英语人>词典>汉英 : 蜡笔 的英文翻译,例句
蜡笔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

crayon  ·  crayons  ·  crayoned  ·  crayoning

wax crayon
更多网络例句与蜡笔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are over 100 filters including saturation, gamma correction, watercolor, pastel, pointillism, and lots more.

有超过100个过滤器,包括饱和度,伽马校正,水彩,蜡笔, pointillism ,以及更多的。

Marker, pencil, crayon, burnt stick, technical pen, ballpoint, gouache, smudgy finger, pen and ink, highlighter...


Crayons, plaints and Play-Doh are also good because they allow children to create.


The first words that came to my mind were pretend, imagine, laugh, giggle, run, jump, wrestle, dolls, nursery rhymes, coloring books, crayons, drawings, connect the dots, balls, building blocks, beach, sand pail and shovel, sand castles and grape pop.


更多网络解释与蜡笔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


品牌介绍:Crayola创建于1903年,在美国儿童艺术和文具类产品市场拥有无可争议的领袖地位,英语中的"蜡笔"(crayon)一词就来源于"Crayola". 其系列产品由美国Binney&Smith 公司生 产在加拿大、墨西哥、英国、法国、意大利、西班牙、澳大利亚设有分公司.


环保粉笔(CHALK),无尘粉笔(CHALK)等各类工艺造型粉笔(CHALK),蜡笔(CRAYONS),工艺...[摘要]荧光手写板详细介绍: 荧光手写板1:使用冷阴极管荧光灯(CCFL)节能省电、超薄、低热、亮度均匀、寿命长2:采用显示莹光效果较佳之光学板,

pastel drawing:蜡笔

gouache 树胶水彩画 | watercolour 水彩画 (美作:watercolor) | pastel drawing 蜡笔


3. eraser 这个 | 4. pencil-box 蜡笔 | 5. crayon 文具盒

pastil:口服药; 粉笔; 锭剂; 蜡笔 (名)

pastiche 混成曲; 模仿作品 (名) | pastil 口服药; 粉笔; 锭剂; 蜡笔 (名) | pastille 锭剂, 芳香重剂含药, 粉蜡笔 (名)

The dancers are dressed in soft purples, light blues, and pastel greens:色彩浅而柔和的 蜡笔

palmetto 矮棕榈 | pastel 色彩浅而柔和的 蜡笔 The dancers are dressed in soft purples, light blues, and pastel greens. | pocket 存储 贮藏 孤立的小群体或地区


7. 25 Palette Knives 调色刀 | 7. 26 Pastels 蜡笔 | 7. 27 Pattern Pens 图案笔

chalk pastels:蜡笔 (与crayon相同)

23、oil pastel 油画棒 | 24、chalk pastels 蜡笔 (与crayon相同) | 25、felt 不织布(做手工之用)

Office Ballpoint pens:办公用笔

,"Writing Instrument ","书写用品" | 139,"Office Ballpoint pens ","办公用笔" | 140,"Crayon ","蜡笔"

And a big blue book:以及一本大的蓝色的本子

Eraser, crayon, pen, 橡皮,蜡笔,钢笔, | And a big blue book. 以及一本大的蓝色的本子. | Colour this clown, up and down. 给这个小丑涂颜色,上上和下下,