英语人>词典>汉英 : 血淋巴结 的英文翻译,例句
血淋巴结 的英文翻译、例句


vascular glands
更多网络例句与血淋巴结相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results In those patients with marrow invasion , 4 cases in I phase(4.2%),12 cases in II phase(12.6%),36 cases in Ⅲ phase(37.9%)and 43 cases in Ⅳ phase(47.4%);small lymphocytic、diffuse cleaved cell、lymphoblastic lymphoma are main pathologic types;patients with mediastinal lymphadenectasis、splenomegaly and spleen violations are prone to catch bone marrow involvement;56 cases of anemia in patients with bone marrow involuement(58.9%), 42 patients with thrombocytopenia (44.2%),27 cases with leukopenia (28.4%),49 cases of patients leukocyte increased (51.6%),so,anemia is common;three were 30 cases with three items abnormal(31.6%)and 65 cases with one item abnormal at least (68.4%),the incidence of abnormal peripheral blood in leukocythemia patients were higher than that in patients with bone marrow infiltration,Particularly the patients with increased leukocyte or three items abnormalities were more common in leukemia; Abnormal cells in peripheral blood were observed in 66 cases (69.5%); chemotherapy efficiency reached 65.2% in the patients with bone marrow involuement,the median survival time was 11.5 months.

结果发生骨髓侵犯病例中I期4例(4.2%), II期12例(12.6%),Ⅲ期36例(37.9%),Ⅳ期43例(47.4%);病理类型以小淋巴细胞性,弥漫型裂细胞性(改为:弥漫性大B细胞型淋巴瘤)和淋巴母细胞性淋巴瘤多见;纵隔淋巴结肿大、脾脏肿大和脾受侵患者易发生骨髓侵犯;骨髓侵犯患者外周血中贫血56例(58.9%),血小板减少42例(44.2%),白细胞减少27例(28.4%),白细胞增高49例(51.6%),以贫血多见;三项均异常30例(31.6%),至少一项不正常65例(68.4%),淋巴瘤细胞白血病患者外周血象异常发生率高于骨髓浸润患者,尤其是白细胞增高或三项均异常者更常见于白血病;66例(69.5%)外周血分类中发现异常细胞;骨髓侵犯化疗有效率65.2%,中位生存期11.5个月。

Results In those patients with marrow invasion , 4 cases in I phase(4.2%),12 cases in II phase(12.6%),36 cases in Ⅲ phase(37.9%)and 43 cases in Ⅳ phase(47.4%);small lymphocytic、diffuse cleaved cell、lymphoblastic lymphoma are main pathologic types;patients with mediastinal lymphadenectasis、splenomegaly and spleen violations are prone to catch bone marrow involvement;56 cases of anemia in patients with bone marrow involuement(58.9%)恶性淋巴瘤症状, 42 patients with thrombocytopenia (44.2%),27 cases with leukopenia (28.4%),49 cases of patients leukocyte increased (51.6%),so,anemia is common;three were 30 cases with three items abnormal(31.6%)and 65 cases with one item abnormal at least (68.4%),the incidence of abnormal peripheral blood in leukocythemia patients were higher than that in patients with bone marrow infiltration,Particularly the patients with increased leukocyte or three items abnormalities were more common in leukemia; Abnormal cells in peripheral blood were observed in 66 cases (69.5%); chemotherapy efficiency reached 65.2% in the patients with bone marrow involuement,the median survival time was 11.5 months.

结果发生骨髓侵犯病例中I期4例(4.2%), II期12例(12.6%),Ⅲ期36例(37.9%)恶性淋巴瘤分期,Ⅳ期43例(47.4%);病理类型以小淋巴细胞性,弥漫型裂细胞性(改为:弥漫性大B细胞型淋巴瘤)和淋巴母细胞性淋巴瘤多见;纵隔淋巴结肿大、脾脏肿大和脾受侵患者易发生骨髓侵犯;骨髓侵犯患者外周血中贫血56例(58.9%),血小板减少42例(44.2%),白细胞减少27例(28.4%),白细胞增高49例(51.6%),以贫血多见;三项均异常30例(31.6%),至少一项不正常65例(68.4%),淋巴瘤细胞白血病患者外周血象异常发生率高于骨髓浸润患者,尤其是白细胞增高或三项均异常者更常见于白血病;66例(69.5%)外周血分类中发现异常细胞;骨髓侵犯化疗有效率65.2%,中位生存期11.5个月。

Hemophilus influenzae and strep tococcus pneumoniae rarely cause suppurative or nonsuppurative adenopathy.


Objective To provide the applied anatomical date for the transplantation of axillary lymph node s.


Objective To provide the applied anatomical date for the transplantation of axillary lymph nodes.

