英语人>词典>汉英 : 蜷曲 的英文翻译,例句
蜷曲 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
huddle  ·  huddling  ·  upcurl  ·  huddled  ·  huddles

curl up · gather up
更多网络例句与蜷曲相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A snake lay coiled in the grass.


Alexia couldn't get out of her hospital bed then, so Jane would curl into bed with her.


You can curl up in an armchair, or in bed, with a good book.


Then followed three little boys, each of whom died before he had learned to walk—three little boys who now lay under the twisted cedars in the burying ground a hundred yards from the house, beneath three stones, each bearing the name of "Gerald O'Hara, Jr."


UV-B-induced damage in such leaves could be reduced with 0.5 mmol.L-1 NaHSO3 treatment; brown spots on the leaf surface were reduced in number, the degree of leaf wilt was reduced, degradation of chlorophyll and carotinoid was reduced and flavonoid level was increased. With the NaHSO3 treatment, the content of H2O2 in leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris under enhanc ed UV-B radiation was significantly lower than in controls, and the activities of antioxidant enzymes were higher with treatment than in controls.

结果表明:与未处理对照相比较,用0.5 mmol.L-1 NaHSO3处理的离体红芸豆叶片表面褐色斑减少、边缘蜷曲及萎蔫程度降低;且能延缓叶片中叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量的降低;使类黄酮含量升高;叶片中过氧化物酶和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性升高,过氧化氢(H2O2)含量降低。

Yes, she can. My cat can cuddle, very well.


My cat can cuddle, very well.


If you see it curling towards a window or door, you have a leak.


In itself, the work is very simple. A young woman, in agown of diaphanous orange, is curled up asleep on a balustrade, with asilver sea behind her.


Or on that winter-wild night when, reclined by the chimney-nook quoin, Slowly a drowse overgat me, the smallest and feeblest of folk there, Weak from my baptism of pain; when at times and anon I awoke there— Heard of a world wheeling on, with no listing or longing to join.


更多网络解释与蜷曲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

crimped lock:接线柱

crimp 蜷曲弯皱掮客使折边 | crimped lock 接线柱 | crimped lock 线夹

curliness:蜷曲; 蜷缩 (名)

curlicue 花体, 花饰 (名) | curliness 蜷曲; 蜷缩 (名) | curlpaper 卷发纸 (名)

curlpaper:卷发纸 (名)

curliness 蜷曲; 蜷缩 (名) | curlpaper 卷发纸 (名) | curly 卷曲的; 弯曲的; 卷毛的 (形)

frizzy hair:蜷曲

15. Cholera n.[医]霍乱 | 16. Dysentery. n.[医] 痢疾 | 17. Frizzy hair. 蜷曲.

huddle n.v.1:蜷曲,收缩 2.聚集

cuddle v.n.拥抱 | huddle n.v.1.蜷曲,收缩 2.聚集 | meddle v.管闲事,干涉

twisting vibration:蜷曲振动

面外摇摆振动:wagging vibration,ω | 蜷曲振动:twisting vibration ,τ | 特征吸收峰:charateristic avsorption band


压紧钳,折波钳,卷缩机,卷边机 crimper | 蜷曲,蜷缩 crimpness | 皱,缩,波皱,使皱,使缩,起皱缩卷 crinkle

Cowering beneath the whip:蜷曲在鞭子之下

Their pets.|当他们的宠物? | Cowering beneath the whip|蜷曲在鞭子之下 | and then fighting amongst ourselves.|却在彼此之间争斗

has snuggled up by coma guy over there:死神正蜷曲在那个昏迷的人身边

You will note how faster pussy cat kill,kill|你会知道猫能多快... | has snuggled up by coma guy over there.|死神正蜷曲在那个昏迷的人身边 | And more importantly,she did yesterday as well.|更重要的是 她昨...

Figures of cornstalks bend in the shadows:无数麦杆 在阴影里蜷曲

A waltz On All Souls Night 所有魂灵 狂欢的夜 | Figures of cornstalks bend in the shadows无数麦杆 在阴影里蜷曲 | Held up tall as the flames leap high升腾 如火焰般放任