英语人>词典>汉英 : 螺形的 的英文翻译,例句
螺形的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In chapter 4, we give the definitions of almost spirallike mappings of type β and order α, spirallike mappings of type β and order α and strongly spirallike mappings of type β and order α, and obtain their growth and covering theorems on the unit ball in complex Banach spaces.


This thesis deals with some classes of holomorphic mappings in several complex variables, such as almost starlike mappings of order α, starlike mappings of order α, strongly starlike mappings of order α, spirallike mappings of type β, uniformly starlike mappings, uniformly convex mappings and three other mappings: almost spirallike mappings of type β and order α, spirallike mappings of type β and order α and strongly spirallike mappings of type β and order α, which are defined by us in this essay.


This paper using complex analyis and functional analysis,studies spirallike mappings on unit ball in several complex variables,and obtains the growth and covering theorems about a kind of spirallike mappings with zero of higher order.


Species Cone snails were collected from the coast near Sanya and Yongxing Island of Xisha archipelago. The venom of Conus betulinus, Conus caracteristicus and Conus vexillum were studied.


On an average, 1.1±0.3 and 0.4±0.1 rotifers were hatched from per milliliter sediments of the big and the small basins, respectively. The rotifer species, which was hatched at one incubation pattern from the resting eggs in sediments of both the two basins of the lake and whose density was higher than 20ind/200mL, included Proalides tentaculates , Anuraeopsis fissa , Keratella cochlearis , Brachionus diversicornis , Filinia brachiata and B .


Of or relating to a gastropod shell that coils clockwise and has its aperture to the right when facing the observer with the apex upward.


Tetraiodo 9,9' spirobifluorene (2) is the key intermediate of hole transport media and conducting polymers.

2 ,2' ,7,7'-四碘-9,9'-螺二芴具有特殊的螺形结构,它是合成空穴导电材料OMeTAD和TAD及其它一些导电高分子的关键中间体。

A handle is arranged in the middle of the frame, and the handle is connected with a big bevel wheel through a small bevel wheel.


Oropharyngeal cavity of the upper part of the snail-shaped organ on the gill, small eyes, the location on the low side, there is no need and swallow spoon-shaped teeth, the tooth surface smooth.


Following the theory of slip line field , the area is divided into five sections and the distributing situation of the slip line in each section is analysed.


更多网络解释与螺形的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Spiral bacterium:螺形菌

3.螺形菌(spiral bacterium) 菌体弯曲. (1)弧菌(vibrio) 菌体长2-3μm,只有一个弯曲,呈弧形或逗点状,如霍乱弧菌. (2)螺菌(spirillum) 菌体长3-6μm,呈多个弯曲,如鼠咬热螺菌. (一)细胞壁(cell wall) 细菌最外层坚韧而富有弹性的膜状结构.

V-section jackscrew:型起重螺杆

V形缺口球 V-notch ball | V型起重螺杆 V-section jackscrew | V形的 V-shaped

spectacular: a.1:蔚为壮观的,豪华富丽的 2.引人注目的,惊人的,突出的

speciousness: n.1.华而不实,外表美观 2.似是而非,貌似有理 | spectacular: a.1.蔚为壮观的,豪华富丽的 2.引人注目的,惊人的,突出的 | spiral: n.1.螺线,蜷线 2.螺旋(形),螺旋形的东西

Spiraea:绣线菊类的植物 (名)

spiracle 呼吸孔; 通风孔; 喷水孔 (名) | spiraea 绣线菊类的植物 (名) | spiral 螺旋的; 蜷线的; 螺线的; 盘旋的 (形)

Nassarius thersites:胆形织纹螺

文章摘要:从2000年3月到2002年10月对中国沿海海产腹足类性畸变的大范围调查过程中.在广东省汕头港、湛江港和厦门港分别采集到西格织纹螺(Nassarius siquijorensis)、胆形织纹螺(Nassarius thersites)和节织纹螺(Nassarius hepaticus)等3个种,


V型起重螺杆 V-section jackscrew | V形的 V-shaped | V形焊缝 V-shaped weld


volute 集气环;螺旋形;蜗壳;螺旋形小室;涡旋形的 | volution 涡旋;旋圈;螺环 | Volvula] 卷螺属

Winkle gate:螺肉形浇口

4.16 Subsurface gate潜伏式浇口 | 4.17 Winkle gate螺肉形浇口 | 5.2 The cooling of shallow integer type cavity整体式浅腔的冷却


鸚鵡螺壳形的 nautiliconic | 迎冰川的 stoss | 迎风的 windward

whelked:状如蛾螺壳的 (形)

whelk 峨螺, 青春痘, 粉刺 (名) | whelked 状如蛾螺壳的 (形) | whelm 淹没 (动)