目的 通过对腋窝淋巴结血供的研究,探索腋窝淋巴结移植的可行性。

The average number of anterior lymph nodes was 3.83±1.79. Their blood supply originated from the branches of lateral thoracic artery, whose mean diameter and length were 1.04±0.42 and 29.5±12.25 respectively.(3) The average number of posterior lymph node was 2.38±0.97. Their blood supply originated from the lymph node branch of subscapular artery, whose length and mean diameter were respectively 18.78±8.67 and 0.78±0.32.(4) The average number of central lymph nodes was 4.05±1.95. Their blood supply originated from axillary artery whose mean diameter was less than 1mm.(5) The average number of apical lymph nodes was 2.82±1.96. Their blood supply originated from the branches of thoracoacromial artery whose mean diameter was 0.79±0.29mm and length was 10.60±4.13mm.

结果 外侧群淋巴结数量为(3.16±1.72)个,血供属多源性且不恒定;前群淋巴结数量为(3.83±1.79)个,营养血管主要为胸外侧动脉的分支,其外径(1.04±0.42)mm,干长(29.5±12.25)mm;后群淋巴结数量为(2.38±0.97)个,血管来源于肩胛下动脉的淋巴结支,其外径为(0.78±0.32)mm,干长(18.78±8.67)mm;中央群淋巴结数量为(4.05±1.95)个,血管来源于腋动脉的分支,其外径均在1mm以下,干长20mm以上;尖群淋巴结数量为(2.82±1.96)个,营养血管为胸肩峰动脉的分支,外径为(0.79±0.29)mm,干长(10.60±4.13)mm。

One hundred and six patients with cervical lymphadenopathy underwent color Doppler flow studies. The lymph node lesions were divided into four groups: reactive nodes, tuberculosis nodes, lymphadenoma and metastatic nodes. The vascular patterns of hilar type, central type, peripheral type and mixed type were assessed.


MethodOne hundred and six patients with cervical lymphadenopathy underwent color Doppler flow studies.The lymph node lesions were divided into four groups:reactive nodes,tuberculosis nodes,lymphadenoma and metastatic nodes.The vascular patterns of hilar type,central type,peripheral type and mixed type were assessed.


To examine HHV-8 DNA in PBMCs, bone marrow mononuclear cells, bone marrow biopsy samples and biopsy samples of lymph node and lymphomatous tissue from patients with lymphoma, leukemia and multiple myeloma, to investigate the possible ...

材料和方法 1。标本收集(1)献血员和正常对照:采集正常献血员标本110份,并从中分离PBMCs110份,抗凝血30份,血清30份。收集反应性增生淋巴结标本20份。非血液系统疾病患者BMMCs15份。正常肋骨骨髓活检标本15份。(2)淋巴瘤患者:收集44例淋巴瘤患者外周血36份,BMMCs12份,淋巴瘤病。。。

The main feature of sarcoidosis in FIRCT findings are symmetric lymph node enlargement in bilateral hili and/or mediastinum, nodules located along bronchovascular bundles.


更多网络解释与血淋巴结相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


软下疳(chancroid)是由杜克雷嗜血杆菌(又称软下疳杆菌)引起的一种性病,临床以急性疼痛性生殖器溃疡,局部淋巴结肿大、化脓,形成横痃为特点. 研究表明是艾滋病感染的促发因素,并易合并梅毒、生殖器疱疹而发病.

E coli:大肠埃希菌

各种原因尤其在抗生素治疗期间引起的肠道菌群失调,均可导致细菌易位扩散,如灭滴灵可显著增加肠道大肠埃希菌(E coli)易位到局部淋巴结的发生率,引起肠道外的感染(脓毒血症、肺部感染、腹腔感染等);动物实验发现在肠道缺血再灌注时经常发生细菌易位,


40年代末Figge等[2]发现血卟啉(hematoporphyrin)可被淋巴结、肿瘤、胚胎或创伤组织摄取,当被紫外线照射后,能产生一种明亮的桔红色荧光. 1955年Rasmussen-Taxdal等[3]给10例恶性肿瘤患者静脉注射500~1 000 mg的血卟啉,发现8例患者肿瘤部位有荧光.

Peripheral hemogram:外周血

微转移:peripheral blood | 外周血:Peripheral hemogram | 淋巴结:Peripheral blood

hemolymph node:血淋巴结

血黄质 hemolutein | 血淋巴结 hemolymph node | 造血组织增殖症 hemolymphadenosis,hemoblastosis


人体脾脏和骨髓中含有少量铁质,而血色病(hemochromatosis)患者的肝脏和胰腺以及血铁质沉着症(hemosiderosis) 患者的肝脏、脾脏和淋巴结里含有过量铁质沉积.

lymph node:外周血

淋巴结:lymph node | 外周血:Lymph node | 智能结点:intelligent nodes

intrathoracic lymphadenopathy:胸腔内淋巴结病变

402 intrathoracic blood volume index胸内血容量指数 | 403 intrathoracic lymphadenopathy胸腔内淋巴结病变 | 404 intravascular tumor血管内肿瘤


\\"结(节)\\",\\"node\\" | \\"血淋巴结\\",\\"node,hemal\\" | \\"淋巴结\\",\\"node,lymph\\"


superfetation 异期复孕,重孕 | superfibrination 血纤维蛋白生成过多 | superfical anterior cervical lymph nodes 颈前浅淋巴结,颈前浅淋巴结