英语人>词典>汉英 : 蜜二糖 的英文翻译,例句
蜜二糖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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There are a few sugars that can not be effectively used by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in thedistillate of ethanol fermentation, mos of which are melibiose and cellobiose .


These two isolates presented typical characteristics of Streptococcus iniae with gram-positive cocci in chains, catalase negative and beta-hemolytic, growth under 10℃ and non-growth up 45 ℃, hydrolyzation of esculin and arginine, Voges-Proskauer, urease, and hippurate tests negative, fermentation of glucose, salicin, sucrose and starch, non-fermentation of arabinose, inulin, lactose, melibiose, raffinose and sorbitol.


MelA expression has been found to be melibiose-inducible.

蜜二糖存在时, melA 会被诱导而大量表现。

This is consistent with the physiological role of SacB. On the other hand, the genetic organization of the melA locus, which might be involved in melibiose utilization in B.

的嗜碱菌 Bacillus halodurans C-125,其可能与代谢蜜二糖有关的 melA locus,在基因组成或调控方式上,与目前在 Bacilli 中所发现的均不相同。

The conclusion can be drawn that many kinds of Lactic acid bacteria have been found in milk and dairy products in different areas, that some strains have properties of the good adaptation to temperature and pH living medium, and that other strains have the properties of using melezitose, melibiose and raffinose and so on.


The result demonstrated that mannitol was the best protective substance, followed by raffinose,trehalose and melibiose, L-cysteine, xanthan gum and glycerol showed slightly protective ability.


Galactosidase or melibiase is the enzyme of hydrolysising α-galactosis bonds, it is a exoglycosidase exist in nature widely.


Galactosidase can hydrolysis a -galactosis bond , namely it can hydrolysis galactosis complex of non-reductive ends binding α-bond, so it can hydrolysis oligosaccharides such as raffinose、 stachyose、 verbascose, et al. It also can hydrolysis heteropolysaccharide including α-galactosis bonds.


Lactose, melibiose, melitriose and galactose had inhibition against the activity but little effect of glucose.


There are two positive results, proton and sodium that has been reported previously, and three candidates including succinate, phosphate and melibiose that was found in this study.


更多网络解释与蜜二糖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


melibiose 蜜二糖 | melilot 草木犀 | melioration 改良


melibiose 蜜二糖 | melinite 苦味酸 | melissic acid 蜂花酸

melezitose; melizitose; melitose; melitriose; raffinose:蜜三糖;棉子糖

槲皮素 meletin; quercetin | 蜜三糖;棉子糖 melezitose; melizitose; melitose; melitriose; raffinose | 蜜二糖 melibiose


melexitose 松三糖 | meliatin 睡菜甙 | melibiase 蜜二糖


它是乳糖、蜜二糖(melibiose)、水苏糖(stachyose)、棉子糖(raffinose)等的组成成分之一. 某些植物多糖例如琼脂、阿拉伯树胶、牧豆树:附胶、落叶松树胶以及其他多种植物的树胶及粘浆液水解后都可得到D一半乳糖. 1.蔗糖蔗糖(sHerose)俗称白糖、砂糖或红糖.


melatonin 褪黑激素 | melibiose 蜜二糖酶 | meliot 草木犀

melibiose; melibioze:蜜二糖

melibiase 蜜二糖酶 | melibiose; melibioze 蜜二糖 | melcitose 松三糖

melitriose:蜜三棉, 棉子糖

melibiose 蜜二糖 mìèrtáng | melitriose 蜜三棉, 棉子糖 mìsānmián, miánzǐtáng | melting 解链, 熔解 jiěliàn, róngjiě


mellibiasa 蜜二糖酶 | melliferous (含)蜜的;蜜的 | mellifluous 加蜜糖的;流蜜糖的;甜的