英语人>词典>汉英 : 血石 的英文翻译,例句
血石 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

blood calculus
更多网络例句与血石相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bloodstone is said to help with physical endurance and strength.


If amethyst doesn't interest you, there are other February Birthstones such as Bloodstone and Pearl.


But Bloodstone said, We must kill this monster.


Results Compared with patients had accepted therapy of ESWL without using the Chinese prescription, the patients who had accepted the therapy of ESWL matching with Chinese prescription,whose time for excluding the urinary lithiasis was shorten by 3~5 days ,so did the time for the hematuria, and whose pain was relieved markedly also.

1 250例患尿路结石的患者接受了ESWL治疗,治疗后用自拟中药配方配合排石。结果与不用自拟中药配方患者对比排石时间缩短了3~5 d,痛感明显减轻,血尿时间缩短。

In rabbits infected with Schistosoma japonicum, intravenous injections of mixture of procaine (10 mg/kg/day) and tartar emetic for 14 days could increase the therapeutic activities of tartar emetic.


The major results obtained are: PCR-RFLP method is suitable for molecular identification of Shihu; 205 compounds were isolated from 10 species of Dendrobium, including 21 new compounds, and 28 compounds isolated from genus Dendrobium for the first time. Each of the extracts and compounds were screened for anticoagulant and antitumour activities separately. The results indicated that the ethyl acetate extract from Dendrobium chrysanthun has significant anticoagulant function; the antitumour function of the 4 bibenzyl components from Dendrobium chrysotoxum is stronger than that of phenanthrene, of which the erianin has significant anti-angiogenic effect both in vivo and in vitro; components with moderate or stronger antitumour activities were found in the extracts of D. thyrsiflorum, D. chrysanthun and D. trigonopus; quality standard for 5 species of Dendrobium was drawn up use active or indicative components as control.


In this artical, the author reported a newly designed and manufactured extracorporeal shock wave lithotriptor, Its structure, function and clinical application were described, This is a kind of spark light dischange lithotrip-tot and may be employed without anesthesia and without immersion of pa-tients into the water, The electrodes can be used for a long period, First 30 patients of upper urolithiasis were healed with good results: stones all broken, no local subcutaneous ecchymosis, no uncomfortable feeli...


Methods The adsorbing effect of montmorillonite was observed in vitro and the effect of decreasing serum concentration of uric acid was studied on acute hyperuricemia model mice. The concentration of uric acid was measured by the reduction method of phosphotungstic acid.


There are four kinds of traditional Chinese medicine often being used: removing carrion medicine, promoting blood flow medicine, warming yang medicine and stypsis medicine. Clinical practice and animal experiment both proved that topical used TCM had preferable curative effect on CSU.


Since the deprivation of quality bloodstone, some people get high profits, often filled with artificial color added (red pigment or cinnabar powder mixed with 502 plastic, hand-painted color), or collage blood stone (cut into thin slices to high-quality bloodstone affixed large stone on the poor) and other methods to false.


更多网络解释与血石相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


最有名、也是最珍贵的,是产于澳洲的绿色石髓,一般称作「澳洲玉」(Chrysoprase) ;土耳其曾经出有紫色的石髓,印度的血石(Bloodstone) ,也是石髓的一种. 另外,像是碧玉(Jasper,有称红砖石) 、蛋白石,也都是隐晶族的水晶晶家族成员;


bloodshot iolite 血光董青石 | bloodstone 血石,血玉髓,血星石 | blue agate 蓝玛瑙

March bloodstone:血石

2. February amethyst 紫水晶 | 3. March bloodstone 血石 | 4. April diamond 钻石

Bloodstone Shard:血石碎片 血石裂片

Perenolde Tiara 匹瑞諾德王冠 匹瑞諾德冠冕 | Bloodstone Shard 血石碎片 血石裂片 | Hooded Cowl 頭巾斗篷 罩頭風帽

Pisces: bloodstone:双鱼座:血石

Capricorn: jet摩羯座:黑玉 | Aquarius: aquamarine水瓶座:绿玉 | Pisces: bloodstone双鱼座:血石

rough bloodstone:軟礦 粗糙雞血石

硬礦 * 發亮的石頭 luminous stone | 軟礦 粗糙雞血石 rough bloodstone | 軟礦 鑽石礦 diamondine cluster

Blood Golem:血之巨人--鮮血石魔;简称

Raise skeletal mage--复活骷髅魔法师--復甦骷髏法師; | Blood Golem--血之巨人--鮮血石魔;简称: BG | Summoned resistance--召唤反抗--召喚抵抗;


宝石故事:血石(blood stone)是三月的诞生石,朴实的外表在宝石中也是非常罕见的. 仔细观察时,可以发现在深绿色的底色上有红色的斑点,这种像血一样的斑点正是血石名称的由来. 血石在耶稣诞生之前,被称为四血滴石(heliotrope),为太阳旋转之意.

blood ironstone:血铁石

blood drop 血坠 | blood ironstone 血铁石 | blood jasper 血玉髓,血石

blood jasper:血玉髓,血石

blood ironstone 血铁石 | blood jasper 血玉髓,血石 | bloodshot iolite 血光董青石