英语人>词典>汉英 : 蝇科 的英文翻译,例句
蝇科 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与蝇科相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Diptera is a fly Tephritidae, is an important fruit and vegetable pests are known to the world more than 4000 kinds of fruit flies, known in China about 400 kinds of fruit flies, the danger of fruit and vegetable crops or pose a potential threat to an important type of account More than 50 countries provided for in quarantine fly nearly 20 categories.

实蝇属双翅目实蝇科,是重要的果蔬害虫,全世界已知实蝇4000多种,我国已知实蝇约 400种,危险性或对果蔬作物构成潜在威胁的重要种类计50余种,各国规定的检疫实蝇类近20种。

Results 49 species,20 genera,4 subfamily of the family Calliphoridae were recognized in Shanxi Province.


Type genus of the Calliphoridae: blowflies.


The present study eatablished genechip technique for Ceratitis capitata, C. rosa and C. cosyra, in which the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase Ⅰ gene was used as molecular marker, and the DNA sequences of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) were used as target sequence. The genechip detection system for fruit flies was composed of detecting probes and quality-control probes for C.

本研究选择线粒体DNA细胞色素氧化酶Ⅰ基因为分子标记基因,以双翅目实蝇科昆虫DNA序列为目标,建立了我国进境植物检疫害虫地中海实蝇Ceratitis capitata、芒果小条实蝇C.cosyra和纳塔尔小条实蝇C.rosa等生物芯片检测方法。

Capitata. The detecting probes included one family probe, one genus probe, three related species probes and four species specific-probes, and the quality-control probes included anchor probe, positive probe, negative probe and blank probe, with one for each. The results of gene chip showed that the specificity of detecting probes was specific to distinguish the three Ceratitis fruit flies.


FlyBase includes data on all species from the family Drosophilidae ; the primary species represented is Drosophila melanogaster .


The studies on the nymphs or larvae of 18 species belonging to Orthoptera, Mandotea, Homoptera, Hemiptera, Coleptera, Diptera and Hymenoptera indicate that the larvae of Argridae have the function of ""lungs"", but the nymphs or larvae of other orders may not have ""lungs"".


Liriomyza trifolii is a highly polyphagous and cosmopolitan pest. According to the investigation, the host range of L. trifolii has extensive embraced more than 400 species in 25 families. Females of L.

非洲菊斑潜蝇是一种高度多食性且为世界性分布的重要农业害虫,根据统计,其寄主植物囊括了 25 科,共超过 400 种以上的记录,是潜蝇科中非常少数特殊的多食性种类。

The species of Sarcophagidae in Shanxi province make up 36.3% of Sarcophagidae known in China,also 3.9% of those in the world.


An arthropod genus of wingless flies including the sheep ked.


更多网络解释与蝇科相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Agromyza pahaseoli Coquilleet:豆秆蝇[双翅目, 潜蝇科. 为害豆科植物. ]

agrometeorology 农业气象学 | Agromyza pahaseoli Coquilleet.豆秆蝇[双翅目, 潜蝇科. 为害豆科植物. ] | Agromyza pusilla Meigen.豆潜蝇[双翅目, 潜蝇科. 为害豆科作物和牧草. ]

Agromyza pusilla Meigen:豆潜蝇[双翅目, 潜蝇科. 为害豆科作物和牧草. ]

Agromyza pahaseoli Coquilleet.豆秆蝇[双翅目, 潜蝇科. 为害豆科植物. ] | Agromyza pusilla Meigen.豆潜蝇[双翅目, 潜蝇科. 为害豆科作物和牧草. ] | agronomy 农学, 农艺学


尖翅蝇科 Lonchopteridae | 蚤蝇科 Phoridae | 头蝇科 Pipunculidae


扁脚蝇科 Platypezidae | 枪蝇科 Lonchopteridae | 澳蝇科 Sciadoceridae


仅有皮(9)蝇科(Muscidae) 虫体呈黑色至黑灰色. 触角芒呈羽毛状,翅的第四纵脉和第三纵脉(10)麻蝇科(Sarcophagidae) 肩后鬃比沟前鬃为高,有4根背侧片鬃,其幼虫为尸生(11)虱蝇科(Hippoboscidae) 体扁平,革质膜,触角单节,具刺吸式口器,


口器为(6)狂蝇科(Oestridae) 成虫口器退化,第4纵脉折向前,居翅尖之前,而第5纵脉折向(7)胃蝇科(Gasterophilidae) 成虫口器退化. 幼虫寄生于马属动物的消化道内,色红,体(8)皮蝇科(Hypodermatidae) 体表被有色长绒毛,形似峰.


大石蝇科(大襀科)Pteronarcidae | 石蝇科(襀科)Perlidae | 网石蝇科(网襀科)Perlodidae


食蚜蝇科 Syrphidae | 大头蝇科 Pipunculidae | 长脚蝇总科 Nerioidea


(三十八)食蚜蝇科Syrphidae | (三十九)麻蝇科Sarcophagidae | (四十八)木蠹蛾科Cossidae


寄生蜂大多数为膜翅目中的姬蜂科(Ichneumonidae)、小茧蜂科(Braconidae)和小蜂总科(Chalcidoidea)的种类;寄生蝇主要为双翅目寄生蝇科(Tachinidae )的种类.