英语人>词典>汉英 : 蜕变 的英文翻译,例句
蜕变 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
metamorphoses  ·  metamorphosis  ·  spallation

change qualitatively
更多网络例句与蜕变相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Taekwondo by the negative form of transformation, and transformed into an active form of absolutism on the grounds that is yes.


Accipitral renascence , it is the environment that a business fits internationalization actually, it is a natural decay, be a kind of new capacity build, still be among this process.


Those who knew Aerie as the frightened little girl in the circus would be amazed at her transformation.


This almirah that oneself collect coin forbids even family the little boy that meets, decay of all previous classics, can freely the ground gives hundreds 100 million dollars eventually now others was done.


The nature of the nuclear transformation could be firmly established: the aluminium atom, for example, captures the alpha particle and is transformed, after expelling the proton, into an atom of silicon .


This efflorescence of light is the equivalent of the final metamorphosis, which is usually represented by the gift of wings and flight.


The decay of enterprise oneself is finished in the process of promotion, exuviate ameliorated enterprise thoroughly remould oneself gets a new life, bad enterprise becomes decay " business food cycle " in the big eat with the most delicious others.


The study of enterprise transmutation and strategies bears the theoretic and practical significance.


Many species of insets undergo extraordinary metamorphosis,but none instill the same awe-inspring wonder as the metamorphosis of butterflies.


VOICE: We speak of a tadpole metamorphosing into a frog, or a caterpillar metamorphosing into a


更多网络解释与蜕变相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

decay product:蜕变产物

decay plane | 衰变平面 | decay product | 蜕变产物 | decay radiation | 蜕变辐射,衰变辐射

disintegration constant:蜕变常数

disintegration curve 蜕变曲线 | disintegration constant 蜕变常数 | disintegration chain 蜕变

radioactive disintegration series:放射性蜕变系

"放射性蜕变","radioactive disintegration" | "放射性蜕变系","radioactive disintegration series" | "放射性位移","radioactive displace ment"

disintegration, radioactive:放射性蜕变

正子蜕变 disintegration, positron | 放射性蜕变 disintegration, radioactive | 连续蜕变 disintegration, series

disintegration, spontaneous:自发蜕变

连续蜕变 disintegration, series | 自发蜕变 disintegration, spontaneous | 圆盘 disk


二十世纪初,拉塞福(Rutherford)和缩弟(Soddy)根据放射现象指出有些元素应该会发生蜕变(Transmutation). 若干年后,拉姆塞(Ramsay)从镭(Radium)的蜕变证实了这点. 经过几千年的周折后,我们对这篇文章开始时所提的问题仍然没有绝对的答案.

disintegration, photomagnetic:光磁蜕变

光电蜕变 disintegration, photoelectric | 光磁蜕变 disintegration, photomagnetic | 正子蜕变 disintegration, positron

transmutative reaction:蜕变反应;转变反应

transmutation 蜕变;转变 | transmutative reaction 蜕变反应;转变反应 | transparence 透明性;透明度

disintegration series:蜕变系<列>

disintegrator 解散机 | disintegration series 蜕变系<列> | disintegration scheme 蜕变程序图

disintegration series:连续蜕变

放射性蜕变 disintegration, radioactive | 连续蜕变 disintegration, series | 自发蜕变 disintegration, spontaneous