometer 血液流速计


虽然这种微血管的渗血(oozing)不会造成明显的失血,而凝血病引起足够的失血需要输血. 多种因素可以造成凝血因字缺乏和稀释,例如在抢救时输入了大量的晶体液和胶体溶液,或输入了大量不含有凝血因子或血小板的血液制品,

They thin your blood, they put you in an oxygen tent:他们先把你的血稀释了 再把你放到氧气帐里

Yeah, sure it is.|是啊,当然能 | They thin your blood, they put you in an oxygen tent|他们先把你的血稀释了 再把你放到氧气帐里 | and you live a couple of months longer.|然后你就还能活上个把月

renal function:肾功能

1.肾功能(renal function)测定 包括血尿素氮,肌酐,肌酐清除率. 同时应特别注意肾小管功能的检测如稀释浓缩试验、密切观察尿比重和尿渗透压变化,必要时可测血、尿β微球蛋白及NAG酶,这将有利于感染的定位. 2.B型超声波(B-mode ultrasonography)检查 可准确测量肾脏大小,


hemodilution 血液稀释 | hemodromograph 血临度描记器 | hemodromometer 血临度计


hemodilution 血稀释 血液稀释 | hemodromometer 血液流速计 | hemodynamic 血液动力的