英语人>词典>汉英 : 蜜蜂 的英文翻译,例句
蜜蜂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bee  ·  honeybee  ·  bees

hive bee · honey bee
更多网络例句与蜜蜂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Honey is a widely known natural food. Bees gathered the nectar in flowers and take it back, then process and condense it into this translucence, sticky and thick sweet liquid. It's a tough job to gather nectar. A bee can only get 20mg nectar per time. To get 1kg nectar, the worker bee need to fly 500,000-600,000 times and to produce 1kg honey, a worker bee needs to gather the nectar from 1500-1600 flowers. If a bee gathers nectar just in a place one kilometer away from its comb, then it needs to fly 3 kilometers to fulfill a honey bursa. And to produce 1kg honey, it needs to fly 360,000-450,000 kilometers, which equals to fly around the earth for 8.5-11 circles. So it's not exaggerated to say each drop of honey is a crystal of hard working.


Mating the gentle bee with the mean bee produced a bee known as the killer bee.


Although Ian's bumble bee costume was from last year, but because the Bee Movie is coming out, so the Bee is in!


A bumble bee is not a very good omen in a dream as most people associate the bumble bee with pain more then they do any other bee.


Its simple brain structure and superexcellent learning and memory ability provide a very good research model to neurobiologist . In addition , honeybees can also become a research model for immunity , hypersusceptibility , mental disease and longevity .


The result indicates that honeybee is the most ideal pollinator, and honeybee industry has played a vital role in maintenance of environment development and protection of ecological equilibrium.


It is indicated that chimozine is relative to the forming of peritrophic membrane and the den-sity of PMb determined whether Nosema Apis Zander can inject in the ventriculus epithelium.


Some important advances were made at beekeeping techniques and equipments, bee products, bee breeding, prevention and control of bee diseases and parasites, apicultural resources and bee pollination.


In the artificial rearing larval honeybee method, 1-day-old larvae were reared in laboratory and 0.1 - 100 ppm pyriproxyfen was added in larval food. A dose respondent effect was found in the larval development of the treated larvae. Results showed that 0.1 ppm pyriproxyfen reduced the eclosion rate of the reared larvae conspicuously, and 1 ppm pyriproxyfen reduced that 84.6% of eclosion honeybee appeared the condition of deformed wings. The 10 ppm pyriproxyfen treatment caused 53.8% melanic death in the pupal stage, and no honeybees succeed in eclosion.

在室内饲养幼虫方面,分别添加0.1-100 ppm百利普芬於幼虫食物中,结果显示0.1 ppm百利普芬即会显著降低饲养幼虫的羽化率,而且添加1 ppm百利普芬会有84.6%羽化蜜蜂出现残翅现象;添加10 ppm百利普芬则会造成53.8%蜜蜂在蛹期黑化而死亡,而且无蜜蜂羽化成功;100 ppm百利普芬则有50%蜜蜂在幼虫期死亡,50%蜜蜂在蛹期死亡,亦无蜜蜂成功羽化。

The results indicated that in the mountainous areas of south and west Anhui, there were 46 and 37 species of nectariferous plants, and the distribution density of Apis cerena cerena population was 2.01 and 1.95 colony·km~-2 , respectively.


更多网络解释与蜜蜂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


图 4 蜜蜂属(Apis)的进化系统在蜜蜂科中,蜜蜂属和无刺蜂属(Trigona)亲缘关系最为接近, 但无刺蜂更为原始. 黑腿无刺蜂(T. vichia)和黑腹无刺蜂(T.canifrons)的酯酶同功酶酶谱仅有一条主带,和黑小蜜蜂的情况十分类似.

Apis mellifera:西方蜜蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科

Crocisa emarginata 凹盾斑蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科 | Apis cerana 東方蜜蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科 | Apis mellifera 西方蜜蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂

Apis cerana:東方蜜蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科

Crocisa emarginata 凹盾斑蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科 | Apis cerana 東方蜜蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科 | Apis mellifera 西方蜜蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂


bee-killer 蜜蜂天敌,蜜蜂敌害 | bee line 蜜蜂飞行路线 | bee louse 蜂虱


蜜蜂基因组研究进展预览:蜜蜂隶属于节肢动物门(Arthropoda)昆虫纲(Insecta)膜翅目(Hymenoptera)蜜蜂总科(Apoidea)蜜蜂科(Apidae)蜜蜂属(Apis). 蜜蜂属的特点是,后足胫节上无距,巢脾由自身分泌的蜂蜡建造,群体生活,一群中只有一个蜂王,

西方蜜蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科:Apis mellifera

Crocisa emarginata 凹盾斑蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科 | Apis cerana 東方蜜蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科 | Apis mellifera 西方蜜蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂

萃熊蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科:Bombus eximius

Xylocopa phalothorax 灰胸木蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科 | Bombus eximius 萃熊蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科 | Ceratina cognata 南方蘆蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂



Bombus eximius:萃熊蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科

Xylocopa phalothorax 灰胸木蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科 | Bombus eximius 萃熊蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科 | Ceratina cognata 南方蘆蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂

Xylocopa phalothorax:灰胸木蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科

Xylocopa melli 曼氏木蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科 | Xylocopa phalothorax 灰胸木蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂科 | Bombus eximius 萃熊蜂 Apidae 蜜蜂