英语人>词典>汉英 : 血液稀释 的英文翻译,例句
血液稀释 的英文翻译、例句


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Objective To observe the influence of dilute autotransfusion and acute hemodilution on hematophysiologic function in patients with breast cancer during radical operation.

目的 观察在乳腺癌根治术中采用稀释式自体输血和急性血液稀释对血液生理的影响。

Objective To explore the physiological effect of acute nonnovolemic hemodilution on the patients after operation on hip joint.

目的 探讨急性等容血液稀释对髋关节手术患者血液生理的影响。

Objective To investigate the effect of acute severe hemodilution anaemia on systemic and cerebral metabolism in dogs,and to supply a reference for the security of clinical hemodilution.

目的 观察急性重度血液稀释性贫血对犬机体全身和脑代谢改变情况,以期为临床血液稀释的安全提供参考。

These years, with the development of the study on the mechanism of hemodilution, preoperative hemodilution has become one of the most frequently used and effective technique for blood saving.


It is often used and in large doses of blood thinner, although the dose of blood thinner no obvious link with cancer.


Thus, our data indirectly support the concept that decreases in AT activity cause dilution-mediated hypercoagulability in plasma. Finally, celite activation permits quantification of dilution with TEG


Objective:To investigate the effects of different hemodilutionon extravascular lung water of living kidney transplantation donors by laparoscopy under general anesthesia.


Aailable eidence-based blood conseration techniques include (1) drugs that increase preoperatie blood olume or decrease postoperatie bleeding,(2) deices that consere blood (eg, intraoperatie blood salage and blood sparing interentions),(3) interentions that protect the patient's own blood from the stress of operation (eg, autologous predonation and normoolemic hemodilution),(4) consensus, institution-specific blood transfusion algorithms supplemented with point-of-care testing, and most importantly,(5) a multimodality approach to blood conseration combining all of the aboe.


HHD is a better selection for hemodilution and is good for protection of lung. Lung water,extravascular;Kidney transplantation,Donor;Laparoscopy


Objective To compare the different effects between acute moderate hypervolemic hemodilution using Ringer's lactate solution and acute moderate isovolemic hemodilution using dextran 40 on coagulation mechanism,and to provide clinical basis for selecting optimal dilution.


更多网络解释与血液稀释相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ahh:abbr. acute hypervolemic hemodilution; 急性高容量血液稀释

Ahh:abbr. acute hypervolumic hemodilution; 血液稀释

hemodiluted autotransfusion:稀释式自体输血

稀释式自体输血(hemodiluted autotransfusion)一度发展缓慢,主要是原来认为血液稀释后会产生心肌抑制因子对心肌造成损伤,且低Hct会造成胃粘膜酸度上升而损伤胃粘膜.

crystalloid hemodilution:晶体血液稀释

晶体心脏停搏液 crystalloid cardioplegic solution | 晶体血液稀释 crystalloid hemodilution | 经皮针刺肺活检 percutaneous needle lung biopsy


基因型的鉴定(determination) 有助於医师研判(determine,decide)用药的理想剂量(optimal dose). 例如,医师会以抗凝血药或血液稀释剂(blood thinner)华法林(warfarin)协助病患稀释血液与减少血栓,但使用华法林过量(overdose),


血液稀释法(hemodilution):血容比(hematocrit) 降低正常值的15%以上可减少血液粘稠度、并略为增加脑血流,但是过去数个大型的等容积性血液稀释疗法之临床试验并未肯定其治疗效果[19].


SAH后脑血管痉挛(CVS)的三大措施:3H疗法、钙拮抗剂、血管内治疗( hypertension) 和血液稀释( hemodilution),已被广泛用于预防和治疗SAH后的CVS. 在严格监测中心静脉压的前提下,通过输入胶体液或晶体液使患者达到一个正常或略偏高的血容量状态,

hemodilution:血稀释 血液稀释

hemodichorialplacenta 血双绒膜胎盘 | hemodilution 血稀释 血液稀释 | hemodromometer 血液流速计


hemodilution 血稀释 血液稀释 | hemodromometer 血液流速计 | hemodynamic 血液动力的

blood thinners:丙基硫尿嘧啶 血液稀释剂没有一样起作用

Anti-depressants would inhibit his autonomic nerv... | Lmno, ptu, blood thinners,none of them will solve this problem.|Lmno 丙基硫尿嘧啶 血液稀释剂没有一样起作用 | The man's got a real-life harlequin r...