英语人>词典>汉英 : 血吸虫的 的英文翻译,例句
血吸虫的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
schistosome  ·  bilharzial  ·  bilharzic

更多网络例句与血吸虫的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Elimination schistosome cercaria can cut off the infection channel of schistosome and destroy its lifecycle, consequently prevent people from infecting.


Homology analysis suggested that the protein could have the structure and function similar to tegumental protein of schistosome and calcuim-binding protein of F hepatica. The prediction results of construction and function domains indicated that the protein has good potentiality as novel viccine against Schistosomiasis.


He says the Schistosoma parasite needs oxygen to survive.


Therefore, it is significant to prevent and control the schistosome.


The first chapter described the lifecycle, the distribution of schistosome, the harm of schistosome and the significance of elimination schistosome, then pointed out the background of this research and the main content of the entire paper.


The results indicated that no or only a slight tegument damage induced by praziquantel was observed in 3 day to 14 day old schistosomules, while in d_0, d_(21), d_(28), d_(28) and d_(42) parasites a moderate or severe tegument damage could be seen.


The life cycle of Clonorchis sinensis has seven developing stages.


We have obtained the anti-SEA IgY antibody, established and optimized the double antibody sandwich ELISA system to detect SEA of S. japonicum from the sera of acute and chronic patients with schistosomiasis and normal persons. The cross-reaction with sera of paragonimiasis, clonorchiasis and hookworm infections were also investigated. Our results demonstrated that the IgY-ELISA method was effective in evaluating the therapeutic effect in different parasitic burden of infected mice, which provides a novel technique for clinical diagnosis of S. japonicum infection.

本研究成功制备并鉴定了抗SEA的IgY,进行了理化性质的研究,成功建立且优化了IgG-IgY ELISA检测体系,用于正常人,急性血吸虫病患者血清和慢性血吸虫病患者血清的检测,以及肺吸虫、华支睾吸虫、钩虫患者血清的交叉反应性的分析,对感染血吸虫的小鼠进行了疗效考核,为血吸虫病的诊断提供了有效的辅助诊断方法。

He says Schistosoma parasite need ask gene to survive.


The histological observation showed that the larvae of S .japonicum in superinfected snails were sluggish in development, irregular, shrunken, deformed, relatively small in number as compared with the control. The sporocysts contained few germ balls or immature cercariae and most of the digestive glands of superinfected snails were atrophiej.


更多网络解释与血吸虫的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bilharziosis; bilharziasis:住血吸虫病

\\"住血吸虫属\\",\\"Bilharz\\" | \\"住血吸虫病\\",\\"bilharziosis,bilharziasis\\" | \\"胆汁的,胆的\\",\\"biliary\\"

Urinary calculus in schistosomiasis [bilharziasis]:血吸虫病引起的泌尿道结石

分类于他处的疾病引起的尿道炎 Urethritis in diseases classified elsewhere | 血吸虫病引起的泌尿道结石 Urinary calculus in schistosomiasis [bilharziasis] | 泌尿系结石 NOS Urinary calculus unspecified

blood fluke:血吸虫

血吸虫(blood fluke)也称裂体吸虫(Schistomaso). 血吸虫病在我国已有2200多年的历史. 血吸虫病分布于长江中下游及其以南的12个省、市、自治区,属我国五大寄生虫病之一 ,WHO确定的六大热带病之一. 寄生于人的血吸虫主要有六种 日本血吸虫 ...

schistosome cercarial dermatitis:血吸虫尾蚴皮炎

血吸虫尾蚴皮炎(schistosome cercarial dermatitis)是裂体科血吸虫的尾蚴侵入人的皮肤引起的皮肤炎症反应,又称游泳者搔痒症(swimm1.病原诊断 从粪便内检查虫卵或孵化毛蚴以及直肠粘膜活体组织检查虫卵.


血吸虫病(Schistosomiasis)是一种人兽共患病,它仍然是发展中国家亟待解决的主要的公共卫生问题之一;对疫区社会和经济的进步发展是一个威胁. 化疗仍然是控制干预该病的重要措施,但它无法解决重复感染的难题,并可能引起药物抗性的产生. 因此,

schistosomiasis japonica:日本血吸虫病

由于许多地区基层卫生组织不健全,疫情漏报或不报的情况仍较严重,有关专家估计实际发病人数要多1~3倍,但...日本血吸虫病(schistosomiasis japonica)是日本血吸虫寄生在门静脉系统所引起的疾病.

bilharzial:血吸虫的 裂体吸虫的

bilharzia /住血吸虫/ | bilharzial /血吸虫的/裂体吸虫的/ | bilharziasis /裂体吸虫病/血吸虫病/

bilharzic:血吸虫的 裂体吸虫的

bilharziasis /裂体吸虫病/血吸虫病/ | bilharzic /血吸虫的/裂体吸虫的/ | bilharzioma /裂体吸虫瘤/血吸虫瘤/

Schistosoma mansoni:曼氏血吸虫

同期Nature杂志也公布了另外一种寄生虫:曼氏血吸虫(Schistosoma mansoni)的完整基因组序列,这两种血吸虫是引起血吸虫病的三种主要病原体中的两种,对新的基因组序列所做分析,为了解这些病原体的分子结构和宿主互动方式以及未来开发该疾病定向干涉疗法的途径提供了线索.

Schistosoma japonicum:血吸虫

以中国国家人类基因组南方中心为首的联合课题组在本期Nature上报告了日本血吸虫(Schistosoma japonicum)的完整基因组序列,本期Nature同样还发布了一篇曼氏血吸虫(Schistosoma mansoni)测序的文章.